True Marriage Needs No Show Money

7/17/2015 , 764 Comments

In the Catholic Church, marriage officiated by Catholic authorities is the only one acknowledged. Civil marriage is considered invalid.

Sacraments 101: Matrimony (2:00)

According to them “civil marriage” is not a true marriage.

While applicants do not pay for civil marriage, the Catholic Church requires a fee for their official marriage that makes it biblically invalid. As Catholic authorities invalidate civil marriage, the Bible in turn invalidates their official marriage. How?

Have I committed an offense in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely?

Everything sacred in the Bible must be given without payment. When it is paid, it loses its sanctity. The Bible gives many examples that should be given free since inherently the power to do it comes from God.

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

True marriage was instituted by God Himself. And everything that comes from God must not be sold or be paid for.

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

Can a marriage paid for with a considerable amount of money be better and more binding than the free and divinely instituted marriage taught by the Bible? Let us examine!

Marriage or giving a man a “help meet for him” was originally instituted by the Creator with the purpose of procreating a godly seed.

GENESIS 2:18, 21-24 
18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

GENESIS 1:27-28 
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

The first marriage, which is of the first man and woman, does not carry with it conditions, prerequisites, and prohibitions in contrast to later divine marriages.

Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

While later marriages have many do’s and don’ts, the first divinely instituted marriage emphasized only on “be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth.” Be fruitful means the couple, Adam and Eve, have to continuously reproduce their kind, while to multiply is to teach all of their offspring to do the same.

Multiplication cannot be attained without a multiplicand and a multiplier. The first couple served as the multiplicand while their offspring served as the multiplier, and the fruits of the multipliers serve as the products to fill the earth! It is in the intent of producing and multiplying of “godly seeds” that God instituted marriage. Same sex marriages cannot do so. Whosoever or whichever government or body that approved of same sex marriage, practically did not consider the divine intention of marriage.

There is a host of great things that a divinely instituted marriage can produce. From the physical, mental, and spiritual side of life, the marriage initiated by the Creator is unparalleled by any marriage invented by man!

Physically, kissing to the opposite sexes boosts their health and promotes their intimacy. Here’s an excerpt from an article written by Dr. David. E. Bratt of The Trinidad Guardian (4/13/2004).

The excerpt underscores the wonderful effect of kissing on hormones called oxytocin or the love hormone. The author also mentioned what kissing does to release adrenaline and dopamine, both resulting in feelings of pleasure.

There are also health benefits of sex in marriage. Take note that whenever marriage is mentioned, the universal meaning is the one referred to in the Bible - the heterosexual union – of man and wife that God had intended. It is not the one where a Catholic priest has become the symbol and where money is the enabler for the ceremony.

Here’s an excerpt from an article written by Carol Wagstaff of Christian ExaminerDotCom (9/4/2008) about needing to support [heterosexual] marriages -

Men and women who unite themselves to each other in a loving marriage have better heart health, healthier lifestyles and fewer emotional problems. Men and women who are happily married experience greater fulfillment and well-being than their single, divorced or widowed friends.

Having a partner in life is way advantageous in facing challenges. Even the Bible says for two are better than one.

9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

Biblically and psychologically, having a faithful sexual partner is like having another “you” that is perfectly consoling.

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Wisely speaking, a partner should not be considered “a better half” but a “better self.”

The Greek word used in the English translation “joined together” is:

From G4314 and G2853; to glue to, that is, (figuratively) to adhere: - cleave, join (self). What seals and glue the twain to be one is the power of the Creator.

And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave (proskollaō) to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh.

“What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” But how does God join or glue a man and a woman together?

For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.

In our dispensation, it is the law of Christ that obtains -not Moses’ law.

THE ACTS 13:39
And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

The law is for those under the law.

Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.

Back to the RCC not recognizing civil marriage, here’s a National Catholic Reporter that get’s stunned. Michael Sean Winters in “Pope Francis and Civil Marriage for Catholics” (1/14/2014) wrote -

My colleague John Allen reported yesterday on the fact that the Holy Father baptized the child of a couple who had contracted a civil marriage. And, as Allen notes, this is a pretty stunning development, one that, as I see it, entails several key issues of increasing depth and significance.

First, there is the strange canonical situation of Catholics who do not marry in the Church. Those marriages are not only considered illicit, but invalid. This has never made sense to me.

Marriage understandably concerns two people (a man and a woman) making a pact with each other with God as their judge. The laws of the land provide for civil marriages. As defined, civil marriage is a marriage performed, recorded, and recognized by a government official. Most people go for this in an effort to avoid expenses.

Since the RCC does not recognize civil marriages, does this mean some Catholic couples are actually unwed in the eyes of God?

Definitely, the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is not under the law of Christ. No law of Christ will apply to a church inventing its own doctrines and imposing sacraments with payments and monetary considerations!

For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Even if we do not fault the RCC for exacting toll on their members in order to get married, they are in dire straits for the following practices and tradition that they teach their people -

1. Bow down to graven images

7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,

2. Impose man-made doctrines and commandments like infant baptism with fee, confirmation, the use of rosary and repetitious prayers, use of the “sign of the cross,” and the like.

MARK 7:7
Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

3. Teach traditions contrary to the Bible such as: Mary being the “Queen of heaven and of the apostles,” Mary being a “Mediatrix,” “Immaculate Conception,” and many more invented honors that constitute slander against the person of the mother of the Lord Jesus and blasphemy against God!

TITUS 1:14
Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

Let us elaborate on the topic about Mary in our next issue of the blog because the Catholic’s devotion to her has drawn away the rightful worship to God.

God bless you.


  1. Thanks be to God for this article... An eye opener..

  2. Are we not learning?THink of that, from the beginning of your existence until the time of your death, RCC just getting your money. Thanks be to God there are true persons who exposing us this things so that we are not forever be blinded with false teachings by these false religion,calling themselves christians (as they claimed). To God be the Glory!

  3. SsDIOS I hope this is a wake up call to everyone who reads this!! 😊 😊

  4. Thanks be to God for this kind of explanation about confirmation

  5. Thanks be to God for a wonderful pronouncement of truth by Mr. Controversy.

    I believe that MARRIAGE is a not compulsory but it is voluntary and it is the foundation of the family is stated in 1987 Philippine Constitution:


    Section 1. The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development.

    Section 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the State.

    The primary objective of Marriage is to have a foundation in the family and stabilize the livelihood of anyone for the future as it is protected by the State.

    In the Bible, the primary objective of marriage is to have a Godly seed to have a community of Godly persons to serve God.

    Marriage should be sanctify in the sight of God without payment. The sanctification DOES NOT REQUIRED MONEY but required a UNITY WITH GOD. The sanctification of marriage is null and void if the payment is involved.

    In my own opinion, I rather to choose civil marriage than ecumenical marriage administered by Catholic Church because firstly Ecumenical marriage involves money while civil marriage cannot, secondarily Ecumenical marriage can't assures the stability and enjoyment of the couple permanently while civil marriage assures it by the protection of the law or so-called "THE DUE PROCESS OF LAW"

    ECUMENICAL MARRIAGE IS DIFFERENT FROM BIBLICAL MARRIAGE because the Bible tells that anything comes from God receives freely and will give freely.

    Marriage should be done by being faithful of the couple by faith, hope and love, trust, compassion etcetera.

    Marriage does not requires MONEY but requires WILLINGNESS and FAITHFULNESS in the sight of God.

    I do not believe that marriage will be done by money and that is against the law of God by Jesus Christ stated "Freely ye have received, freely give"

    Catholics must read the newest article of Mr, Controversy.

    Thanks be to God.

  6. Thanks be to God for this wonderful topic..
    To God be the glory.

  7. RCCs sacraments has a common denominator: Money. Whatever twisted explanation they may come up to it wouldn't make their invented doctrines right.

    Thanks be to God for another enlightening blog from Mr. Controversy

  8. Another eye opener blog for those who seek the truth about marriage and the biblical reason behind it...Thanks be to God for another bit of wisdom impart to us.

    Looking forward for another sensible blog to read and worth to share.

    To Godbe the Glory!!!

  9. Thanks be to God.. To God be the Glory...

  10. Thanks be to God for the insightful reading. We are really fortunate to have known the truth.

    This further helped me realize how twisted teachings are in a false church. Hope couples and/or other members of RCC would be able to read this. It would not only save them money but would also save their souls. :-)

  11. Wow!
    Your blog NEVER FAIL to amaze me!
    Thanks be unto God.

    Catholic MUST read this.

  12. An article worth reading! Thanks be to God for my "Better Self"!

  13. Bibliccally enlighting blog!!!

  14. Thanks be to God for this another blog that will make us think about the wrong teachings of rcc and other religious organization who ask money in exchange of their services.

    To God be the Glory!!!

  15. Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog, another eye opener for RCC members..

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Another divine intervention by the true God, the God in the Bible. He really wants us to be enlightened by all the non-sense and money-making doctrines of Catholicism. It's not yet late to come to your senses Catholics, please read this blog.

  18. This wisdom from the bible should be shared to all the people out there so that they may know that anything sacred according to the bible should be given freely. As they said "the best things in life are free" and marriage is one of them. Thanks be to God for another informative blog. Can't wait for the next blog go Mr.Controversy!

  19. Another informative blog. RCC's another income earner, that's why RCC do not want honor civil marriages. Thanks be to God Mr Controversy for laying biblical and scientific facts to this topic.

  20. Fantastic blog!!! Thanks be to God for having Mr. Controversy X, worth reading, full of knowledge and a must read by everyone especially catholics. To God be the Glory!!!

  21. A very enlightening article for an entrenched resistance to change. A wake up call.

  22. thanks be to God for this very enlightening explanations Bible- based. May the Lord always give you strength Mr.ControversyX to continue propagating the sound doctrine..and revealing erroneous teachings of false prophets nowadays.

  23. Thanks be to God for another truth that given to us through faithfull servants of God


  24. "Wisely speaking, a partner should not be considered “a better half” but a “better self.” Very true, very enlightening blog for all of us..To God be the glory!

  25. I hope everyone read this artice it is wonderfull an eye opener

  26. Very enlightening. I learned a lot here. It's a shame to be a Catholic. Priests never care about souls. They are one big moneymaking religious organisation. They mislead millions of people. Thank God He got me out of there. Marriage, once guided by the Scriptures, will be a way of salvation for you and your family. Thanks be to God! God bless you @BroEliSoriano

  27. an eye opener Blog!thanks be to God

  28. While applicants do not pay for civil marriage, the Catholic Church requires a fee for their official marriage that makes it biblically invalid. therefore, you have to pay to make your marriage real. what a silly practice of the catholics...

  29. Marriage is between two parties: a man and a woman who bind themselves to become one. Though it's done in civil is valid still. RCC doesn't recognize civil marriage a true marriage! Why oh why? They want it be performed in the Catholic Church for monetary considerations! True marriage specially under the doctrine of Christ doesn't need to be paid by money. Thanks be to God for a Servant like you Bro. Eli. May the Lord bless and keep you always.

  30. The Roman Catholic Church invalidates the civil marriage, while the Bible invalidates the Catholic marriage because of their requirement fee. There is no payment for Civil marriage, while the Roman Catholic Church charges a fee for their official marriage. What comes from God must not be sold or be paid for. Roman Catholic Church has defied and neglected these Bible verses like Proverbs 23:23, Matthew 10:8, II Corinthians 11:7.

  31. Indeed analytical it's a good thing that there is blog like this that will make you think.

  32. pwede pala yun.Now i know.from Philippines thanks Mr.Controversy for sharing to us a wisdom from the bible.To God be the Glory:-)

  33. Money is not the foundation of marriage.

  34. The Best Religious Blog ever. It's like the "Mythbuster" of most sects self interpretation of the Bible. The explanation is very scientific yet spiritual.Fearless and factual.These topics should now be on the center stage of TV documentary.Most biblical topics I've seen on TV was about unearthing remnants, tracing origins and even ancient scandals (which was not proven up to this day). I hope that this blog caught the attention of history channel or nat.geo. It's not about trend but a necessity

  35. Marriage really is a sacred vow to God, rcc device it to earn money, Good thing God send Bro Eli to enlightened us about this, Thanks be to God

  36. Thanks be to God for having a very wise man mr Controversy.
    To God be the Glory..

  37. Thanks be to God for having Mr Controversy. To God be the Glory..

  38. Thank God for this great utterance from your sent messenger.

  39. Thanks for this great article. Thanks be to God. :)

  40. Thanks be to God, hope many will be enlightened on this blog...

  41. Another pretense of RCC. Thanks be to God for this amazing blog,

  42. Most excited bout tackling Mary next blog, cos indeed the Catholic’s devotion to her has drawn away the rightful worship to God.

  43. Thanks be to God.... for this another enlightening blog

  44. Thanks be to God for another enlightenment. May ur blog open the eyes of the seekers of truth...

  45. Very Well Explained indeed, as u have said:Biblically and psychologically, having a faithful sexual partner is like having another “you” that is perfectly consoling. Thanks Be to God !!! #TheTruthCaster

  46. Thanks be to God for the enlightenment. May ur blog open d eyes of the truth seekers out there. God bless :)

  47. Amazing article!!! People must read this blog. Roman Catholic Church exercise their invented doctrines just for monetary purpose only... people must be aware of this... they just deceive their members. WE DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR TRUE MARRIAGE.

  48. Agree.. they are just making business out of it.

  49. Everything sacred in the Bible must be given without payment. When it is paid, it loses its sanctity.

    Great article!!!

  50. Another informative & enlightening blog from d nonpareil w/ regards to exposing fraud & controversies in religion..kudos to mrcontroversyX #TheTruthCaster

  51. The true doctrine of God is really an eye opener,
    RCC doctrine is just a wallet opener :D

  52. RCC is indeed not under the law of Christ. They offer their sacraments, like marriage, with fees which is against Christ's doctrines. RCC is totally a merchandising cult as explained by Mr Controversy on his previous blog:

    Hope this blog open the minds of their victims!

    Thanks be to God and to Lord Jesus for this informative blog. ^^

  53. Thanks be to God for yet another sensible blog. It clearly shows how ignorant they are of the Bible. They require fee for "Offiial Marriage" yet it says on Bible that preach the gospel of God FREELY, if I'm not mistaken free means free, it does not include payment whatsoever. And they consider civil marriage not a true marriage,it clearly shows that they're only after their money... Thanks be to God our eyes were open to their unfair, deceitful false doctrines. It's amazing how MrControversyEx brings up topic from previous blog and upcoming blog to really emphasize RCC's deceiving false doctrines which are contradicting to what's written in the Bible. Thanks be to God and Lord Jesus Christ!

  54. thanks be to God . its an amazing blog.

  55. Love for money drives RCC to conduct this service, otherwise they would not care whatsoever. Actually after getting the fee, they wouldnt care anymore.

  56. Thanks be to God for another an eye opener topic of Bro. Eli's blog.

    Everyone out there must read this most informative blog of Bro. Eliseo F. Soriano.

  57. Wonderful blog..informative & enlightening..Thanks be to God..

  58. Another blog of Mr. Controversy X exposed marriage in RCC which is not biblical, hoping they will enlighten you on this wonderful topic. #TheTruthCaster

  59. It is clearly that RCC doctrines is not true.. it's contradict what trully God's commandments.. thanks be to God we have bro.eli that convey what God's said.. freely thou receive, freely give to maintain the sanctify.. including doctrine about marriages.. very informative blog.. Thanks be to God.. be safe bro.eli with God's help.

  60. Consequently, they received the teaching of CHRIST give it to other doesnt need to pay.

  61. One of my Office mate took vacation to fulfill his matrimony of Marriage in Catholic Church despite he was already legally Civil married. I asked him why and surprisingly he was said "When I died and not receive the matrimony of marriage done by the RCC priest my body will not permit to enter in the church and my soul will be going to hell" I laughed... It is ridiculous doctrine of the RCC and shameful one. The RCC needs money to count and more money to comes in reason why they teach some foolish doctrines which no permitted by the Holy word of God. Thanks be unto God for having Bro Eli & Bro Daniel who teaches the whole truth and nothing but the truth according to bible.

  62. Roman Catholic Church wants to count more money reason why they enforce the Church Marriage. Shame on you RCC doctrines and Priest, Papa and the rest of the Organization. Read this blog and I am hopeful your eyes will be open.

  63. Logically, Mathematically and Biblically speaking, If TrueChurh = Free Wedding and RCC = Paid Wedding, therefore, TrueChurch is not = RCC. This is the inevitable Truth!

  64. Thanks be to God.Informative blog.I hope our Catholic friends and its members will read this blog.

  65. This BLOG is a must to read of all the RCC members. Marriage mustn't be paid for it is instituted by God. A well versed and biblically explained by a brilliant mind of a preacher sent by God. To God be the Glory!

  66. in latter days, God send messenger of His words; that was written 2,000 years ago.
    Bro. Eli is one of those elect.

  67. Tinanggap mong walang bayad, ibigay mong walang bayad. Thanks be to GOD for this article.

  68. Thanks be to God Mr. ControveryX for this very informative blog. Please keep on exposing biblical facts. GOD bless us always! Subscribed.


    MATTHEW.10:8. ;freely ye have received,freely to give.

  70. Amen! Sana mabasa ito ng maraming mga katoliko at mabuksan ang kanilang puso

  71. its all about money! RCC never cease inventing doctrines for money!....."walang bigong kilos na walang upa" wake up RCC members!
    we should learn to be biblical!
    Thanks be to God for this enlightening blog, an eye opener to all.
    love u br Eli.

  72. Amen! No to same sex marriage. Thank you Mr. Controversy for such a very enlightening blog.

  73. Love the blog by Mr. Controversy. Better self is more appropriate than better half. To all RCC, read and understand the truth. To God be the glory

  74. Another amazing blog bro. Eli. It's true my sister marriage in RCC spend lots of money for registered and ect...Thanks be to God

  75. Thanks be to God for another opportunity to read Mr. Controversy X's blog. #TheTruthCaster

  76. To all my RCC fellowmen, read and understand the truth hidden for many years from you. To God be the glory

  77. "Multiplication cannot be attained without a multiplicand and a multiplier." very enlightening! I had goosebumps here!!!

  78. Thanks be to God. Very informative and a must read blog!

  79. Thanks be to God for this another enlightened of this blog to open the eyes of the true seekers. OFFICIAL MARRIAGES, says in the bible preach the freely Gospel of God. Glory be to God...

  80. Thanks be to God...
    To God be the Glory...

  81. This only shows that catholic doctrines are meant for business and not for guiding people to follow God's will.

  82. Thanks be yo God..
    To God be the Glory...

  83. Many People (specially RCC member) do not know this thing until explained by Mr. Controversy X. Indeed an eye opener for those with open heart, may God continue to enlighten us trough this blog. #TheTruthCaster
    Thanks be to GOD!!!

  84. Another helpful blog intended to open the eyes of the misguided catholics..

    Come on catholics, what more do you want to hear?
    From infancy til death .... money down money down..

    Wake up!

  85. The best things in life are FREE! The worsts are the Sacraments FOR SALE of the Roman Catholic Church! #TheTruthCaster

  86. Its really very overwhelming that we are walking in the right track compare to those RCC who"s belief are really weird and not base to the bible. Such as this marriage that from them asking payments to receive the holy matrimony while in the bible is not like that. Thanks God for having such a true messenger from him in the person of bro Eli and Bro Daniel. That leads us to the right destiny.

  87. A Money Business RCC -- Don't get mad because its true.. The real Scriptures telling the truth and must be followed.. It's not how beautiful your wedding is, but it's based on how God combined the two. This is the real beauty of wedding.. Thanks be to God for this another blog..

  88. Thanks God for having Bro Eli and Bro Daniel and leads us to the right path. What a shame doctrines for RCC

  89. I hope this article opened the heart of the catholic , i hope they understand it.. thanks be to God for this wisdom.

  90. Wow! This is really an amazing blog. An eye opener to those searching for true Biblical doctrines. To GOD Be The Glory forever.

  91. Another interesting blog from the Truthcaster himself, the one and only Mr. Controversy...

  92. ... thanks be to God for another biblical blog, that will help to enlighten our catholic friends.

  93. Amen !Thanks be to God for wonderful blog:informative & enlightening blog from MR ControversyX.Gracias a Dios..

  94. MATTHEW.10:8. ;freely ye have received,freely to give.

    RCC read the Bible...It's very clear written in the scriptures..Thank's be to God...

  95. Marriage is uniting a man and a woman. MATTHEW19:5. It is not same sex marriage. And it is free according to the gospel of our Lord JesusChrist. MATTHEW10:8

  96. Tama po Brother Eli! Ang dami na pong naloko ng Katolisismo. Ang Simbahan ay naging Studio, na kailangan ng Bayad para may magbihis lang na banal banalang Aso at mga tuta: konting senyas at yan daw ay sa Dios na! Ang totoo, at hindi matututulan, ang daming Bongang Kasalan pero nauwi lang sa hiwalayan at kalunyaan, patunay na hindi galing sa Dios ang mga pinaggagawa ng mga Pareng Katoliko... At wala naman silang pakealam, infact ikakasal pa uli sa iba, pupunta lang sa ibang simbahan (kay daming Pera, hindi man lang online o real time ang monitoring nila) at doon gagawa ng 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and NTH time na pagkasal, at yan daw ay sa Dios??? Maraming nagagalit sa pictures na same sex marriage, dapat ang LALONG kagalitan yung mga hayup na nagkakasal! mga walang pakealam sa kaligtasan ng kaluluwa, bastat may pera lang ang simbahan. To all Catholics go out of this Satanic Cult, while there is time. We hope and pray that this blog reaches as many people as possible! May the Lord Keep you safe Bro Eli and Bro Daniel as well as your love ones. Thanks be unto God for another wonderful information! To God be the Glory!

  97. this is a wake up call to all of us, especially to those who have been fooled by these stupid preachers...
    read the bible, spread the news...
    Glory be to God!

  98. Marriage is sacred. Uniting of man and woman.Matthew19:5. It is not same sex marriage. And it is free according to the Gospel of our Lord JesusChrist Matthew10:8. Thanks be to God. For giving us mr.controversy.

  99. What a nice write ups, Thanks be to God for sending you with us Brother Eli. People from different nation who can read this blog will be enlightened by those biblical inputs you've shared & hopefully can escape with their false belief. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

  100. worth reading.,an eye opener.
    Thanks be to God😊👍🏻

  101. What a nice write ups, Thanks be to God for sending you with us Brother Eli. People from different nation who can read this blog will be enlightened by those biblical inputs you've shared & hopefully can escape with their false belief. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

  102. Thanks be to God for another eye-opener blog from mr controversy. Im very thankfull to have known Brother Eli. To God be the Glory

  103. RCC Marriage is INVALID!
    Another topic of Mr. ControversyX that will surely affect the BUSINESS of RCC, their Sacrament of marriage.
    Just to insist to the people that "RCC marriage is the one valid" (but ironically, RCC marriage is the one that is INVALID base on the Teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ) because of their love of money, RCC authorities have the guts to say that "Civil Marriage is invalid".
    Very interesting topic and very enlightening, thanks be to God for wisdom that He is giving to Mr. ControversyX - Bro.Eli.
    ¡Gracias a Dios!

  104. another timely and informative article... got a nice time reading, comparable to the articles in readers digest and much more, for it can lead to salvation.

  105. True Marriage Needs No Show Money: pope, priest, pastors, ministers, anyone who ask payment to anybody who wants to be married are really indeed grievous wolves who care only for money and not salvation of their members.

  106. Amen po kapatid na u po from lokal ng Al Ain

  107. Very informative & worth reading :) Congratulations Mr. Controversy !

  108. This is a glaring truth in the Bible. Thanks be to God!

  109. A lot of people spent/spend big amount for marriage but end up broken. A Marriage blessed by God will not end up broken.

  110. Very informative and worth reading. Congratulations Mr. Controversy! :)

  111. Any religion or church that accepts monetary payback from a sacred service of God, are considered as false church according to the Bible. Thanks be to God we have Mr. Controversy, who is always willing in exposing erroneous teachings of religions nowadays especially Catholic Church. Luckily, we are gone out already from the deceptions of priest and leaders of that organization. To God always be the glory and honor.

  112. How ironically the RCC says that free marriage which well supported by verses in the Bible invalid while theirs imposing marriage which requires fee is valid? Thanks be to God for this explanation of @MrControversyX to enlighten once more our mind especially those who were blinded by man-made doctrines of RCC. We hope that our fellow catholics out there have time to visit and read @MrControversyX informative blogs.

  113. Kudos to Mr Controversy! again, Catholic doctrines were proven perverted ! I am truly convinced that all doctrines and services that require payments are not in conformity with God's will and will never be considered holy according to the Bible! Thanks be to God and to the Lord Jesus Christ for this awesome blog !

  114. The truth shall set us free!This blog is an eye opener again to the wrong belief of RCC priest for them to gain money.I think the reason why they distructing their members for having civil marriage is, so that they will be the one to perform the wedding ceremony for asking payment.While the civil marriage is for free.Thanks be to God for sending us true preacher like Bro.Eli to kknow the truth in the Bible and saved us in wrong doctrines of false religions.Thanks to this wonderful blog.Hoping that many of our fellowmen specially
    the RCC shall read this blog!

  115. very nice in-depth analysis of biblically valid marriage and its objective and purposes. concrete ideas, lessons and principles about this matter are discussed well in a simple way, amazing! thanks be to God.

  116. Amazing Article!
    To God be the Glory :)

  117. Another money-making strategy of the RCC....unbiblical and man- made!

  118. Xie xie! Thanks be to God in the name of our Lord Jesus. As always, your blog is very timely, relevant and informative.
    I know a lot, if not all, who paid for their marriage and sadly, they paid an enormous amount believing it was sacred in the sight of God. I pity them. I hope this blog could reach to them and to those future couples.
    I wish to read more blogs from you, if God permits.

  119. paid marriage with invoice what a shame.

  120. You can't buy True marriage with Money. CAN'T BUY ME LOVE. Thank You Bro Eli for this sweet BLOG :) <3

  121. indeed an eye-opener for every catholic out there!

  122. Thanks be to God for the another enlightenment blog! :)

  123. I Agree...
    the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is not under the law of Christ. No law of Christ will apply to a church inventing its own doctrines and imposing sacraments with payments and monetary considerations!

    Thanks be to God We have Mr. Contraversy that teaches the true Gospel and Doctrines of God!

    To God Be the Glory!

  124. The RCC doctrine of paid marriage is therefore is not biblical, thanks for sharing the contents of the bible,enlightening!

  125. Many people don't know that Marriage is free because it was God who initiated it. I hope many people will read this blog.

    Thanks be to GOD for this wisdom..... Thanks be to GOD Mr. Controversy. May God always bless you and keep you safe.

  126. Wonderful topic and glaring truth from the Bible!

  127. Unlike Roman Catholics Inventions, You don't have to pay money in the church to get Married. No Catholic wedding Rings, but a Christian Couples love "enduRing" Thanks be to GOD for this Truth and for sending Bro Eli Soriano

  128. Informative and worth reading... Thanks be to God!

  129. Thanks to Mr.Controversy for exposing the contents of the bible regarding marriage!

  130. RCC is after the money bec their doctrines are against the Bible.

  131. Another eye-opener for the RCC members to not believe in doctrines and services that requires fee or payment including marriage.Matthew 10:8

  132. inside the Roman Catholic Church involves money to pay for married,and the civil married does not.thas why says the civil married is not true...

  133. Thanks be to God for such wonderful wisdom coming straight from the bible ;)

  134. Thanks be to GOD for another wonderful Blog Mr Controversy

    I totally agree that the RCC are not under the law of Christ. They have invented many foolish teachings and doctrines that involve money.

    Marriage is sacred paying for it looses its sanctity. The law of Christ says that "freely ye have received, freely give." therefore marriage must not have any payments at all.

    Thanks be to GOD for another wonderful blog

  135. Thanks be to God... A lot of wisdom,
    Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

  136. Another wisdom of our God, To God be the Glory.

  137. Very true...RCC invented those doctrines about true marriage because of Money!!!...Thanks be to God for this wonderful Blog

  138. Very True!!! RCC invented those doctrines about true marriage, because of money...Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog!

  139. Thank you for the enlightenment Bro Eli Soriano.
    Thanks be to God.

  140. *Sigh*
    We are really living in a world full of SCAMMERS, and these RCC PRIESTS are amongst them!!! To make matters worse, they dont teach what they should but teaching (& doing) what they should not!!! No wonder, there are lots of broken couples that were married by RCC priests! Dont get married by them! They're just SCAMMING people, only after on their money, and not truly concerned on their salvation!

  141. Lets support our brothers and sisters in faith specially our leaders Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel appealing not only to our fellow country men, but to the people in the world "Let us be Biblical!". Thanks be to God for this article!😊

  142. RCC is only need their money,but the true teaching of gospel about marriage they don't know.

  143. Another informative topic. Thanks be to God!

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. What can we expect for wrong church like RCC?inventions,money making doctrines and lies...hopeless for members,but I believe that thru this blog,many shall be enlighthen.Thanks be to God!

  146. Bro. Eli, I find it very beautiful when I read in this article that a partner should not be considered a "better half" but a "better self". You are truly very sensible and full of wisdom coming from God! To God be the Glory!

  147. Thanks God for this awsome blog!

  148. Thanks be to God for another wisdom! Awsome!

  149. This article is an eye openner to those catholic being fooled by their priest!

    Please wake up and let us be sensible.

  150. I've learned a lot with this article mr.controversyX. A very educational blog in terms of real doctrines of Christ according to the Bible..You really inspired me to read more of your topics. Keep on writting mr.controversyX. Thank's be to God for this blog. To God be the glory! ‪#‎TheTruthCaster‬ ‪

  151. Indeed, everything that comes from God must not be sold or be paid for.

  152. it is time to open our mine.. wedding is important to a couple but if you do this in a catholic church it means nothing.
    its time to read this blog..
    Thanks be to God..its an eye opener to everybody.

  153. This blog exemplifies the RCC'S tyranny and manipulation of the CIVIL LAW which should not be the case. A church marriage should be a spiritual commitment to better oneself and not to have a better half since it should make you ONE. I have always believed that church marriages validates the legality of it since civil marriage is lame by itself for being a man's law and not that of God's.

    The fact that the RCC and all other churches charge fees to marry a couple, NOT TO MENTION THE LEGALIZATION OF GAY MARRIAGE... it already obviously defies the biblical doctrine about freely giving what you have freely received. But being the Roman Catholic Church as the most powerful human organization on earth....what is really free when a small bottle of a water a priest prayed on already cost more than a drink only because it's holy. Imagine how much the catholic would make if they prayed over the sea and calls it holy sea? That's more than any holy water you would need. And it's not allowed to drink it. Funny.

    This blog is so educational and informative. Thanks be to God for a Bro.Eli Soriano who exposes the inventions of the RCC which the world have embraced as a fact but is actually more of a fiction to me.

  154. Amen,,another wonderful blog must read by all seekers of truth,,thanks be to God for this another eye opener from Mr. God be the Glory!

  155. Thanks be to God for this new blog.

  156. Increases knowledge about the true doctrines of our Lord Jesus Christ


  157. Priests don't care how many times you enter church to get married with different partner.

  158. thanks be to God for this amazing blog!

  159. I was born a catholic, just like my parents, brother, and sisters. But even as a child, I always have a lingering question in my mind. I always question people praying and kneeling in front of graven images. Thanks be to God That now, I know how to properly worship God the Father and Jesus Christ. All the RCC's doctrines were never right, so you can expect this one regarding marriage to be the same.

  160. the bond of matrimony is not bonded by money but love.

  161. Thanks Be To God for another Blog Mr. Controversy

  162. The catholic marriage ceremony is just another money-making scam. The catholic church is so full of "spiritual felonies". Almost nothing comes for free. The sad part is, they don't pay taxes despite their income from fees and the wealth they amass. They don't report where their members' fees go to. Has any catholic couple ever wondered where their money has gone after they got married and got wed by their priests...? This article proves that the catholic marriage is just a sham, nonsense, invalid in God's eyes... To God be The Glory!

  163. An another glaring blog from Mr.Controversy, this gave us an idea how Religions in our days made by Man is not concern how people will be saved, but they only made it for their own benefit.

  164. Thanks be to God for this blog

  165. The TRUTH CASTER.. Cast d TRUTH again...

  166. Are there any other preachers out there who is not only concerned about spiritual things but also concerned about physical aspects of salvation? Thanks be to God! Enlightening! Let us assess everything and be open minded about changing "traditions" if that is what God has commanded.

  167. Thanks be to God for this wisdom.

  168. I say "Amen" for this amazing blog. Thanks be to God.

  169. Thanks be to God! Let's assure ourselves that we are married according to the will of God!

  170. Thanks be to God! Let's assure ourselves that we are married according to the will of God!

  171. Amazing Blog. Please be responsible to read this blog just to enlighten us what the real sense of marrriage

  172. sana mabasa ng nakaranas magbayad sa kasal.

  173. This blog alone is already full of wisdom from God! But there is already a promise of another upcoming article that will tackle yet another very controversial topic - - the Catholic's devotion to Mary. Abangan! :D

  174. many people spend a lot of money for thier marriage yet they dont know the thruth about real marriage that comes from the teachings of God..
    thier just wasting money

  175. things to learn - Everything sacred in the Bible must be given without payment. When it is paid, it loses its sanctity. The Bible gives many examples that should be given free since inherently the power to do it comes from God.

    MATTHEW 10:8
    Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

  176. Thanks be to God for the eye opening blog

  177. Thanks be to God for the eye opening blog
