A True Seeker of Truth is Ever-willing to Leave Ignorance

7/03/2015 414 Comments

Ignorance can lead to wisdom, and that is wisdom even unfathomable! It is wisdom that is deep, profound, enigmatic.

But it is wisdom that is certainly not for everybody but for those who accept truth! An example is Paul’s case. He was a persecutor before of the followers of Christ. He did it in ignorance, however.

Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.

Paul’s sincerity in learning the truth led him to know the riches of the wisdom of God. And more. God was pleased to introduce Christ to him. From there, he made up his mind not to learn from the teachings of this world. Hence, Paul’s wisdom turned exceptional and God-given!

GALATIANS 1:13-16 
13 For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: 
14 And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. 
15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, 
16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:

Paul’s co-apostle, Peter, gives cognizance to this fact. The latter acknowledges that there are things hard to understand in the writings of Paul because of the kind of wisdom given to him.

II PETER 3:15-17 
15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you
16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction. 
17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness.

Notice that Paul calls himself the least of all saints – a mark of humility despite his wisdom. He could feel the element of mystery in such wisdom that is not openly given to just anyone at anytime.

8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; 
9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

With such nature, this wonderful wisdom cannot be appreciated and comprehended by the wicked. And so what do they do? They pervert teachings from this wisdom.

This is exactly what is happening to Stephen “Steve” Shott and his peers. In the futile attempt of this Catholic priest to defend his baseless belief of baptizing infants, he asked if there is any verse forbidding infant baptism.

Here is an exchange in Twitter between Shott and a believer -

Shott implies that since there is no verse in the Bible forbidding infant baptism, the Catholic Church is correct. He also demands to be shown a command by Christ or the Apostles condemning infant baptism. As we earlier pointed out, Pope Benedict XVI declared ex cathedra that there is no Limbo after all. But Catholics still baptize their infants. It is very clear Shott prefers to ignore our argument, hence insisting on a verse.

If every prohibition is expressed in “don’ts” and “must not’s,” will man be unable to find his way? Will he not know his whereabouts? God gave common sense and logic to man. There is no excuse that he cannot find his way in this life – unless one is as willingly stupid and stubborn like Shott!

Let’s illustrate this with God’s prohibition of eating blood. Blood is a sacred matter in the Christian faith. From the time of the Israelites it is forbidden to eat blood.

And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.

The reason for the prohibition is this: Blood is sacred and does propitiation for the soul. It can turn away the wrath of God.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

Aside from its being sacred as given and described by God, we have now knowledge about the disadvantages of consuming blood for food. Here’s an excerpt from Live Science -

The strange fact is, blood, when drank, is toxic. When confined to places where blood is supposed to be — such as the heart, vessels, and so on — it is essential for life. But when ingested it's a very different story. Of course all toxins have doses, and just as a tiny bit of poison won't necessarily harm you, the more you eat or drink, the greater the danger.

Because blood is so rich in iron — and because the body has difficulty excreting excess iron — any animal that consumes blood regularly runs a risk of iron overdose. While iron is necessary for all animals (and indeed most life), in high doses it can be toxic. This condition, called haemochromatosis, can cause a wide variety of diseases and problems, including liver damage, buildup of fluid in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and nervous disorders. (Ref: http://www.livescience.com/15899-drinking-blood-safe.html)

Written by Benjamin Radford (9/02/2011), the question is about drinking blood, one may say, but Live Science underscores the effect of excess iron that can kill. Comparing bats and the human being, the latter has no mechanism that can extract too much iron from the bloodstream, the report said.

The bodies of animals that digest blood have adapted specialized digestive mechanisms. According to Katherine Ramsland in her book "The Science of Vampires" (Penguin Putnam, 2002) the vampire bat, "requires an enormous intake of iron, which helps make hemoglobin for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues. Yet the iron intake is generally higher than what the bat needs, so it has a special process for secreting the excess. When ingested, the blood goes through a tract that's adapted for extracting nutrients. Research on this system suggests that bats have a mucous membrane along the intestinal tract that acts as a barrier to prevent too much iron from getting into their bloodstreams." You, however, are not a vampire bat. Because humans did not evolve such an iron-extracting mechanism, drinking blood can kill us. (Ref: http://www.livescience.com/15899-drinking-blood-safe.html)

This wisdom can be perceived by just examining instructions given by God to His people, the Israelites.

As fats can cause a host of human ailments, logic and common sense dictate that blood also can. That is one reason it was strictly prohibited by the Lord for the Israelites through stern warnings using “don’t” and “mine” in the consumption of both!

LEVITICUS 3:17, 16 
17 It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood. 
16 And the priest shall burn them upon the altar: it is the food of the offering made by fire for a sweet savor: all the fat is the LORD's.

The Lord’s way of saying “Fat is not good for you” was expressed by these wise declarations: “The priest shall burn them” and “All the fat is the LORD’s.”

This Shott will never understand! In fact, he eats blood as if it is not prohibited for Catholics to consume such a sacred thing! Tsk! Tsk!

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

All the blood not eaten by God’s people were shed to allegorically and rhetorically figure the importance of the redemption done by the shedding of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!

THE ACTS 20:28 
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

This is the reason why up to the time of the New Testament, God through the Apostles and the Holy Spirit underscored four abstentions for God’s people: 1) From pollutions of idols; 2) From fornication; 3) From things strangled; and 4) From blood. Abstain! Refrain yourself from things unhealthy and forbidden! The Apostles were talking and from here, we can learn what a true follower of Christ must do.

THE ACTS 15:19-20, 28-29 
19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God: 
20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood
28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; 
29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well, Fare ye well.

We don’t read “don’ts” in the preceding verses, do we? “Animals strangled” means animals that died without the blood being shed. Thus logic follows that because blood is forbidden, a strangled animal which flesh is filled with the forbidden blood is also prohibited.

Here’s another wisdom that can be appreciated in this. Animals and fowls that die without the blood being shed may not be exactly healthy and may infect the consumer. The Department of Health warns against double-dead meat.

DOH defines "botcha” or double-dead meat as a livestock or poultry that have died due to disease, slaughtered and then sold fraudulently to consumers as “fresh meat.”

In an earlier statement, DOH spokesperson Dr. Lyndon Lee-Suy said that eating double-dead meat is hazardous to health because it may result to stomachache, diarrhea and even food poisoning.

According to the DOH, double-dead meat can be spotted through its pale color with bluish or greenish-gray tint; sticky consistency; foul smell; cold (meat has been frozen); hair and skin not properly cleaned. (Ref: http://balita.ph/2015/03/03/doh-warns-on-health-risk-of-eating-double-dead-meat-during-summer/)

Back to infants, nowhere in the Bible can we find that it is prohibited for an infant or even a child to be baptized – and for that matter - to be married, as part of the sacraments of the Catholic Church. None. So, is that why you do it to them?

According to the Modern Catholic Dictionary, the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church include baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, penance, orders, matrimony, and the anointing of the sick.

Note that these seven sacraments include baptism and matrimony. Following the senseless and stupid allegation of Shott therefore, it is rightful for him to bestow upon a baby the sacrament of matrimony! Stupidity at its pinnacle is the stupidity of Shott!

The Bible nowhere declares that you must not perform matrimony upon a child! But no normal thinking person will say “Show me in the bible that it is prohibited and I will not perform unto the child the sacrament of matrimony”.

There are admonitions without the “don’ts” and “must not’s” from where we can get wisdom.

38 So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better. 
36 But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry.

This is a glaring truth in the Bible but I doubt if Shott can learn anything from this!

Let me say this: “With all my heart I believe lovers and seekers of truth can comprehend the wisdom contained in this blog.”

More to come, God willing.

God bless you.


  1. the truth shall set u free... Thanks be to God!!!

  2. #TheTruthCaster #MCGIHappyThanksgiving2015
    This is magnificent, Thanks be to God for sending His faithful preacher.

  3. May our loved ones also find the truth.

  4. This illustrate more how ignorant the priest shott is. Though posing as a learned and very well- educated he can't comprehend this kind of understanding, surely because he doesn't seek for truth and lacks humilty.

    For all lovers and seekers of truth this is a treasure.Thanks be to God once again

  5. @FrShott, read this blog so your mind will be opened and you will stop spreading insensible and unbiblical ideas. @BroEliSoriano #TheTruthCaster

  6. Understanding the truth is quite easy when all the exegeses come from the Holy Scriptures and that is what every blog of @MrControversyX #TheTruthCaster

  7. Irrefutable wisdom and logic backed by the Bible! Another great read! I am truly inspired by these blogs -- the kind of answers you won't normally expect are the best!

    Three days of impeccable wisdom from the Bible at MCGI's International Thanksgiving to God PLUS this blog? I couldn't ask for more! :)

    Truly thankful for this wisdom, and for the humble vessel that is Bro. Eli. :) May God guide and bless you more.

    As always, I excitedly wait for the next installment, God willing! :)

  8. another well-explained topic from mr.controversy,,very excited to see more in the future..

  9. Very Nice Blog Bro Eli, ignorance well explained, its a choice to remain ignorant or not

  10. The title of the blog reminds me immediately of a person called Abu Khamr who loves to engage in arguments in defense of catholic beliefs. Although he himself is not a baptized-catholic for he has many doubts yet and he is clearly not willing to be under the authority of the priests specially the likes of shott. Although he admitted that he has a mind of his own, interprets the Bible and sees the Bible according to his own understanding, he profess to be a catholic believer and so he is into refuting all critics of catholicism. But as you can see in his pattern of arguments, he is never into any bit of willingness to come to a resolution. He just just loves to show off his capacity to debate to just about ANY subject. An eternal opposition and into an infinite arguments. He and shott are just exploiting each other on twitter. He uses shott as his means to get an audience, and shott uses him as a ledge when the priest is tired and sleepy from his evil works on twitter.
    I am putting this as a comment because like shott, they are both fueled by pride and by their deep cravings for recognition. Unwilling to see not even to feel the sense of wisdom Bro.ELi Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon are preaching. Instead of surrendering to glimmering Biblical facts presented, or least refute in a gentleman way, shott would rather post and repost slanders and defamation against Bro.Eli Soriano. He himself know that in his filthy heart, he is making up lies while the true wisdom of God is being spread by Bro.Eli Soriano.
    Ever-clinging to their pride and ever-believing that they know all, but the fact is, they are depriving themselves of the Biblical truths thus remaining ignorant.
    I remember clearly what Bro.Eli Soriano once told, we may never win all battles, BUT WE WILL DEFINITELY WIN THE WAR!
    And I am very proud that in this war, our generals are standing in front of us!
    Happy International Thanksgiving to all Members Church Of God International !!!

  11. thanks to to God For the wisdom He teach us.

    "this wonderful wisdom cannot be appreciated and comprehended by the wicked."

  12. If we follow Shott's argument, we wont find any verse word for word that taking methampetamine is prohibited, so therefore it is OK to take it! LOL!!! Maybe this priest is taking one, no wonder he is somewhat "high"!!! :-D

  13. "as a tiny bit of poison won't necessarily harm you, the more you eat or drink, the greater the danger." Consuming blood for food is scientifically and biblically would cause damages to our body. Dodging the fact is a clear sense of not accepting wisdom but their own understanding ; the only thing rightful to them is their traditions..

  14. Truth based, bible based, so true so sensible.
    To GOD be the Glory. Amen

  15. Mr. Controversy, I agree that Shott can not learn anything from this glaring truth in the Bibl... Salamat sa Dios!

  16. That is the problem with the Roman Catholic Church and its authorities, for them to justify their centuries old invented dogmas and sacraments. Hardening their hearts from what is COMMON SENSE (sadly common sense is not common in RCC). Making a complex concept or should we say an Anti-Christ concept like Infant Baptism. Clearly God and his guidance and his Spirit is not with RCC no matter how huge they are! Remaining a Catholic is remaining ignorant in the Words of God. I hope these Blogs may reach as many people as possible with the help and mercy of God. It doesnt matter if we are inferior in number compared to them, but we have hope in the promise of God, true believers will increase in number in these last days and we will see each other in one Body, inside the true Church of God in the Bible! Thanks be to God! May the Lord keep you safe Bro Eli Soriano and your love ones!

  17. Ang galing, ¡gracias a Dios!
    Shott will never be enlighten and never cherish the wisdom written in this Blog of Mr. Controversy - Bro. Eli, because he is intentionally resisting the Truth in the Bible.
    Just to defend his baseless belief like infant baptism, he definitely display his ignorance in the Truth in the Bible.
    Thanks be to God Bro. Eli....

  18. Steve Shott, despite his education and credentials for having masters in European theology, should have chosen ignorance over knowledge. Because ignorance could have lead him to find wisdom if only he is in the right faith and church like apostle Paul. But convenience can be a handicap sometimes. A catholic priest who makes good money from his parish and parishioners may not want a change of heart. Or should I say, a change of pockets.

    Thanks be to God for this blog.

  19. Mr shot is a fanatic person,he thinks of ways of dodging b.elis irrefutable biblical analysis. I pity this man but still hoping that his heart will be open

  20. Mr.Shott simply ignore question of @96kpong about baptism, instead of giving verse, he just answered it by asking a reverse question,implying he doesn't understand what is the doctrine about Baptism ...Thanks be to GOD for this wonderful blog

  21. That's the number one problem with the Catholic Church they are professing to be of God but in reallity they have their own doctrines like the doctrine of purgatory

  22. What is RCC? All I know is the Church of God in the bible 1 Corinthian 2:1-2

  23. Without question shott shots his stupidity and have reach its pinnacle. Another glaring, well explained reasoning by bro.eli soriano. shott and his peers cannot refute him ever. Thanks be to God!

  24. A true seeker of truth is ever - willing to leave ignorance! This blog is a real challenge to everyone who search for the truth. A person that is wise enough will leave ignorance once he seeks out the truth! It is your choice of whether you stick to your ignorance and leave it to stick to what is true, because the truth will set you free & leave the ignorance behind. Thanks be to God for keeping you Bro. Eli. You are truly a blessing to us!

  25. Thank God for another wisdom that #TheTruthCaster showed to us, God bless!

  26. Very informative and wonderful blog bro.eli. To GOD be the Glory!

  27. Very well explained.

    Everytime you write blog, you spread LOVE.

    Thanks be unto GOD.

  28. Shott, you are really ignorant of the truth - still defending your infant baptism even if it cannot be found in the bible....

    An informative blog!

  29. In accepting a faith, you must understand the real essence of it. Don't let someone force you !

  30. Only fools despises wisdom, please keep instructing us Bro. Eli, I appreciate every effort you exert in educating a person like me. Praise be God Almighty.

  31. To God be the glory,this is true and the truth are revealed by one true preacher.Thank you oh God for brought us here.

  32. #TheTruthCaster, Seeker of truth never fails to attain his will because God always guide him in his every steps.

  33. To God be the glory! This is true and the truth was revealed by one true preacher. Once more another well explained coming from the bible ,na minsan ay hindi ko narinig sa ibang mangangaral. Oh God thank you for brought us here and one of your servants.

  34. A true seeker of truth is ever-willing to leave ignorance.

    No wonder if Shott and his peers can't understand God's wisdom because it is not given to anyone at anytime. A wicked person can't understand, appreciate and comprehend the wisdom of God. Thanks be to God that Bro. Eli Soriano understands God's wisdom which proves that he is not a wicked person.

    To Bro. Eli Soriano, may God keep and bless you always as well as your loved ones. :)

    Hoping for many blogs to be published. :)

  35. Truly, Shott and people like him cant see the glaring truth in this blog, Daniel 12:10. Glory unto Thee,! #MCGIHappyThanksgiving2015!

    Thanks be to Thee for another blog, and for the wisdom we learned this Internaional Thanksgiving the #TheTruthCaster!

  36. Catch it, dont dodge it...

  37. If you are a true seeker, whatever cost may be, you will immediately leave ignorance, for the sake of your soul.

    Thanks be to God for this blog, and for the wisdom we learned in our International Thanksgiving, thank God for #TheTruthCaster #MCGIHappyThanksgiving2015

  38. Poor catholic priest, he does not fully understand what was written in the bible.

  39. this priest will probably say this in his sermon....

    Steve Shott: Parents, it's all right to have your babies married now if you want.

    Parents: What?!?

    Steve Shott: The bible nowhere declares that it is prohibited to perform matrimony upon them.. so it's okay

    Parents: you dimwit !!! (walks out of church)

  40. Salamat sa Dios sa panibagong Blog ni MrContovercyX , Makatotohan at may malaking maitutulong sa pag alam ng katotohanan at sa pagtuklas sa mga maling paniniwala na nakagisnan.

    SALMOS 119:160
    El principio de tu palabra es la misma verdad; y eterno es todo juicio de tu justicia.

  42. Thanks be to God for this blog.

  43. Baptizing infants is ignorance. Be a true truth-seeker. Leave the preacher teaching ignorance! Galatians 1:8

  44. Hoping this Blog of Mr. Controversy X serves as eye opener for those Roman Cathloic fanatic in their beliefs and which doctrines no basis from the Bible #The Truthcaster. Thank's be to God

  45. thanks be to God, with God's help we will share this to our friends, may they be enlightened

  46. To be conscious that we are ignorant is a great step to knowledge, afterwards d decision to leave..truly enlightening, truly Blog buster..

  47. I CORINTHIANS 7:38, 36
    38 So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better.
    36 But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry.

    Bro Eli clearly explained that there are commandments in the Bible that considers age like marriage and so in baptism, because baptism requires faith or the one's capability to believe, decide or use his free will. Thanks be to God for sending us bro Eli

  48. Bro Eli clearly explained that there are commandments in the Bible that considers age like marriage and so in baptism, because baptism requires faith or the one's capability to believe, decide or use his free will. Thanks be to God for sending us bro Eli

  49. Bro Eli clearly explained that there are commandments in the Bible that considers age like marriage and so in baptism, because baptism requires faith or the one's capability to believe, decide or use his free will. Thanks be to God for sending us bro Eli

  50. Shott must read this blog, and be amazed again!
    Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog!

  51. Steve Shott who introduce himself as a degree holder ironically an ignoramus when it comes to biblical truths, keep on insisting infant baptism. When we are going to follow his absurd arguments that we can do infant baptism because no verse in the bible where baptism an infant forbids, then it means we can also have infant marriage because here is no also a verse in the bible which forbids marriage of infants. I thank God for giving Bro Eli wisdom, and I also thank God for the opportunity to leave the Roman Catholic Church and be a member of the Church of God. To God be the Glory

  52. THANKS BE TO GOD for keeping an open mind & TO GOD BE THE GLORY

  53. The problem with the persons who are panatic is,even they found out that thier faith is wrong,they still stay in wrong belief,I pitty these type of persons.The right thing to do is:when you find yourself wrong,you must accept the truth,even if it's hard,better to be humble and accept the truth than to stay in a shameful & erroneous belief.Thanks be to God for sending faithful servants that brings light in darkness.To God be the glory!

  54. Thanks be to God for He continually give wisdom to brother Eli, hopefully they(Catholics) will open their mind after reading this blog,can't wait for a new one😊

  55. Thanks.be to GOD for another wonderful blog Mr Controversy if you're a true seeker of truth you'll absolutely leave ignorance just like Apostle Paul before he was a persecutor, blasphemer, etc. but he did it ignorantly.

    In the Bible, if something is prohibited doesn't need to have "do /don't"

    Thanks be to GOD

  56. Refusing to agree to the TRUTH will RECEIVE NOT THE WISDOM. Thanks be to God for this another enlightenment by #TheTruthCaster bro. Eli Soriano.

  57. One who is willing to know the Truth should leave Ignorance.

    I guess this will serve as an eye opener and will illuminate those RCC fanatics in their beliefs and which their doctrines have no basis from the Holy Scriptures.

    Thanks be to God for this wonderful Blog of

  58. Wonderful! Ignorance can lead to wisdom, and that is wisdom even unfathomable! It is wisdom that is deep, profound, enigmatic.

    Just open your eyes and realize the fool doctrines of Catholics.

  59. Very well explained by @MrControversyX of how to prove even if it is not written in the Bible that prohibiting infant baptism but by common sense & logic, infant baptism is not biblical! This really shows how ignorant this Sthephen Shott! But his ignorance is not like the ignorance of Paul who submit himself when he understand the will of God! Truly that those who are truth seekers are willing to leave their ignorance! Thanks be to God once again for this blog!

  60. To GOD be the Glory! for this wonderful blog...Happy PNK!

  61. thanks be to God!!!!!!!

  62. The difference between wise and stubborn is that wise (#TheTruthCaster/MrControversy) investigates and use all available given facts and truth to arrive in a conclusion, while stubborn insist on something based on vague and illogical arguments. FrShott ask for verse in the Bible that says infant shouldn't be baptised despite the very basis of infant baptism (limbo) has been declared by the pope as "does not exist". Stubborn or Wise? You decide!

  63. I love this blog and its writer! It's wonderful that God gave us common sense. However, it's unfortunate for that priest Shott to blatantly reject it!

  64. Thanks be to God for this wonderful & very interesting topic. May God opens the heart of our fellowmen. To God b the glory FOREVER!

  65. This priest and his colleagues will never be enlightened in the way they were interpreting the message of the holy scriptures. To them were the fulfillment of what the bible said in II CORINTHIANS 4:4
    In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

    Whatever amount of explanation you made for them never they will understand the truth for they were mind blinded and will just remain on their stupidity and ignorance of the truth. Unless if God will be merciful to them and open their heart and mind. Thanks be to God for continuously guiding Bro Eli Soriano and Bro Daniel Razon in publishing this blog for the enlightenment of many people specially those who's been under the deceit of false preachers. A DIOS SEA LA GLORIA y LA HONRA!!

  66. I hope Mr Shott takes a SHOT for CHANGE. If the talk is about my salvation and that change is Biblical (unlike Catholism's belief which iare baseless and non biblical) I would trash my pride and Embrace change, tried and tested of Truth.

  67. As the bible says many people will turn to fables like shotts

  68. Thanks be to God for new topic! Very informative.. i hope mr.shott can also understand this wisdom.. thank God for having bro.eli with us.. God bless bro.eli..
    Thanks be to God!

  69. This blog of Bro Eli opened the minds of many people who seek for truth. But still, there are lots of people who have minds like Shotts. They love to embrace stupidity & don't want to leave their world of illussions.Thanks be to God- I am a true seeker of truth & I am proud to be MCGI.

  70. Thank you for the priceless information you shared to us.

  71. To linger in Beliefs and Practices proven to be Biblically wrong is pointless.
    We should be humble and accept the Truth.
    Thank you MrControversyX.
    To God be the glory.

  72. Common sense, we cannot find any verse about infant baptism, and we never find also any verse or doctrines of Christ that we need to baptize infants! Non sense! its like Extra cleaning what is already clean! This is why i left Catholic, they are bunch of Story tellers and inventors and mis-shott.. Not so intelligent question, please rephrase the question such us; in what verse can we find the doctrine of how can we save or prevent our Children or infants to sins? or does the child still need to be baptize since there are no limbo:)

  73. This priest Steve Shott is dont want to understand. Forbid of infant baptism is not in the bible but also you cannot find in the bible infant should be baptized. What we can find in the bible repent and be baptized. Infant cannot repent infant has not committed sin. Sorry my english. To God be the glory!

  74. Let me say this: “With all my heart I believe lovers and seekers of truth can comprehend the wisdom contained in this blog"-Mr.Controversy. Now I know, Thanks be to God for this wonderful and helpful blog. Hope all the netizens can read this and understand its meaning. Again Thanks be to God HAPPY PNK Brethren:)

  75. MrControversyX speak with the strict sense of truth and basis from the bible. Very moral, logical, and sensible.

    What hurts is that others just ignore or the worst part is that they just oppose what MrControversyX is teaching.

    Tantamount to their firm adherence of ignorance and arrogance.

    May GOD keeps blessing this blogsite and keep illuminating people towards the attainment of salvation.

  76. In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

  77. To leave ignorance is to leave the catholic church. A true seeker of truth is ever-willing to leave the doctrines of traditions and anti-Christ teachings of my former religion. Our loving CREATOR rewards the seeker of truth, to mention one, an unparalled experience with the words of God. Thank God for the wisdom. Thanks for his mercy I have escaped from shott's church. Another incontestable reasoning from the bible of Mrcontroversy.

  78. Que maravilloso!!!Gracias a Dios!!!

  79. IGNORANCE is pardonable BUT if evidences both Biblical and scientific glare as the midday sun, the blind will continue to be blind. Thus, IGNORANCE turns into a worst adjective --> i.e. STUPIDITY.

    May the good LORD be always with the over all Servant to continuously expose the TRUTH. Kudos, Mr. Controversy X. Through you, we are becoming wiser even if we are not schooled in Harvard, Oxford Univ., etc. God's wisdom surpasses the worldly wisdom. Thanks be to GOD. To GOD be all the honor and glory, forever. ~ r_orbz

  80. Thanks bro eli for this blog, it enlighten our mind, please keep reading all the blog of bro eli we will learn a lot here.

  81. The TRUTH Hurts, but once accepted... as Bro. Eli said Ignorance can lead to Wisdom. May the God of the bible open the heart of all the people being mislead by priest like Mr. shott. Thank GOD for using Bro. Eli as instrument to expose the wrong belief of RCC and other denominations.

    To GOD be the Glory!!!

  82. Ignorance can lead to wisdom, and that is wisdom even unfathomable! It is wisdom that is deep, profound, enigmatic.
    But it is wisdom that is certainly not for everybody but for those who accept truth! An example is Paul’s case. He was a persecutor before of the followers of Christ. He did it in ignorance, however.

    Thanks be to God .

  83. A few hours ago, Brother Eliseo Soriano was asked if science contradicts the bible. Once more, Mr. Controversy replied without hesitancy. No, it does not. He then mentioned that God prohibits man to eat fat for it is only for offering to God, while doctors recommend not to consume fat for it is not good for the body. The blood should not be consumed by man for the blood of Christ was poured to save mankind. Science proved that blood is full of toxins. The bible says that babies should only be circumcised after the 8th day of the baby's birth, and Science states that a certain component in the blood which is necessary for the coagulation of the blood developed only after the 8th day. This and plenty more from Mr. Controversy. The Bible and Science compliment each other.

  84. Salamat sa Dios sa ibinahagi niyang aral, gamit ang kinakasangkapan niyang alagad para sa mga mabubuti niyang gawa!

  85. it's true that if you're really seeking for the Truth, you will have no problem leaving the lies behind because there is a Great God who can help you do His will, Thanks be to God for giving us brother Eli to teach us marvelous things of the Lord! To God be the Glory!

  86. this is another very interesting and wise blog from Mr.Controversy. to GOD be the Glory!

  87. What an ignorance of the RCC. They even don't know their own doctrine about limbo.

    To God Be the Glory! Amen

  88. Truth Can Hurt us and others but telling the truth is a duty- Bro.Eli Soriano
    Salamat sa Dios sa muling pagbibigay ng karunungan ng kinasangkapan ng Dios sa ating panahon para ipangaral ang buong katotohanan na nakasulat sa banal na kasulatan... another wonderful blog ..More to come To God Be The Glory (:

  89. I hope many people will read the Bible and understand it by the help of God and our lord Jesus Christ through Mr. Controversy!

  90. I hope many people will read the Bible and understand it by the help of God and our lord Jesus Christ through Mr. Controversy.

  91. Pagnakatopar ka ke pagkasabot asin karahayan dai na magpara-dowa dowa, guiboha dapat tolos. Dai na kamo mag-arog ke fr shott ta makasopogon baga. Salamat sa Dios ta nagka-gwa kita ke Mr Controversy na maliwanagon magpaliwanag.

  92. The truth will set us free but first it will make us miserable. Ignorance can lead to wisdom! it is really your choice if you will remain ignorant or not.. thankyou so much for another well explained topic Mr. Controversy. #WisdombasedonTRUTHispriceless!

  93. poor Shott, he can't accept the truth. The argument of Bro. Eli was successfully laid and thrown unto him but he just ignored it and didn't answer back to it. He know that the argument of Mr. Controversy was strong and clear and his was very illogical and not biblical. Common shott, Infant baptism is wrong and it will never be right by trying to stick to the word "Ignorance." The truth will set you free from Ignorance, listen to Bro. Eli. Thanks Bro. Eli Soriano for this stupendous blog!

  94. This blog is a real challenge to everyone who search for the truth. A person that is wise enough will leave ignorance once he seeks out the truth.Thanks be to GOD for telling us the True Doctrine of GOD.

  95. This blog is a real challenge to everyone who search for the truth. A person that is wise enough will leave ignorance once he seeks out the truth.Thanks be to GOD for telling us the True Doctrine of GOD.

  96. I do not believe on the quotations of man "Ignorance of the law excuses NO ONE" but I believe on what Bro. Eli's says "Ignorance of the law excuses SOMEONE" because Paul before he became an apostle of Christ, he was persecutor, injurious and blasphemer but he do it ignorantly that is why Ananias commanded Paul to baptize and cleanse his sins mentioned in Acts 22:16 after seeking Christ in the third heaven in spirit and giving unfathomable wisdom to him.

    On the contrary, Shott, a Catholic defender, on his ignorance, he still defend the ignorant doctrine about the infant baptism. It is not ignorance but it is STUPIDITY mentioned in Romans 1:22 because his doctrine is not in the Bible but he is trying to defend to prove firmly. How dare Shott is!!!

    In fact, when I was a child from ignorance to wisdom that I realize and continue to study he different fields in life such as Science and it's branches to prove the Bible's authenticity and the existence of GOD.

    To say that "Ignorance of the law excuses NO ONE" is not true especially in the law written in the Bible because ignorance can lead to wisdom if trying to find truth.

    Another wonderful pronouncement of truth from Mr. Controversy. Thanks be to GOD.

  97. If you're a truth seeker, you must leave ignorance, ignorance that makes you a fool. Thanks be to God for the opportune time, given to me. According to study that eating or drinking blood can harm our health, and it's been commanded to all Christians and in the time of Moises, it is only showing how great our Creator, which make us safe on prohibiting us on drinking or eating blood.

  98. I believe anyone in his right mind will wholeheartedly choose to accept the truth rather than keep his ignorance. This is the true wisdom!
    Thanks be to God for this understanding.
    Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift!

  99. If you're a truth seeker, you must leave the wrong teachings, ignorance makes you a fool. Thanks be to God for the opportune time, given to me. According to study that eating or drinking blood can harm our health, and it's been commanded to all Christians and in the time of Moises by our Creator (seeing that there was no scientific study that time), it is only showing how great our Creator, which make us safe on prohibiting us on drinking or eating blood.

  100. I hope Steve Shott read this blog, and enlighten his mind. And also those who believe in him. To GOD be the Glory!

  101. Thanks be to GOD for another great blog of Mr. Controversy.

  102. Very interesting blog of bro. Eli! Why stay in a belief that you know that it is wrong. The true seeker of truth is always ready to leave his belief if its wrong specially when it comes to bible and when we're talking about salvation. Thanks be to God for this informative blog of bro. Eli. I'm also seeker of truth and I'm proud to say that I found it in the teachings of bro. Eli. To God be the highest glory!

  103. Learning the truth will set you free and Learning God's wisdom will make you a better person.. Word of God is easy to understand if you have His Guidance..

  104. i follow apostol paul he follow Jesus leave his former religion, now i leave roman catholic church and join Church Of God which is written in the Bible 2 Corinth 1:1

  105. Shott's reasoning is that since it is not explicitly prohibited by the Bible, then it must be allowed.
    I suppose the vices of the new generation (e.g. drugs, cyber crimes, etc.) are totally okay for Shott. Wow.

  106. He is just sturdily protecting the wrong doctrine of RCC even become aware of the reality for the sake of her supporters not to extreme dislike @frshott and put him in shame.

  107. Shott's reasoning is that since it is not explicitly prohibited by the Bible, then it must be allowed.
    I suppose the vices of the new generation (e.g. drugs, cyber crimes, etc.) are totally okay for Shott. Wow.

  108. Obviously, Shott only got stupidity, which is directly opposite to God-given wisdom with a mark of humility. His pride, his ignorance are all in vain.

    Thanks be to God for this extraordinary blog that exposes centuries-old lies of the RCC. God-speed!

  109. Thanks be to God for the understanding that shared to us by these Blog. May we all realized how important for a person to be guided by the Word of God.

  110. Thanks be to God !
    May people open their hearts and mind so they will understand this !
    A true seeker of truth is ever-willing to leave ignorance !

  111. I should say that I was like Paul, because, I also do things ignorantly before. But, thank God I've found out the true church (church of God). Now I know that there are things such as "don'ts" and "must not's" which stupid Father Shott didn't learned from his church. From there seven sacraments there are baptism and matrimony, how could be a child be in the matrimony.

    - Thanks be to GOD For his UNSPEAKABLE GIFT.

  112. Let Brother Eli say this: “With all my heart I believe lovers and seekers of truth can comprehend the wisdom contained in this blog.”

    Thank GOD for the wisdom contained in this Blog, as a lovers and seeker of truth I will always be willing to leave ignorance.

  113. Catholic church long live with ignorance in the Bible. They will continue to do so because it's a business and sometimes a political control. To my Filipino countrymen, pls. wake up and read the Bible. Thanks be to God.

  114. Thanks be to God for the this wonderful blog to enlightened people to their wrong beliefs.

  115. To leave an ignorance is something one could be proud of. For the reason to be enlightened.
    And exactly!! you can attain sapience as long as you're willing to leave the so called "IGNORANCE"

  116. Again, very informative and awakening blog.

    Ignorance can lead to wisdom, and that is wisdom even unfathomable! It is wisdom that is deep, profound, enigmatic. -Mr. Controversy

    To leave ignorance is to leave the wrong doctrines. I hope my family also find the truth.

    To God be the glory.

  117. Thanks be to God! for another informative blog, even it’s very sad to know that many preacher in this time was able to teach lies, and nothing but implementing rules against in the wisdom of God, but thank God there is Mr. Controversy for exposing those. I hope that whoever read this blog, will open their minds to seek for the truth and nothing but the TRUTH!

  118. Infant baptism is not in the Bible.

    A true seeker of truth is ever - willing to leave ignorance!

    Thanks be to God for this blog.

  119. salamat sa DIOS for giving us Bro Eli,, astig!!!!
    simply irrefutable !!!!!

  120. The true seeker of truth is ever-willing to leave ignorance. I hope that the Catholic member and also to those priest who mislead the other enlightened thier mind.
    Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog.

  121. I must say that it is very alarming to know many people believe in such ignorance teachings. Thank you very much for this blog, which enlightens me to do the right things, and obey the true wisdom of God.

  122. The true seeker of truth is ever-willing to leave ignorance. I hope that the Catholic member and also to those priest who mislead the other enlightened thier mind.
    Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog.

  123. I must say that it is very alarming to know many people believe in such ignorance teachings. Thank you very much for this blog, which enlightens me to do the right things, and obey the true wisdom of God.

  124. As i know Shott is a well learned man. But how come that he didn't even understand what he's saying? That all his explanations was not acceptable and opposing what the bible says.

    If i were you Shott , instead of inventing nonsense doctrines and poisoning others people mind, you must keep silent and asses what Bro. Eli explained to you.!
    Perhaps you would be enlightened..

  125. Thanks be to God Bro. Eli for this new wonderful topic again..!
    I hope that later on that priest Steve Shott who is opposing you would realize that he is wrong!

    I always believe and i will never be tired of believing that you are true preacher of God!!!!

    To God Be The Glory..!

  126. Thanks be to God Bro. Eli for this new wonderful topic again..!
    I hope that later on that priest Steve Shott who is opposing you would realize that he is wrong!

    I always believe and i will never be tired of believing that you are true preacher of God!!!!

    To God Be The Glory..!

  127. Thanks be to God Bro. Eli for this new wonderful topic again..!
    I hope that later on that priest Steve Shott who is opposing you would realize that he is wrong!

    I always believe and i will never be tired of believing that you are true preacher of God!!!!

    To God Be The Glory..!

  128. Thanks God for another wonderful pronouncement from Mr. Controversy.

    How Shott's ignorance becomes stupidity on how he defend the defenseless and unstable doctrine about infant baptism.

    To leave ignorance is to leave the nonsense and unstable and erroneous doctrines like Apostle Paul when he persecuted the true church since he was in Judaism, he did it ignorantly but by the grace of God with him, he was given by God a manifold and unfathomable wisdom.

    I do not believe on what quotations of man says "Ignorance of the law excuses NO ONE" but I would rather to believe on what Bro. Eli's says "Ignorance of the law excuses SOMEONE"

    Thanks be to God.

  129. Throughout my life they taught us all lies. I am also one of those who had been ignorant of the words of God. Thanks be to God! Mr Controversy because you were right there to correct the erroneous teachings of Catholicism.

  130. A true seeker of truth is ever willing to leave ignorance. This is a wonderful blog. If Mr. Shott can't understand this blog then he can't be a true seeker of the truth. "Ignorance can lead to wisdom". I hope Mr. Shott would leave his ignorance and just accept the reality that what he believes is not the truth. Thanks be to God for this blog.

  131. If you really wanted to know the truth, you’ll immediately leave the ignorance, I hope that many catholic members and also their priest will read this for them to leave ignorance, we are lucky to have bro Eli as a preacher.. thanks be to God Mr. Controversy for this enlightening blog of yours :)

  132. All glory and praises be unto God, for such willingness and truthfulness, that no other preacher, possible to this time, had shared such wisdom because of God's intervening power.
    Thanks be unto God for the leaders Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon.

  133. Thanks be to God. A true seeker of truth is ever-willing to leave ignorance. Amazing and very enlighten information!!!

  134. Wisdom is only for those who accepts the Truth and for Mr. Shott, he definitely don’t have the Wisdom because he can’t even explain correctly the questions thrown on him. Learning the truth leads to the Wisdom of God and leaving the ignorance. Thanks be to God for this another informative blog Mr. Controversy!

  135. Seeking for the truth and finding the Wisdom of God is also leaving the ignorance. Hope that Catholic Church would be enlightened on their wrong beliefs and leave the ignorance where they are right now. Knowing the truth is knowing the right doctrine through words of God. Thanks be to God Mr. Controversy.

  136. Thanks be to God for this blog.I was enlightened..Thank you Mr. controversy..me too as a seeker of truth finally found what i've been searching for a long time..and willing to leave ignorance,,ignorance of truth that's been hide to us by false preachers of the catholic..to God be the Glory!!

  137. wisdom that is certainly not for everybody but for those who accept truth! It is true, lets always accept the truth, but not just accepting but also doing the truth. I hope priests and also catholic members was enlightened about this blog. Thanks be to God Mr.Controversy:)

  138. To God be the glory, thanks to God for sending us Bro. Eliseo Soriano

  139. To all detractors of Mr Controversy, this blog with full of wisdom coming from God may not be well appreciated by them. However, to the one who really is looking for the TRUTH will surely love this and crave for more knowledge. Mr Shott is truly blinded with so much pride and ignorance.

  140. blog full of knowledge AMEN !

  141. Steve shott ,can't see ,can't understand, is a dog

  142. Bible said "none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand"

    thanks be to God for another well-explained blog..

    Hope someday Mr. Shott realize that he is wrong.

  143. thanks be to God for this wonderful blog of MrControversy, proves that @FrShott is not a "truth seeker"..he is in darkness because he is refusing to accept the fact that in the Bible logically speaking those persons necessary to be baptized are have the capacity to know and to accept the truth while those infants have incapacity to do so. Poor catholic priest, his understanding was poor too because he was blinded to for ignoring the Biblical logics of @BroEliSoriano in his blogs. Well-explained in the part of @BroEliSoriano. To God be the glory.

  144. all those don'ts and must not are not written in the Bible it is the essence of wisdom that will let you understand about what is right and was is wrong. As what the catholic's Pope declared, Limbo does not really exist. Priests like him must know about the declaration of their own Pope. He must seek for what is the truth so that he will be no longer ignorance about the gospel. They must stop to deceive souls of many people who are also ignorance about what is truth.

  145. Such a good examples from MrControvercyExraOrdinary, no truth-seeker will ever refute that. The logic that Shott said about infant baptism is a shame. Truly Shott is a stupid in its superlative degree.

  146. Thanks be to God for another wisdom based on Truth! May God bless all people who accepted the Truth of God!

  147. Thanks be to God for this wonderful Topic.

  148. Bad Shott showed how bad the entire Priesthood & Catholic doctrines as well, which being taught to all their members to become benighted at all.

    PROVERBS 29:12
    If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

    However, We're so thankful to God he gave us light to find the truth with his kind & incorruptible instruments; Our beloved God's servants, Truth SeekerS and the Most Sensible Preachers at their times; Bro. Eli Soriano & Bro. Daniel Razon. To God be the Glory .......HappyPNKtoallthememberofMCGI.....

  149. Undeniably true, those who are seeker's of the truth will eventually leave their ignorance, how hard or difficult that may be.

    It was biblically proven from the Bible, a good example was Apostle Paul, a once persecutor of the church turned to be an apostle of Christ, eventhough how grave what he had done in the past, God still bestowed mercy on him.

    On this moment, in our own dispensation, the more we must reach out those who are ignorance of the truth, that they may enlightened.

    Thanks be to God, truly a message from our Lord that used Bro. Eli to make this blog. Glory to God

  150. This blog proves that Mr.Contoversy has a God given wisdom which other hypocrite preachers does claim....how funny they are isn't it?

    Nowadays, we can see those false preachers teach to gain money and to mislead people but I hope through this,their minds will open.

    This is worthy to read. Thanks be to God for he sent us Bro. Eli who seeks truth above all the ignorance of this temporary world...

    May all the honor and glory be to God.

  151. Mr.Controversy is ever willing to help us in knowing the truth but the choice is from us,let us not be hardheaded and stone hearted,. Now is the time that we should wake up in truth and leave ignorance!!

  152. Steve Shott's repeated again and again, his baseless traditions came from his misunderstanding through using without the context of scriptures. This belief is from RCC’s doctrines. So, since, when they are started of this regime in all aspects of, past generations until this generations. They're still lies and unaware in terms of Bible says. And them could make it a lie onto the large number of people according to their false doctrines. Cause God, blinded their hearts and minds to might not known the riches or unreachable wisdom of God, But this time Holy Book is prepared openly at exact time..., Which giveth to the man, non other than his named is Bro. Eliseo F. Soriano as a Mr.ControversyX a blogged maker as times goes by.
    I know that God He knew him, since from the bosoms, then he knew what the desires of his heart (also to do good), and command His will. Now, by the mercy of almighty God, he still continuing to give lights who are closer in the darkness of this world. And he is willing to leave the ignorance of poor priest regarding the 'salvation'. Therefore we found out the mysteriousness of God, can move pass this day, it will come it and near the end as a judgment day of our Lord Jesus Christ. But thanks God for this wonderful blog it was published to proved the Bible is True. Besides, because of they are unconscious from the truth as a truth caster should be having basis just for when we talk about spiritual matter.
    I was so amazed that all enemies of God, whosever cannot full down the foundation of truth, even if their aims are not pleasing to Him wherefore we seen the evil things that they still practicing the idea of this like false priest.
    But always remember that God says whose men can be added and minus in every words were written in this book (Bible) He added plague from his/her life. And who one will be deduct in this words which were written from the Bible. God He will take away from the tree of life based on the book of Apocalipsis chapter 22, verse 18 -19 and it says;
    18For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    To God Be The Glory!!!

  153. Back when I was a former catholic member,I used to follow what the priest have said and believe it by not thinking whether it is base on the bible but now I belong to the true Church of God. with all my heart I can proudly say that I'm Totally free and never be a slave of ignorance .
    Thanks be to God !
    To God be the honor and glory forever and ever.

  154. Thanks God for this blog and thanks God I am in the truth.
    To God be the glory.

  155. Truly informative and straightforward blog! no wonder shott and his cohorts will never agree with it, as the blog stated, true seekers of truth leaves ignorance! shott choose to be ignorant!

    1. Thanks be to God! Open minded Catholics will surely leave also.

    2. Thanks to God, I left Catholicism 16 years ago. Surelyopen minded Catholics will leave also.

  156. Thanks be to GOD for this wonderful blog, A true seeker is willing to leave ignorance.thank you Mr.controversyExtraordinary for sharing this wisdom,TO GOD BE THE GLORY....

  157. Very logical and full of wisdom blog!
    More power and may GOD bless you always po bro.Eli.
    We pray that all the truth seeker may read this.
    To GOD be the Glory!

  158. True enough that one can only acquire wisdom if he's willing enough to accept the truth. Even if sometimes the truth is contrary with what we used to believe in. But that's the reality of life, not because something was accepted as a truth by many, it's certainly one. Just like some of the religious beliefs and traditions being mentioned in this blog that were practiced by people who claim theirselves as Christian, but keeps on doing the things that are biblically forbidden
    So, if someone is really a true seeker of truth, he should and must leave the ignorance and the false knowledge once he found what he is looking for.

  159. A very nice blog..the true seeker of truth is willing to leave what is false and choose to be wise rather than to be ignorant.. I felt pity to Mr. Shott because to be ignorant. Thanks be to God for this blog.

  160. This Priest have a stupid mind .. he is a blasphemer, because his sayings have no strenght basis, he forcing the Baptism that's not approved by Jesus Christ. this man he dont understand the truth because the doctrine of his religion are incorrect. This blog mention the Ignorance of this priest .. Steve shott I hope you to enlighten by the words of God just Listen to Brothe Eli and Dont Ignore it. I hope also the coming days you agree with this. Quit and leave in your Stupid religion that the doctrine is false. If you Depends on your own faith .. you will suffer. Just Agree on it shoot.

    Thanks be to God in this Wonderful Blog !

  161. Steve Shoot, If you have a Bible just read it and understand what is the thought of the verses that have you read. make it senseble answer. and make it true also. because this blog shows to you that the bible have a many translation and many religion that's deny this. make it understandable answer shoot. Brother Eli Helps you out on your wrong religion and wrong faith. by the help of the Almighty God.

    Thanks Be to God !

  162. This blog is very informative, cant wait for the next issue. Go Mr.Controversy

  163. Very informative, there are lots of wisdom base on the bible

  164. Thanks be to GOD for very informative blog Bro. Eli clearly explained that there are commandments in the bible that consider age like marriage and so in baptism ,because baptism requires faith or the ones capability to believe or use his free will. Its unfortunate for that priest short to blafantly reject it! to GOD be the Glory for this wonderful blog...

  165. Actually, those recent blogs are supposed to be enough to enlighten Steve Shott. I no longer ask my self what is wrong with that priest guy, because the people who is really seeking for the true religion should be giving up their fake beliefs and accept what is really written in the Holy Bible. This blog was another enlightening one for those who think that baptism for infants is true, in fact baptism to infants was not allowed! In addition; Just wondering how long is he (steve shott) gonna keep evading the questions to him. Mr. Controversy, your blogs are getting more interesting!

    Thanks be to God!

  166. Thanks be to God. It is priceless to read this blog.

  167. very wonderful topic. Thanks be to God

  168. "Ignorance can lead to wisdom, and that is wisdom even unfathomable!" Thanks be to God for the another amazing topic. I hope it will serve as an eye opener to others.

  169. I am also one of those who had been ignorant of the words of God. Thanks be to God! Mr Controversy because you were right there to correct the erroneous teachings of Catholicism.

  170. In this informative blog of Mr Controversy we learned a lots of things and we know how are God was very intelligent to his creations and to show his compassion to us he commanded that we must eat fats or strangled blood .

    Therefore, as a true seeker we must find and observed what is truth and what is wrong so we must not only go the religion you want because a lots of religion establish of the people are Fake .

    Thanks Be To GOD to sending us Bro .Eli Soriano .

  171. Full of wisdom and information, that is how I would describe this blog. Once more I feel so lucky that God have sent Brother Eli Soriano to enlighten us with the truth of the Bible. But I feel sorry for Steve Shott because of his arrogance he refuses to see the the truth and remains ignorant of what is right. I invite all to read and share this blog and put your comments. Thanks be to GOD !

  172. There is no harm in seeking for the truth. Never allow yourself to wander in baseless beliefs. You'll never know the difference if you don't give some time to search and listen.

    I can proudly say that I am not ignorant, but a lover and seeker of truth! Thanks be to God!

  173. Biblically and scientifically true! Explanations of the truth from the Bible just got even more interesting since they are related to the scientific world which is also promising. Being frank is necessary for the truth to be exposed. I Thank God for another day of understanding His words through blogs by Bro Eli Soriano, detailed and precise as always. Thanks be to God!

  174. another eye opener blog to everyone,this is clearly explained by Mr. Controversy. this topic is not for Catholic only but it is also other Religion which is saying that they are in God but still they are not doing or obeying the True words of God which is written in the bible, ignorance is one of the factor why many people even priest walked in wrong way so reading a Bible and understanding it is the best way to meet the real God and of course you shloud accept it wholeheartedly. thanks be to God and no i am still waiting for the new Blog

  175. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men,to see if there were any that did understand,and seek God.Psalms 14:2


  176. Thanks to God, I left Catholicism 16 years ago. Surely open-minded Catholics will leave also.

  177. Another wisdom-filled blog by Mr. Controversy. Sad to say there are people like Mr. Shott who, instead of having an open-mind and accept the truth, prefers to cling on his idiotic reasoning which is way to far from the truth in the bible. Hope his followers are not as blind as he is and will eventually leave their state of ignorance.

  178. AMEN... Thanks be to God.
    Get out of the RCC, be open minded and accept the truth.
    keep it up Mr. Controversy with God help and mercy.

  179. superb! thanks be to God for the wisdom He has given His humble servants Bro Eli & Bro Daniel. ¡Gracias a Dios por su don inefable!

  180. To God al the glory!
    Thanks be to God for another wisdom

  181. Wow! Thanks be to God for another wisdom.

  182. it is truly Ignorance can lead to wisdom, and that is wisdom even immeasurable! It is wisdom that is strongly deep, very strongly felt, and full of mystery that is very difficult to understand. THANKS BE TO GOD for another worth-reading Blog Mr.Controversy! May God bless you always!
