God's Words Bring Genuine Hope to a Hurting World
The worldwide onslaught of Covid-19 has opened the consciousness of many people to proper hygiene. Practices that in previous times have hardly become a part of daily routines have now become the norm in the midst of this pandemic — frequent handwashing with soap and water, covering one’s mouth when sneezing and coughing, and the wearing of face masks. As a television infomercial says, these are our first line of defense against Covid-19.
Taking preventive measures for the acquisition and spread of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria is something that is not really new. During the time of the Israelites, God instructed them to immediately bathe themselves and wash the clothes that they were wearing whenever they touched anything which had been classified as unclean.
Leviticus 11:28 (KJV) says,
And he that beareth the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: they are unclean unto you.
The animals that were considered unclean were the so-called scavengers. Examples of unclean animals were pigs, dogs, camels, eagles, and vultures. Back then, if any of these animals died and the Israelites carried or touched its carcass, the Israelites would take a bath and wash their clothes right away. They would also be considered unclean until evening. Others may ask what the wisdom is behind such an admonition. Primarily, it was meant for their protection. There is a great possibility that, upon touching or carrying the carcass of an unclean creature, some viruses and bacteria might cling to their clothes, and some might move or transfer to their skin without them knowing it. So to prevent them from acquiring any disease that could be caused by microscopic organisms, they were instructed to take a bath and wash their clothes at once.
We have to understand that during that time, the Israelites — including Moses — did not have any idea about microscopic organisms like fungi, viruses, and bacteria, and the dangers that such could pose to their lives. But to safeguard them from these microorganisms, God gave them specific instructions as to what they should do upon getting exposed to or being in contact with the carcasses of what had been classified by God as unclean: They should take a bath and wash their clothes immediately. That particular precautionary measure given to the Israelites by God is another proof that the Bible is an advanced book of science.
But unlike the Israelites, the present generation has a better understanding of viruses, their means of transmission, and the preventive measures that need to be taken — that is, before Covid-19 came about. It will be remembered that during its early onset, even health professionals were uncertain about how they should exactly deal with it because it is a new coronavirus and this is just the first time that it attacked humanity. And being novel, they have not yet formulated a vaccine that could at least neutralize its potency.
To this day, we can say that the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over as many countries have not yet succeeded in “flattening the curve.”
Many countries have imposed stiffer measures in order to contain the virus and prevent it from spreading. Mass gatherings are prohibited, commercial establishments are closed, and mass transportation, jobs, and classes are all suspended. The battle cry is, “Stay home, stay safe.”
While most of us are just at home, instead of idling, instead of spending the whole day with gadgets and gaming consoles, why not spend it on something more worthwhile — like reading the words of God in the Bible? Why not reflect?
This plague may still continue until who knows when. Like what was stated in Deuteronomy 28:59, it may be a plague “of long continuance.” Or, it may be stopped, with God’s mercy, if we will repent, turn back to Him, and abide by His will.
Each day we battle against stress, depression, anxiety, fear, and other everyday problems brought about by Covid-19 such as the lockdown, work stoppage, and lack of financial resources. We have tried every way possible in order to cope with this difficult situation. Sadly though, we have neglected to do the most important ones — to repent and turn back to God and read His words written in the Bible. In reading the Holy Scriptures, we would find not only enlightenment but also hope and comfort.
As it is written in Romans 15:4 (KJV),
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Genuine hope lies not in the promise made by any president of any country, or by anybody else for that matter because, most of the time, people give nothing but false hope. Genuine hope comes from the words of God in the Scriptures.
May we all find comfort and genuine hope in the words of God in the Bible. AMEN!