Contradicting God's Truth: Why INC is not Sanctified

10/31/2015 370 Comments

In the midst of what is happening today with the Iglesia ni Cristo, it is important that we learn to distinguish what is true from what is false.

When the supposed victims come out to cry to the public how they had been treated unfairly, they end up saying they come from a true church. But we can always resort to God’s guidance from the Bible to learn what is truth. Let us go to the basics. Who instituted truth if not the maker of all things?

Let us first dwell with the characteristics of truth – God’s truth or absolute truth.

First, truth can sanctify. The best thing with truth is that it blesses the carrier and upholder of it. It purifies the heart. Sanctification is one of the things God’s truth is able to do.

JOHN 17:17 
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Second, truth is absolute. God’s truth is absolute truth. He does not lie because He cannot lie and it is "impossible" for Him to lie.

TITUS 1:2 
In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:

Third, truth has proper locations. Truth knows its proper place. It is with God, the Father, that is rightfully defined by the Lord Jesus Christ in John 17:17 as "Thy truth.”

It is also with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Apostle Paul said.

If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:

It is also with the Holy Spirit.

JOHN 16:13 
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.

The truth can also be in a disciple.

II JOHN 1:1-2 
1 The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth;
2 For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us forever.

For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.

Fourth, truth exists and never dies despite lies arising to cover it up. When one surfaces to reveal what he says are facts, another one comes up with a different version. But truth is there – known to the one who made us all. Take note that the opposite of truth is lie but which can never win over truth.

Fifth, but not the least, not loving the truth has a consequence: they shall be deluded who believe in lies or the opposite of truth.

II Thessalonians 2: 9-12 
9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Sixth, there is “gain” in turning away from truth but a woeful gain. One may reap material and physical profits, that in the first place is the reason why one turns away from truth and turn to lies. Ahead, I will tell you, this “gain” translates itself into punishment.

The Bible then indicates that there are "true pretenders"! They are genuine liars! They receive not the love of the truth but prefer the pleasures of unrighteousness. And for that, they are deluded into believing their lies. That is the sorry effect.

13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

While they may appear for a time as lights, like Satan, that light is not absolute because somewhere not perceivable by the simple, is great darkness! They may look like sheep, outwardly they really are, but something cruel is hidden!

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

JUDE 1:16 (ASV) 
These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their lusts (and their mouth speaketh great swelling words), showing respect of persons for the sake of advantage.

In sum, the Bible has pointed out two truths: One is absolute truth called "God's truth." The other is evil in the guise of truth and, in fact, evil – that the world knows as lie. Those who believe it, really believe it as “truth” out of delusion that God had allowed. Such is the nature of lie or “truths” believed out of delusion. Absolute truth and truth from delusion (lies) are directly opposite each other.

The public has been treated by “truth” from abducted ministers and the mother and siblings of the Executive Minister of the Iglesia ni Cristo who is Eduardo Manalo. These were denied by the INC spokesman Edwil Zabala and the INC leadership who voiced out another “truth.” Which is which now? What they are saying are directly opposite each other– and, for a fact, are not my inventions.

I may call expelled ministers of the INC as my "hostile witnesses" to the witness stand to testify to these truths! They are Isaias Samson Jr., former editor-in-chief of the Pasugo, and Lowell Menorca II, also a minister of the Iglesia ni Cristo.

Isaias Samson, Jr. claims being illegally detained.

July 2015, at Net25, station of the INC, Lowell Menorca, middle, claims he was not abducted.

Three expelled INC ministers ran to Department of Justice to seek help, claim lives are in danger.

October 2015, Lowell Menorca goes on YouTube after Writ of Amparo and Writ of Habeas Corpus were granted by the Supreme Court, claims first declaration was scripted. 

October 2015, Lowell Menorca tells all about abduction (Rappler interview).

Let us look into what they claim first: Are they really in the true church? If they were, why are these things happening to them?

Heavy Consequence 

As we have discussed earlier, not believing in truth has a heavy consequence: One is that one is deluded to believe in lies. God allows that because of the refusal to believe in what is true. The preference for the pleasures of unrighteousness comes from Satan, the father of lies.

II Thessalonians 2: 9-12
9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

And for that, the INC is very full of lies, but let’s focus on just a few assertions that are often repeated.

Expelled INC Ministers Samson and Menorca claim and do believe that they are in the true church, and that outside, no one will be saved. Is this true?

Sanctification not Working with the INC

We have earlier said that the first characteristic of truth is that it purifies the believer or the one who upholds truth. Contrariwise, the one who believes lies is deluded to believe lies as “truth.” There is pleasure found in unrighteousness that they enjoy. We can therefore say, where there is no truth, purification does not happen.

A Pasugo article written by Eduardo V. Manalo, the incumbent Executive Minister, says in the vernacular, “Hindi maliligtas ang nasa labas ng Iglesia ni Cristo.” Translated, it reads, “Outside of the INC, no one can be saved.” He wrote this almost 40 years ago, and therefore this doctrine of theirs can be said to have been taught for 40 long years.

 Eraño Manalo, second generation Executive Minister, says those outside the INC are “sentenced to the fire.” He had been preaching for at least 50 years or half a century before he died. With that length of time preaching false doctrines, imagine the many people he had deceived!

What these two Manalos are preaching for a hundred years directly oppose God who says He would want everyone to be saved. He did not say what these Manalo’s are preaching.

I Timothy 2:3-4
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

We then see both father and son, who lead the INC, reinforcing each other in their false doctrines to trap people to their fold.

Corruption of the Soul

Our issue here is not the abduction or illegal detention of these expelled ministers but their claim that they are witnesses to the corruption in the core of “the one-and-only-true church.” The one and only true church? How sure are they?

If at all, the corruption that Samson and Menorca should be talking about should not be focused on siphoning money by those they accuse (material) but about the corruption in the teachings of the INC. That is the core of the true church – the teachings. Then and only then will they be assured that they are in the true church. If the teachings are true, there is no need for anyone of them siphoning the contributions of their poor members.

Investigations Needed

Investigations of Filipinos about this group have long been overdue! It is high time for my countrymen to know, according to biblical precepts, what kind of churchFelix Manalo established in the Philippines.

Here is what I can say: A church claiming to be the "true church,” the "only one" at that, but being feared by its own ministers and members for what it can do to them, may paradoxically be true! It is the true church of Satan!

No less than the widow of the former Executive Minister, Eraño Manalo, who is the mother of the incumbent Executive Minister, Eduardo Manalo, fears for her life and the lives of her children – the very siblings of the incumbent Executive Minister! By just revealing their knowledge about corruption in the core of their church, they were expelled! Shouldn’t the expected reaction be one of knowing the truth – let them tell what they know, and conduct investigations?

Here’s the mother wanting to talk to her son but from reports, the son never talked to her for six years – or since Eraño Manalo died.

Is there biblical possibility that the INC is a "true church?" I believe there is none!

I did not take it lightly when on Philippine television these ministers of Manalo publicly said that they would welcome me at the airport when I come back home with their brother Amurao, a funeral parlor, to fetch me. Below is footage from Net25, the INC station.

Here’s the signboard of Amurao’s funeral service. 

Am Vindicated

It is not because of cowardice but to spare other people's lives that I decided - although with heavy heart - to stay away from my beloved country!

These INC ministers were mocking and maligning me, saying I am a coward, and must return to the Philippines to face the invented cases they filed against me in Philippine courts!

Even Catholic Apologists are challenging me to go back to the Philippines to face these (false) charges against me.

Now, I know better: I am vindicated by what is being exposed by these ministers and members of the Iglesia ni Cristo. If their very own peers fear the leadership, it is wise for me to feel the same - not only for my life but also for the people who care for my safety!

I praise the Lord for all His love, His justice, and His care!

To Samson and Menorca

Those who do not know the truth and not uphold the truth are not being sanctified. They are not being cleansed from their wanton pleasures.

They know no bounds such that they find pleasure in lies as encouraged by the father of lies. I can tell you, the INC leadership have invented all those false charges they filed against me.

A church that teaches lies to trap people into it is a pit meant for evil people. My hope for Samson and Menorca and the likes of them is that they may still strive to find out the truth. Over and above complaining about siphoned money, they should instead go up a higher level and examine their beliefs. The world is not too narrow that they cannot find the means to do it. Truth has proper locations.

To God be all glory forever! Amen!


  1. In our time where giving opinion is easier than providing insightful thoughts, thank God we have Mr. Controversy who does the latter. He loves dissecting religious issues and guides his readers about truth and deception so that no one is misled - all according to the Bible. These qualities are absent from Iglesia ni Cristo’s authoritarianism.

    Poor are the ex-INC ministers who, after all the troubles they underwent under INC’s turf, still believe INC is the true church. Such is the fate of Manalo’s subjects who are trained to shut their critical thinking off.

  2. Salamat sa DIOS sa pagsisiwalat ng bulok ng INCM. mga demonyo talaga and Sangunian ng INCM. mga Gobyerno ng Pilipinas gawin niyo naman sana ang hustisya huliin sana ang dapat huliin at ikulong dapat ang kailangan ikulong... ipakita niyo nmn na hindi kayo takot sa INCM.



  4. Another eye opener blog. Must share. Thanks be to God.

  5. To GOD be the Glory, ang mga araw ang magsasaysay ng katotohanan...Dios ang gagawa at sino ang makakapigil...
    Salamat sa Dios at may kasangkapan Siya sa panahon natin nagpapakita ng kalooban ng Dios para sa kanyang mga anak.

  6. Thank God. I also feel His loving kindness because of what is happening...

  7. no signs even of sanctification..instead members are strengthen with woven lies...

  8. It's truly the time to have people's eyes be opened to the truth.

  9. The INC members should read this ......

  10. covering up can never win over truth, no matter how other people tell lies

  11. another must see blog thanks mr. Controversy

  12. The INCM are not sanctified because the doctrines taught by their leader are lies! Thanks be to God for this very informative blog.

  13. The Iglesia ni Manalo group is using their power to lure people into their deceptive lies. Little do these people know that they are falling into their own damnation.

  14. Another great biblical blog from Mr. Controversy! More power #TheTruthCaster

  15. There is no biblical possibility that the iglesia ni cristo is a true church.

  16. Thanks be to God for another interesting blog...

  17. Leaders of truth are known to be on the frontline whenever anyone tries to inflict any lies on the truth he is upholding. Not hearing anything from the leader of INC regarding this issue is more than a verdict to me

  18. A truly detailed biblical narrative on the truth about Iglesia Ni Manalo. Nobody does it best but God through Mr. Controversy!

  19. All these INM's wrong doings just proves they are not sanctified!!!

  20. INC di po yan mababanal kasi pumapatay sila ng tao

  21. The ministers of the Iglesia ni Manalo group are the true cowards as they hide behind their power and money. True Christians were taught to love their fellowmen and not to cause any harm to anyone.

  22. What the INC experiences now is clearly not tribulation according to the bible.

  23. INC is not sanctified coz there's no truth from them. Thanks be to God for His mercy and calling to be in the right church.

  24. Glory be to god forever and ever amen

  25. What the INC experiences now is clearly not tribulation according to the bible. #TheTruthCaster #BroEliVindicated

  26. The scandals transpired in iglisia ni Manalo, it is the fulfillment of GOD prophesy in Jeremiah 30:20 I will punish who oppress them.

  27. Iglesia ni Manalo, a Church founded by man directed by man not appointed by GOD,
    Both he and his church not sanctified by GOD whose fruit of evil are manifest in their works.
    Thanks be to GOD for another eye opening blog of MrControversyExtraordinary for the enlightenment of the people being misled by evil preachers.

  28. Those things that happening in the iglesia Ni cristo shows that they are not the true church.

  29. INC is not SANCTIFIED but became more VIOLENT instead Teaching their members to make harm to NON-MEMBERS of their MAFIA sp. to those who will OPPOSE to their Beliefs.

  30. Truth exists and never dies despite lies arising to cover it up. INC files so many lies and fabricated charges against Bro. Eli who exposed their wrong doctrines and doings and now this religion do the same things to their very own people who exposed their hidden wrongdoings that even their own people fear for their life and the lives of their family which gave us an idea of what their cult can do to them which they said is the true religion...INC denies this allegation from their expelled ministers and refuting and telling another truth. On this turn of events surrounding the controversy behind INC‘s, an undeniable conclusion is that, their accusation to Bro. Eli is reverting back to them point blank, truly a Vindication!

  31. Those who do not know the truth and not uphold the truth are not being sanctified. They are not being cleansed from their wanton pleasures.

  32. All i can say is " To God be the Glory! " his word is true when the bible say we cant hide anything that will not be exposed wheather its good or bad. #TruthCaster

  33. But often, your hear the fanatic members say, "Klarong klaro ang turo sa Iglesia ni Cristo." I doubt if they even examine their beliefs since they were never taught to use their human will properly. It is removed from them for the sake of their "spiritual unity" -whatever they understand by that. They are being used without no thought being considered. Yet, they stay and claim the INC is the true church - without using their brains. What zombies!

  34. Bexause INCM is not the true church in the Bible

  35. ang kristo nila ay pwde daw magsinungaling.tama tlga cla ksi ang kinilala na ay yung nasa sa cockpit arena.

  36. God has already revealed who are the ones who are revealing the truth and the ones who are saying the lies. If INC believes they are in the truth, they should speak up, and clear all these issues, unless otherwise, they are LIARS. Their silence dictates it's true and these issues revealed who they are.

  37. another informative blog from Mr.controversyextraordinary.thanks be to God

  38. Time and again we have witnessed the many crimes INC has committed and continuously commits. Even when the evidences about the abductions is glaring, most of their members still choose to believe in the lies their leaders are concocting. Mr. Controversy is vindicated - the INC is not Sanctified!

  39. Hindi totoo na iglisia lang ni manalo ang maliligtas...Roma 2:13-14 Sapagka't hindi ang mga tagapakinig ng kautusan ang siyang mga ganap sa harapan ng Dios, kundi ang nangagsisitalima sa kautusan ay aariing mga ganap; 14(Sapagka't kung ang mga Gentil na walang kautusan sa katutubo, ay nagsisigawa ng mga bagay ng kautusan, ang mga ito, na walang kautusan, ay siyang kautusan sa kanilang sarili;

  40. "[...] Not loving the truth has a consequence: they shall be deluded who believe in lies or the opposite of truth. –– II Thessalonians 2: 9-12"

    Thanks be to God for Mr. Controversy X for explaining deeply the many types of truth and their opposites. As written in the Bible, as a consequence for denying and rejecting the truth, these people will be deluded––just like the current (and original) state of INC and its leader and members. Deluded. An organization founded by pure lies.

    Salamat po sa Dios for bringing this to light, Mr. CONTROVERSY X.

    To God be the Glory!

  41. Ang katotohanan ang pinakamahirap tanggapin ng mga taong malaon ng nabubuhay sa kasalanan katulad ng mga ministro ng iglesia ni Cristo.

  42. A chuch who do not mind to kill people's life is definitely not church of the True GOD!
    May the members of INM wake up and move out from there. Seek for the Truth!!

  43. "Fourth, truth exists and never dies despite lies arising to cover it up. When one surfaces to reveal what he says are facts, another one comes up with a different version. But truth is there – known to the one who made us all. Take note that the opposite of truth is lie but which can never win over truth." - this is what happening to INC-manalo, they are trying to kill the Truth by their "LIES"
    These Church (INC-manalo) will never be SANCTIFY because there is no "TRUTH" in them, they love "DELUSIONAL truth (LIES)"

    ¡gracias a Dios!

  44. This is in fact an overwhelming truth. How can a church be true if they teach lies? Thank God for this eye-opening blog from Mr Controversy! To God be the glory!

  45. Kung ano yung masamang paratang na sinasabi nila kay Brother Eli , bumabalik na sa kanila isa-isa. Wala kasing sikreto na hindi mabubunyag at ngayon isa-isa ng lumalabas ang mga masamang gawain nila.

  46. When there are can never be sanctified. Amen bro eli - Truth caster - truth itsrlf is our strenght...

  47. I fear for the complainants safety. I hope they'll win this case.

  48. Nthing with lies will never be sanctified.Amen bro eli.

  49. Sanctification not Working with the INC

  50. The church of Manalo has no truth therefore they will not be sanctified they are not deluded with all the lies their Executive Minister has invented. They invent lies, charging many false crimes.

    If INC has truth in them, they will not abduct anyone. It isn't holy to even abduct a person.

    Thanks be to GOD for another wonderful blog.

  51. Yes, indeed the Truth has proper locations and it will never be found in Churches claiming to be true like the Church of Manalo.

  52. Ang tunay na samahang sa Dios ang namamayani una sa lahat ay pagibig,pagpapahinuhod,pagpapatawad , kaawaan walang poot sa puso at iba pang "virtue" na turo ng Panginoong Hesukristo na taliwas naman sa katuruan ngINC ni Manalo na inihayag sa mga pangyayari ng kanilang samahan ngayon, Salamat sa Dios na may isang Bro.Eli na laging naghahayag ng katotohanan base sa BIBLIA. To God be the glory

  53. obviously inc not sanctified as now exposing all their lies by they own ministers, thanks for this blog mr controversy To God be the glory.

  54. Having a preacher like Bro.Eli Soriano is a very big blessing to us, and I believed that God will not allow anything bad to happen to him.We miss him so much, but we care for his life from those who want to bring him down...because there is no one like him who served God unconditionally.

  55. spirit of false prophet is Contradicting of GOD's truth like teaching of iglesia ni manalo.

  56. Having a preacher like Bro.Eli Soriano is a very big blessing to us, and I believed that God will not allow anything bad to happen to him.We miss him so much, but we care for his life from those who want to bring him down...because there is no one like him who served God unconditionally.

  57. It is impossible for them to be sanctified.

  58. Truth has proper locations, We see inside the CHURCH OF GOD in the bible...never in iglesia ni manalo..

  59. We will not see EVM go to the frontline to defend their LIES. They are used to doing things in the shadows (thus Diliman) and still they can stomach the fact that they pass themselves as the only true church … really disgusting.

  60. Indeed, its not about the alleged abduction and illegal detention case against their leaders. Its about their false doctrines trapping people and leading them to damnation. It would be more courageous for Menorca and Samsom to swallow their pride and tell the Filipino nation that indeed the church that they used to serve with their heart and soul is actually "a church of satan".

  61. Clearly vindicated Bro. Eli was! As if I am watching "Isang Araw Lang" (the movie). In the end, God's justice will find its way, and again we thank God for His wonderful works! To God be the glory! Amen!

  62. It only proves that bro.Eli is not running away from charges they accused's just because these EVil Man's camp are trying to get rid bro. Eli's life and he don't want to take chances that any casualties might happen. Finally, a revelation by former INC Ministers expose their evilness that confirms what kind of church they have been through. Thanks be to God for all His wonderful act..

  63. People who were "deluded to believe in lies" are the people who believed that all false accusations and charges filed by the Iglesia ni Manalo against Bro. Eli are true. It seems that these false accusations and charges are the things that they do, and we know they're still doing, inside their so-called "true church"... We are lucky and thankful that GOD wants us to witness his rightful vengeance (Jer.30:20). Thanks be to GOD!


  64. Maraming kategorya, ang katotohanan, at nakakalungkot isipin na sa dinami rami ng binaggit sa Biblia, ay wala kahit isang pumasok na papabor sa Iglesia na pinamumunuan ni eduardo manalo,hindi mo pwedeng sabihing malinis ang puso ng mga mamatay tao, ng nang-aapi, ng corrupt, ng nagtatago, ng walang galang sa magulang, ng sumisikil ng karapatan ng tao, ng nagiimbento ng kasinungalingan sa korte, ng rebelde sa lipunan, wala po akong makitang kalinisan sa kanila.
    salamat sa Dios at naintindihan ko ang kahulugan ng MALINIS.

  65. Thanks be to God for a very dedicated preacher God has given us , we loved and missed brother Eli so much , but we don't want his life to be danger from those people who wants to bring him down.Your always in our prayer.To God be all the glory and praise.

  66. Strive for truth . . .
    For lies can never win over TRUTH.

  67. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

  68. When a person speak of the truth it must ultimate period. But if you are saying that the higher members of your church is committing wrong, but would say your church is the true church then you are a liar and not telling the truth. This are the kind of leaders the INCM have established, double minded ministers. To Samson and Menorca, It is not yet late for you to realize that the church where you belong is not the true church and your leaders specially Felix Manalo is a false leader.

    Bro. Eli thank you very much for God given wisdom being bestowed upon you. God Bless you.

  69. Di sila sumusunod sa utos ng Bilbiya at sa Dios

  70. All lies from INCM, and more lies will be revealed. Thanks to Mr. Controversy and to this blog, exposing all the lies of Iglesia ni Manalo.

  71. The thruth is there – known to the one who made us all. Take note that the opposite of truth is lie but which can never win over truth.

  72. The Bible then indicates that there are "true pretenders"! They are genuine liars! They receive not the love of the truth but prefer the pleasures of unrighteousness. And for that, they are deluded into believing their lies. That is the sorry effect.

  73. The Truth will always prevail... very enlighting blog, thanks be to GOD!

  74. What INCM accuses of Bro. Eli is what they do and what they are.

  75. Very ironic! Mallorca was one of their council and he is not alone disclosing all the allegations.Evidences are available. Again I'm saying this is basic..As long they will not accept Jesus is Son of God then dilemma such this definitely continues revelations of hidden and misleading doctrines will be exposed.

  76. Most of INM members who are against the alleged corruption and irregularity that are happening right now think that is was all EVilM's fault. They are crying for the leadership of Erano Manalo.
    But they seem to have forgotten the fact that in was Felix and Erano have solidified the kind of spirit they all have. Which Eduardo is now administering. If these Ex-INM ministers and all INM members who have turn away cry foul against EVilM and sanggunian, they all must realize that such corruption are all rooted from Felix and Erano.
    Now that they are out of the INM, if they are really for the truth, they must find it outside of the box they used to keep themselves. Let us pray and hope that they will open their hearts to their co-victim, Bro.Eli Soriano.

  77. Please read this blog for your enlightenment. Thanks be to God.

  78. To God be all glory forever .......Amen!

  79. Talaga naman pong ang Diyos ay hustisya.ang dating ginagawa nilang di alarm ay nalalantad na. Salamat po sa Diyos at sa iyo Mrcontroversy

  80. Wake up, members of the Iglesia ni Manalo! We advise everyone to listen to the TruthCaster and be knowledgeable of the Truth!

  81. Gumising na kayo mga kapatid sa INCManalo mahirap magtulogtulogan. Salamat sa Diyos

  82. Indeed a very imformative blog. More power Mr. Controversy!

  83. Thanks be to God! I hope many people spend a little time reading this Blog and may God guide their hearts in finding the truth

  84. its God work revealing false church in our time

  85. Indeed false churches and preachers only exist because of MONEY and GREED for POWER such as the INC ni Manalo. It's about time to wake and listen to the true teachings of CHRIST!
    #TheTruthCaster #BroEliVindicated

  86. May these people (INCM members) find the absolute truth which is from GOD and not the deluded truth fed to them by their ministers.

  87. Truth has proper locations, Amen

  88. Thanks be to God for this very informative blog. Manalo will continue to hide in his closet.

  89. INC is the true church - The true church of satan.

    ‪#‎BroEliVindicate, #TheTruthCaster‬

  90. Sanctification makes us holy and destroys the breed of sin, the love of sin and carnality. It makes us pure and whiter than snow.
    This is proof that they (INC) are NOT SANCTIFIED.
    Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (John 8:44)

  91. INC is very full of lies.
    evm will never be on the frontline to defend their church... just keep on hiding, shame!!!

  92. INC is the true church - The true church of satan.

    ‪#‎BroEliVindicated, #TheTruthCaster‬

  93. Very impormative blog information about faith in God telling the true church and false church written in the bible...thanks to Mr controversy to God be the glory

  94. Truthfulness and all are facts you can conclude that inc is not sanctified.

  95. Thanks be to God!!! Hoping their members will accept the truth that INC is not the true church and full of lies. Whom you believe Manalo or the truth? God wants everyone to be save 1 tim 2:4 and Christ said love your enemies not to kill yoour enemies.. be carefull INC members maybe your serving the opposite of the truth ...the father of lies john 8:44
    To God be the glory

  96. It is clear.understandably clear that INC's doctrines are full of lies for their father are the father of lies. Wake-Up INC members! ...there's no harm in accepting the Truth and leave all lies behind. Mr. ControversyX tells us the Truth

  97. This is the truth.. Please open your eyes..
    More power Mr. Controversy.. \m/

  98. God has exposed the shame of INM, God bless you Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel! To God be the glory!

  99. The Fact that INC of manalo is one of the Evil church because of the Rotting leaders.

  100. You are what you said Iglesia ni Manalo. It was clea rly shown on news TV. Wake up wake up! Come to think about it.

  101. Sana magising na sa tunay na katotohanan si Menorca, Samson and other members of the Iglesia ni Manalo

  102. Another great biblical blog from Mr. Controversy! More power #TheTruthCaster
    To God be The Glory

  103. Manalo had deceived many people of his teaching about outside the INC are sentenced to the fire. Did they own the heaven? That's definitely not possible.

  104. truly hope this website can open the minds and hearts of those living in fear inside their manmade religions.Fanatism will never set one free but the TRUTH.Another mind opening topic from Mr.Controversy X.Thanks be to GOD!TO GOD IS ALL THE GLORY!!!

  105. HOPE this website open up the hearts and minds of people living in fear inside manmade religions and false christs.Another mind opening article from Mr.Controversy X.ALL GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!!!

  106. Behind of their formal white dresses... Is Lies! I suggest to all members of Iglesia ni Manalo to listen to the Truth Caster. And investigate are you in the true church or not.

    MATTHEW 7:15
    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    I can see your leaders cheating on you.

  107. To the members of Iglesia ni manalo its very timely to change religion..if you are not totally blind you will see this what is happenning in INC.very very very bad.

  108. To God be the glory! What a wonderful and informative biblical blog from Mr.Contrversy! To all Members of the Iglesia ni Manalo please listen to the TruthCaster.

  109. The INC church will never be sanctified, it was built on lies thus all the leaders are liars. Their gods are money and the father of lies. Many of the leaders are living in delusions, the same thing with that of the Binay family who are pathological liars, it is like you are seeing hell if you will see them talk to each other. It is very hard to imagine how they understand and appreciate each other when both parties are definitely telling lies to each other, then again, satan also has his way of organizing his army to impose rapport by making them think that they need each other and by sustaining them with lots of money and power which is heaven for them in this world they do not know that there is a true God that will serve them punishment they deserve sooner or later if they will keep on doing their wicked ways. To Mr. Controversy X you are absolutely the one and the only "iyong". Thanks and glory be to God.

  110. Amazing Blog! Hope this will enlighten the minds of INCM members. To GOD be the Glory!

  111. Wake up INC!
    Walang lihim na hinde nabubunyag.
    To God Be The Glory!

  112. Thanks for this informative blog mr. Controversy

  113. Iglesia ni Cristo inilalabas n ang kanilang mga sarilng baho....

  114. la iglesia dirigida por eduardo manalo no tiene amor ni por sus propios miembros, mucho menos por los de afuera de esa iglesia; ya no puedén ocultar mas sus maldades ya salén a flote

  115. With great conviction, I am with you Mr. CX that Iglesia ni Manalo will not be sanctified because of their lies on top of lies. They could be vehemently stacking layers of lies to continuously press down the TRUTH, but the force of God's truth is so much greater, and so will just spring back up and arise to sanctify His people!

  116. These people were not just an ordinary members ,but ministers.
    Not to mention, their leader's own household.
    Their credible allegations should not be taken lightly.
    These case should be dealt with, swiftly enough.

  117. Yes, let us be guided. The real issue is not about the abduction or related cases filed by Mr. Samson and Minorca against their leaders. Let our government handles the case. The real issues that their faith and their church are not true. I know that there is one that GOD has chosen. 1 Peter 2:9 which said, " but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a PECULIAR people; THAT YE SHOULD SHEW FORTH THE PRAISES of him, who hath called you out of darkness into marvelous light". One prominent character of a chosen church is being a PECULIAR People. Why? 1 Titus 2:14 which said, "who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all inequities, and PURIFY unto himself a PECULIAR people, ZEALOUS OF GOOD WORKS". Do you think that INCM fits the description of being chosen? Big NO! Purification and sanctification are a process that a true Church is undergoing right now. The evidence of this process manifests their interest to fulfill the task GOD had given them. Go around the world and find this church and leadership that manifest these signs. That's the true Church that the bible predicted. You will find there the true doctrine of GOD. Is it real? Yes, It is! I honestly invite everyone to the CHURCH OF GOD, international led by bro. Eli and bro. Daniel to come and visit. I don't want you to go around the world and spend more money. I can recommend a short cut via technology today to visit us to the websites on internet. They are spending millions of dollars to reach out more people that they will know the truth before our time ended. Don't tarry. The bible is real, and its prediction are real. May GOD be with you.

  118. Thanks to this blog for exposing the truth about Iglesia ni Cristo ni Manalo.
    The members of I.N.C. should really think about getting out of there quickly because IT IS NOT THE TRUE CHURCH.

  119. Thanks be to God for His justice. We are so lucky to have known the truth, and we wish the same for the expelled ministers and their families. Thanks be to God for Mr. Controversy X and his blogs.

  120. Obviously and undoubtedly, INC is not the true church in the Bible. Those who stay in there despite the uncovering of their darkest secrets may be just as wicked as the perpetrators. A life of oppression and abuse against others, and all sorts of deceit and iniquities is disgusting-worthy of punishment.

  121. Amen! Thanks be to God for having Mr. Controversy exposing the truth which we can't find anywhere else. To God be the Glory!


  123. May the truth open INC members' mind. Agree with mr. Controversy, Lies can NEVER win over the truth.

  124. to all INC start thinking wisely about your ministers and know the truth before its too late..

  125. Ang wala sa katotohanan at di ng hawak sa Katotohanan ay hindi na babanal . They are not being cleansed from their wanton pleasures.

  126. No need to waste your time in your wrong religion...Here is the true leader that sent by God in our perilous time...Please follow Mr. Controversy.

  127. Great biblical blog..To God Be The Glory

  128. Manalo vs Manalo. Sanggunian vs Ministers. 1 with EVM vs INC Defenders. WHAT A MESS! Just like what Mr Controvery said, not ours, not our invention. Certainly not the True Church.

    Waiting with patience , peace and trust in the Lord brings True Justice. Therefore is sweet for Bro Eli Soriano and for all of us. The Truth is the Truth, no Lies can defeat it, and in the end it will prevail. Thanks be to God our brother is vindicated.

    The truth? what they have invented and devised to destroy brother Eli, boomeranged.

    Nothing compares to the True Church. Its only a matter of time; all people will see the Work of God through MCGI...

    We continuesly pray that our Almighty Father protect you Bro Eli and Bro Daniel, as well as your loveones! To God Be The Glory!

  129. #TheTruthCaster
    More power brother Eli. WE LOVE YOU!!!

  130. can't argue to this. This is all truth! We have seen these! This is the reality!

  131. Iglesia ni Manalo... a church full of lies. The truth were revealed no matter how they tried to repair their damaged reputation. Killing is their way to silence those against them. And INCM is very good at it. Dead man tell no tales. So take care Mr. Menorca et al... May our God protect you and your family...

  132. A MUST READ BLOG!!!. Don't miss to read this... May God enlighten everyone...

    TO God be the Glory...

  133. The Fact that INC of manalo is one of the Evil church because of the rotting leaders.

  134. Thanks be to God!
    I hope my relatives who are members of the INC will see the truth

  135. Thanks be to God for this another wonderful blog.

  136. I thank God for giving us Bro.Eli, with him i freed my self and be able to know the truth. To God be the glory!

  137. If you smell, feel, heard and see something fishy, go out to your religion and look for another one! That is the true truthseeker!

  138. This greatly summarizes what kind of religious group the Iglesia ni Manalo is.

  139. Kailanma'y hindi sila naging sa Dios, dahil yung sa Dios hindi pumapatay yun, hindi malulupit yun, sana magising na ang mga miembro at huwag maging panatiko, magbasa po sana kayo ng Biblia, hanapin niyo po kung meron kahit isang kapatid sa mga naunang Kristiano na pumatay o gumawa man ng kasamaan sa kanilang mga kaaway sa pananampalataya, sure po yan ang sagot ay wala.

  140. hope my friends in INC will be enlightened by this blog...

  141. This blog is very knowledgeable and true, nothing but the truth,

  142. #BroEliVindicated
    Ang pqgbubunyag ng katiwalian at kasamaan sa. INCm

  143. The members of this church INC try to w-up and open your mine

  144. INCM members must wake wake up from their deep slumber. Be not fooled by false prophets, read this blog and be enlightened.

  145. open your eyes,members of iglesia ni cristo ni manalo,search for truth and save your soul.

  146. AMEN,,dapat mag isip2x nadin talaga yong ibang mga members ng inc.mababait pa nman yung ibang memebers nila,,sana kaawaan sila ng DIOS,,

  147. After reading this blog, I am more convinced that the God Almighty is a God of Justice. HE never fails to show the truth at the best time. I do hope more people will read this so they will be aware of the lies and deceptions of the iglesia ni manalo.

  148. No way to recover from this fiasco if these supposedly leaders to lead us to salvation will not accept that they are in the wrong religion - led by evildoers.

  149. Iglesia ni Cristo of Manalo members, open your eyes to the truth stop being fanatic of that (INCM) group!!!

  150. Probably more shocking truths to be revealed

  151. it is the right time to wake up.. incm members...

  152. The death threats, mothers & siblings of the leader who run for their lives, ministers who fear abductions & assassinations, a church that most people are afraid what they call THE TRUE CHURCH???

  153. I hope the members of the Iglesia ni Manalo will be enlighten in this blog. Thanks be to GOD forever.

  154. II Thessalonians 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

  155. #TheTruthCaster #BroEliVindicated

    Brother Eli has been accused by Manalo in different cases being filed against him.
    He is the frontliner of telling lies through his ministers.
    Bro. Eli Soriano were verbally abused by the Manalista, along with those fabricated defamations; is death threats in which the reason why Brother Eli won't be able to return to Philippines.
    Manalo & his ministers evil doing are now being hit them back. Perhaps, they are the truly evil doers against people.

    The newest blog of Mr. Controversy X helps to enlighten our minds about the secret being revealed against Manalo.

  156. Wonderful blog and really interesting.
    To God be the Glory..

  157. nahahayag na ang katotohanan. ano pa ang hinihintay ninyo diyan. kilos na alis na diyan.

  158. Inc members sana mabasa ninyo ito

  159. its really true that we really cant hide the truth.

  160. Wanna know how brainwashed are you by your religious self-proclaimed leaders??? Make it a habit to read Bro Eli' Blogs : )

  161. Blood is in their path, anger and hatred runs in their veins, willing to kill for the sake of their false belief. They are like their father, who's their father?John 8:44- the first ever murderer.

  162. Amen to this! To God be the Glory! I hope all of the INCnM members will be release from their delusions and seek the truth with God's help. To Mr. Samson and Mr. Menorca, I pray that you will be able to realize that the church that you are with right now is not the true church and will never be! You of all the members of INC should now know that a true church will never do such things that you've experienced. This blog is a must read blog. Truth shall prevail and to God be the Glory!

  163. I agree with Bro. Eli. The accused should not encourage their brothers in INC to run after material things. They should run away from that organization (it is not a church) and look for the truth and have a peacefully life.

  164. INM members open your physical and spiritual eyes for the glaring truth about your church!

  165. Keep on shouting the truth #TheTruthCaster!
    We're behind you allthe way! :)

  166. to God be the glory. i believe my church is the true church

  167. What i can say is INC is an institution of lies, bcoz it was founded in lies and their ministers if not all are liers bcoz they tell on their tv station that their god is a god who knows how to lie that's why God send them to strong delusions that they should believe a lie.Conclusion is they are not sanctified.God bless MCGI! To God be the glory forever!

  168. We are now witnessing the fact the the INC of manalo is really not of Gods Church. As the holy scriptures said that....This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

  169. members of incm, give room for truth searching outside ur church. its high time to see what kind relegion u are into. u are all being mislead by your leaders. they are only after ur money and benefits. they are very good in hiding with God's words and invented teaching to fool people. there are a lot of evidences now that proves incm is a false church.

  170. Manalo of the INC is the true fugitive.

  171. My dear friends in the inc manalista wake up ! i recommend to read the blog of Mr Controversy to know the truth with in your church . ....

  172. Come to think of it, the INCMs knowing fully well the character of their church found themselves in defense of their faith undermining the choice to get out and free themselves from the church tentacles - in admission that they are fanatics, no less.

  173. The truth shall be prevail!!! Thanks Be To God .

  174. What the INCM ministers are throwing at Bro. Eli all boomeranged on them. They said that he is a hostage taker. Now, look who's talking! Shame on all of you! Who's the hostage taker now?

  175. It's high time that the members of INCM to wake up and see the truth. I hope and pray that with God's help they will be able to see the true colors of their church.

  176. You all members of INC try to listen read here TRUTHCASTER wake up you still have time to search the truth. To God be the glory!

  177. Walang pinipili ang mga Iglesia ni Manalo kahit saan sila makarating handang pumatay kahit miembro nila. Tsk! Sobrang nakakaawa. #TheTruthCaster

  178. Amen..they should instead go up a higher level and examine their beliefs!!!

  179. i know for a pact that there are lot of members of incm are about do yourself a favor KNOW THE TRUTH read the Bible. refrain from the teaching and lies of your church. BAHALA NA NGA KAYO SA SARILI nyo !!!!!!!!!

  180. INMC members, there is no doubt that your church and your leader's teachings are all corrupted. You have to investigate now about your beliefs. The truth that you claimed is not the truth according to Mr controversy. Please read this blog to start with your own investigation to find out the real Truth in the Bible.

  181. #BroEliVendicated #TheTruthCaster: We advise advise everyone to read and listen to the Blog of Mr Controversy, very knowledgeable of the truth!

  182. Walang katotohanan sa iglesiang yan

  183. It's time to think for your souls of inc members.

  184. If there will ever be an award for an OUTSTANDING LIAR, the INCM ministers and officials will be top contenders. Okay,maybe Quiboloy will make it to the top ten. Great blog.

  185. The INC members must seek the truth, the higher level, not simply the corruption happening in their midst,but the religion they happened to believe. #TheTruthCaster
