The Truth is the Truth — If it is the Whole Truth

7/08/2017 59 Comments

Divine instinct and salvation

I have [once] watched a segment of the famous “Oprah” talk show, and my curiosity and attention was caught when some of the audience members seem to have ‘cornered’ the host when they insisted that the only way to heaven is through the Lord Jesus Christ. What they are saying is ‘a’ truth.

JOHN 14:6 
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

The eloquence and the intelligence of Oprah manifested in her arguments when she said, “How about those people who have not heard of Jesus?”

Oprah was right after all. It just happened that she does not want to enter into religious arguments with her audience but what she is saying is reality. There are now countries, as in the past, wherein even the name of the Lord Jesus is not being heard—His gospel, not being preached. There are countless innocent people who die everyday in these places, who are not lucky enough to have a copy of the Bible or to hear the preaching of the gospel — the True Gospel. More so, there are countries infiltrated by false prophets preaching the false Christ and Jesus.

MATTHEW 24:4-5, 24 
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Oprah (middle) known as the “Queen of Talkshow”

Even if you have heard about Jesus, but the Jesus that was introduced to you is the false Jesus or the false Christ, and your religious leader is a false prophet, is there any chance you can go to heaven?

MATTHEW 15:14 
Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

It would have been better if you have not heard of Jesus than to believe in a Jesus or a Christ counterfeited by deceiving and lying religious leaders.

2 PETER 2:21 
For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.

Oprah asked the audience: “If you were somewhere on the planet and you never heard the name of Jesus, yet you live with a loving heart; you live as Jesus would have had you to live; you live for the same purpose that Jesus came to the planet… you cannot go to heaven, do you think?”

These are valid questions that require honest biblical answers that were ignored by the audience because of their lack of understanding of the Scriptures.

Biblically, there are those who have not heard the law, but will be justified.

ROMANS 2:13-15 
13 For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. 
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another.

There is a ‘divine instinct’ in human conscience and heart, parallel with the natural instinct that God has bestowed on our being. In occasions where a person did not have the opportunity to hear the law, but is doing the ‘things’ or the ‘essence’ of the law written by God in the heart of the human family, he will be justified or be saved; therefore can go to heaven. In fact, he may have greater chances of going to heaven than those who, after hearing the law — of Jesus, of God, and do have a copy of the Bible, but does not follow the law.

God is a God of justice, equity, unfathomable wisdom, and loving-kindness. Not so many preachers of our times know this. In fact, due to their ignorance of God’s wisdom, they have misled people to believe that only those who belong to their church will merit salvation or will go to heaven.

This was taken from a Catholic book entitled “Religion Doctrine and Practice”.

This is taken from the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) official publication entitled “Pasugo”.

It is idiotic to claim that while you have not yet reached a particular country, and have not preached about Jesus, and afterwards say that only those who belong to your church or group will be saved. In the Middle East, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), most part of China, India, in Africa, and in almost all continents of the globe, the name of Jesus is not known to billions of people and yet thousands of innocent and kind-hearted people die everyday. Is there not a way for them to go to heaven? The good news is: There is!

While it is true that Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life; No one cometh to the Father except by Him, it is true to those who have heard the teachings of Jesus. This statement is definitely ‘a’ truth but to those who have not believed because they have not heard of Jesus (faith cometh from hearing). Romans 10:17 reads, So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God… Is there no way for them to go to heaven?

1 TIMOTHY 4:10 
For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.

I want you to notice the phrase “especially of those that believe”. God, in His justice and omnipotence can save even those who were not able to believe or have not the capacity to believe. Let me give you irrefutable examples:

Babes and small children will go to heaven, although they have not the capacity to believe.

For every one that useth milk is unskillfull in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

MATTHEW 19:14 
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Reject the ‘limbo’ of the Catholic Church because it is nonsense and is not in the Bible.


  1. God is a God of justice, equity, unfathomable wisdom, and loving-kindness. - Amen!

  2. Thanks be to God for this words of enlightenment

  3. Thank God for the enlightenment thru Brother Eli. He gives answers based from the Bible. The only preacher today, who shows how very compassionate the God of the bible is. Most people don't understand that God is not cruel nor inconsiderate. If there is one who is very considerate, who longsuffers for people, That's the God of Israel, the God of the Bible. For being Him, for the enlightemment today, and for the preacher he sent in our dispensation, To God be the Glory!

    We miss you brother Eli. I hope God willing, to see you again, may it be here in the Philippines, or somewhere in the world.

  4. it is very truth, these wisdom are exclusively known by the people of God... ! to God be the Glory Forever!!!

  5. Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog.

  6. I also agree that "The truth is the truth if it is the whole truth", because anything that is half truth is not the truth. Thanks be to God.

  7. Thanks be to God, i pray to see you in person bro. Eli

  8. Salvation is open to everyone, that's Biblical.

  9. Perceived as intelligence entity by many...cant even argue using the word of God in the bible. As Mr. Controversy used to exhort.... "Read your bible its the a Love letter from God". Thanks God for having a sent messenger.

  10. Thanks be to God for the honest information Mr. Controversy! God bless those people who openly accept their mistake in believing that w/o their so called " Church " no one can be justified.

  11. Other religious organizations claim that they preach the full gospel. I doubt it! Their teachings are not even the piece of an iceberg when it comes to Christ's doctrines. Why is it so? ...Because what they preach is half-truth. What I've learned from the Bible through Bro. Eli F. Soriano is always overflowing. That's because he preaches the whole truth.

    Thanks be to GOD for this wonderful blog!

  12. Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog, Bro. Eli. May God bless you always. :)

  13. Bro. Eli..please write a blog about OSAS with emphasis on 1 Juan 3:6,9 at Efeso 2:8-9..madami po kasing kabataan ang nahihikayat ng paniniwalang ito..Salamat po sa Dios...

  14. Ang ganap na timbangan at panimbang ay sa Panginoon: lahat ng timbang na supot ay kaniyang gawa.
    Proverbs 16:11

  15. wow very detailed,Glory to God

  16. #TheWholeTruth To God be the glory!!!

  17. Truth It is... thanks be to God

  18. There are those who have not heard the law, but will be justified as stated in Romans 2:13-15

    I thank God for someone like Bro. Eli who became instrument for us to hear the truth.

  19. And the REAL TRUTH will set us all FREE! Thanks be to God for this eye opening blog. May God bless you always brother Eli.

  20. the name of Jesus is not known to billions of people and yet thousands of innocent and kind-hearted people die everyday. Is there not a way for them to go to heaven? The good news is: There is!

    I hope that this blog will reach opra and those who are misled by their leaders about the preaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Thanks be to God

  21. Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog about truth. I always wish it could reach more people.

  22. Salamat sa Dios! Sa Dios ang lahat ng karangalan at kapurihan magpakailanman!

  23. God Is The God Of Truth...So W;hat Can You Expeect From The True Preacher But Frankness And Boldnes from Je True Preachear Pf God Who Speaks The Truth Even People Hates Him!

  24. To God be the glory for his loving kindness, for another wisdom from sensible preacher in our dispensation.

  25. It looks like you can break the whole truth into pieces of truth in the Bible and can consider each truth still a truth in some particular instances but considering absolute truth, one must collectively gather each to discover the final truth just like what Solomon said, "the conclusion of the matter, everyone heard, fear God and obey his commandments for this is whole duty of man". This declaration has the final wisdom regarding salvation of mankind but most especially to everyone in the household of God.

  26. A penny doesn't change its value even if it is being held by a prestigious person. A penny is a penny and its value is essential to a dollar. "Truth is the truth - if it is the whole truth" Amen!!!


  28. John 8:32 says:And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free...Thank`s God for Controversyextraordinary for the truth keeps pouring into my being as I continue to follow it up with gusto and contentment in my heart.

  29. salamat po sa Dios ang ganda po ng blog...

  30. The Truth is always the truth if comes from the Bible..Thanks be to God! For giving wisdom to the messenger of our time...#TheWholeTruth

  31. Oprah should hear this sound explanation of yours, Bro Eli. Thanks be to God!

  32. The truth is in the words of Christ Jesus and is written in the bible. Let us heed of the truth.

  33. I pray Oprah and the rest of the show personalities will read controversyextraordinary to see the truth...

  34. This is a proof that our God is full of Mercy, and his love for us is eternal to give chance to less fortunate people who haven't heard his words. Thanks be to God. I hope Ms.Oprah can meet Brod.Eli to ask for more wit question :)

  35. It is written; the truth will be known sooner all later. Therefore let us remember to search for the truth and the wisdom there is in it.

  36. It would be nice if Bro Eli would be given a chance to become guest in one of Oprah's show. How i wish everyone will able to read this article. Thanks be to God..i am not blinded by the truth in the bible.

  37. I told my son; there is no other joyful and amusing thing in this world as we grow and mingle with society after having a particular identity of our own than being able to see and know the truth. It is written in the bible son and with the help of a true evangelist in the person of Bro. Eli you will come to know of the truth.

  38. Most people, especially those 'born again' fanatics say that Jesus is the only way to salvation. They are totally forgetting, ignoring, and unknowing that the Father is the saviour of all, regardless if one is a believer or not. God knows the hearts of all people. He knows whom he will save or not when that day comes. To God be the glory.

  39. Materially or spiritually the truth should prevail even as we live on the face of the earth.

  40. If there is no truth, the biblical truth, we have no reason to exist.

  41. Searching for the truth should be started by our younger generation as they are the next leaders of the land...

  42. It is written, the devil will always do something to confuse people and shadows the truth until they become slave of sin...

  43. The truth is truth a Million Thanks to GOD Bro. Eli for this very enlighten blogs from the scriptures

  44. Thanks be to God.
    Glory to God.

  45. Thanks be to God.The The Truth is truth

  46. Very well said again, Bro. Eli. Thanks be to God for this wisdom.

  47. The Unheard Truth... Thanks Be To God!
