Infant Baptism: Why Persist When There’s No Limbo?

6/18/2015 644 Comments

The concept of infant baptism to the Roman Catholic Church is a series of false doctrines knotted to form a whole which is that of going to heaven or not. It is tied to a place of no suffering after death called Limbo, “original sin,” and sprinkling of water on body parts especially the forehead – all contrary to what the Bible says. In the end as always, there is money paid. But there is no more Limbo as one brave Pope Benedict XVI pronounced. So why carry on with infant baptism? 

The reason why Catholics institute infant baptism is the belief that an unbaptized child will go to limbo. Limbo is supposedly a place where there is no suffering. 

And the reason why a child cannot go to heaven if not baptized is because of the doctrine of the “original sin.” 

And because it may be too risky for an infant to be baptized by immersion, the practice of pouring or sprinkling water in baptism was invented. 

Imagine, for convenience they are willing to disobey the sacred manner exemplified by Christ in His baptism.

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

If we meticulously study the history or the doctrines of the RCC, its precepts and practices, we will be traveling in time as far as the Middle Ages and discover that these invented doctrines and practices were instituted a thousand years after the death of the last apostle.This clearly defines for us through history that these are man-made doctrines! 

One invention was necessitated by another and so on and so forth. The pack of lies support each other. Thus, the Bible says:

TITUS 1:14 
Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

If we may notice, the Jews are the authorities for salvation.

JOHN 4:22 
Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

But the apostles, who were taught directly by Christ, set a limit on what a Christian must believe in and be part of his faith. That limit is that Christians must learn from the Apostles not beyond what was written. Repeat: Not beyond what was written.

And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another.

Logically and biblically, before the end of the first century, all Christian doctrines were completely taught and adhered to and practiced by early Christians. Although, the circumcision of a male child is a covenant between God and Abraham, the Apostles did not make it a necessary burden for salvation. They emphasized only four important doctrines as dictated by the Holy Spirit, excluding circumcision. These are abstaining from: 1) Pollutions of idols; 2) Fornication; 3) Things strangled; and 4) Blood.

THE ACTS 15:1-2, 19-20, 28-29 
1 And certain men which came down from Judea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. 
2 When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. 
19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God: 
20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. 
28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; 
29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well, Fare ye well.

Emphatically, the Apostles with the instruction of Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, practically and factually, omitted Old Testament practices of the Jews. This was to make Christians believe and practice only the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and not those under the Law of Moses.

THE ACTS 13:39 
And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

If even the teachings and the Law of Moses which came from God were nullified by the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles, how can we accept precepts, teachings, doctrines, invented by the Catholic Church that are “non-Jew?” Consider that Jews were authorities of faith and salvation but Jewish fables were commanded by the Apostles to be rejected by Christians!

TITUS 1:14 
Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

Let us focus on the inventions of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). Let us analyze scientifically, mathematically, and biblically their doctrine of the “original or inherited sin.” We begin with the three definitions of sin in the Bible: 

First, transgression of the law.

I JOHN 3:4 
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Second, any act not done in faith.

And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

Third, the knowledge of doing what is not good and the intentional inaction of what is good.

JAMES 4:17 
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

None of these definitions of sin apply to a child, especially to a newborn baby.

For every one that useth milk is unskillfull in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

The human society (Of course, not all are Catholics) believe that there is a universal consideration of age in evaluating what a human does or what is done to him. There is then universal human common sense when it comes to age! Veritably, Catholic priests do not have this common sense! 

Isn’t this what their doctrine of infant baptism over the years manifest? Despite the fact that Pope Benedict XVI, speaking ex cathedra, said there is no Limbo after all, they continue with their senseless baptisms. Here’s the meaning of ex cathedra from Oxford Dictionary -

Meanwhile, let us read these exchanges from Twitter where a Catholic priest grossly displays his ignorance about Baptism. Steve Shott believes that when Christ said, Go and baptize all nations, he did not refer to any age.This indicates the shallow understanding of Catholic authorities on the meaning and essence of baptism. 

A child is devoid of understanding if he is still a child. At that age he has no capacity for making any covenant with anyone, least of all God.He cannot understand yet what it is that baptism binds him to do. But Shott mentions Matthew 28:19. -

Matthew 28:19 (KJV) 
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 

Steve Shott was being asked if Christ ordered child baptism. Was he answering the question correctly? 

Being a child can be a “disadvantage”as when one is not allowed something like baptism (in the true church). But there are times it is an advantage as for example in what is referred to as infancy defense in crimes. His age protects him from being liable for crime on the notion that the minor mind is not capable of forming criminal intent.

Infancy is a criminal defense, descended from British common law, that attempts to disprove liability for a crime by reason of the defendant's very young age. Under the assumption that minors are incapable of forming criminal intent in the same manner as adults, the common law infancy defense traditionally bars the prosecution of children under the age of seven for crimes and presumptively precludes the prosecution of children aged seven to fourteen years under the adult criminal law system. Contemporary statutes in United States criminal law, however, hold that children in the latter age group are eligible for prosecution through the juvenile justice system. (Ref:

The original sin, also called ancestral sin, has Catholic origins. History records that “the concept of original sin was first alluded to in the 2nd century by Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons. At that time this Catholic Bishop was dueling with certain dualist Gnostics. (Ref: “Original Sin,” Wikipedia) Biblically speaking, the original sin of the original man was turning away his ears from listening to God to listening to his wife.

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

How can a baby have such “original sin”? The truth is, “SIN IS NOT INHERITED.” What sin our ancestors have done is not passed on to us. There is no such thing as original sin. The Bible assures us that the iniquity of the father shall not be borne by the son. God is just. As a baby, he has no sin at the time he is being baptized. Even if he sins, as he grows older like an unmarried like a Catholic priest, he won’t be able to pass anything down!!!

EZEKIEL 18:20 
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

How pitiful to think that Catholics, who possess many good things of this earth, would let their offspring inherit their sins! Is that a good thing to do – ever?

House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.

Adam, the original man, who committed “the original sin,” did not pass it to Abel.

By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

Abel was not baptized and so were Moses, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Baptism was instituted only by the Father at the time of John and the Lord Jesus Christ.

JOHN 1:31-32 
31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. 
32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

Although the Israelites were allegorically baptized with Moses in water and the clouds, baptism was not instituted until the coming of John.

1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 
2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;

If the doctrine of the Catholic Church that claims universal supremacy were universally applied, all infants and children since time immemorial that died without baptism would all be going to limbo! Imagine that! But Christ speaking of universal facts and spiritual truth opened the gates of heaven to all children of all dispensation!

MATTHEW 19:14 
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Of the more than 260 popes in the Roman Catholic Church, I consider only one having the guts to think and that is Pope Benedict XVI. He declared that limbo is non-existent and that infants and children will go to heaven without being baptized! Could this be the reason he later resigned or was forced to resign? Was he seeing through the errors of the Roman Catholic Church? If the doctrine of infallibility “ex-cathedra” is true, can it be that only Benedict XVI was speaking the truth about infant baptism and limbo, and all the more than 260 were wrong? For almost a thousand years they taught Catholics of the existence of limbo and original sin that may bar a child from entering heaven. 

I do not expect a logical and reasonable answer from Catholic priests. None of them can answer this because none of them can speak “ex-cathedra” – unlike the pope. I, therefore, expect an answer from a pope. 

The Bible is a complete reference for the doctrine of salvation.

II TIMOTHY 3:15-17 
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

In Christ, not even a letter of the alphabet is lost.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

When He said, “I am Alpha and Omega, he is also beta, gamma, delta, epsilon….” The fullness of things and salvation is in Christ for the Father is pleased that all fullness dwell in Him.

For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;

The book of Acts is a record of all Christian acts and faith - COMPLETE!

LUKE 1:1-3 
1 Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, 
2 Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; 
3 It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus,

THE ACTS 1:1-2 
1 The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, 
2 Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:

And it is evident that there was no infant baptism that was recorded in the Book of Acts. The foolish Catholic priest asked, “Where can you show me that the apostles forbade infant baptism?” 

Such a foolish question! But I am giving a logical and a biblical answer. 

The disciples, who have the right to baptize, baptized only a believing person, not an infant!

THE ACTS 8:36-38 
36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? 
37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 
38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.

We will continue these discussions. I have to park here. Expect more on baptism by sprinkling or pouring, and a broader depth discussion on original sin and other collateral matters. 

The reasoning of Shott - really a "bad Shott" - is that that there is no age mentioned in Matthew 28:19. That is not how to construe the Bible and its meaning. The verses are not islands by themselves. Did he read the next verse following it? We will prove biblically then beyond any shadow of doubt that there is a consideration of age in Matthew 28:19-20. 

More to come, God willing.


  1. Of all the inheritance, why would a loving parent transfer their sins to their child! Catholic authorities drag their members to believing in absurdity, yet, many educated and high profile members still bow down to weird doctrine! Such is the trickery of money-making infant baptism business!

  2. Thanks be to God! I hope Shott has the time to read this blog. May the Lord open his heart. Thanks be to God bro Eli for having the guts to expose such lies by RCC

  3. 2Pe 2:3 And in their desire for profit they will come to you with words of deceit, like traders doing business in souls..
    This what infant baptism is all about.

  4. Neither limbo nor original sin inherited by infants can be found in the bible so why persist? Very clear "moneymaking." Thank God again for a very informative blog.

  5. I have always wondered how the catholics continue to practice baptizing infants when they have revoked the teaching of limbo(which never truly existed). There can only one be one reason.. They cannot afford to lose an income generating practice.

  6. Bible Search

    Your search - limbo - did not match any documents.
    No pages were found containing "limbo". :)

  7. The kingdom of heaven belongs to infant and children, not to these idolaters insisting infant baptism for gain sake and an illusory "original sin" nowhere to be found in the Bible

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. RCC's doctrines full of lies. They persist infant baptism to make money

  10. As a mother, this blog really a heartfelt topic. my baby is so special to me and i dont want her being harmed from anything, specially thinking that she wont go to heaven if not undergo infant baptism.Now i knowi need not to worry about this Catholic invention-Infant Baptism.
    Thank you very much!

  11. I see no reason why Catholics should still believe in limbo. This article comprehensibly explained how Roman Catholicism have been deceiving people for generations! I call the attention of those who still believe in this kind of absurd doctrine. Please open your eyes and see how your priests and pope make money out of you!

  12. After the declaration of Pope Benedict XVI that there's no limbo, they continued on infant baptism and did not investigate:

    II PETER 2:22
    But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

  13. A VERY WONDERFUL BLOG!!! I hope all members of catholic church will read this. May God guide us. Thanks Be To God and To Our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN

  14. once again a very informative blog that should be read by catholics. thanks be to God he sent bro.eli soriano to refute this long time merchandising done by RCC.

  15. Thanks be to God!
    Definitely explains the truth. Limbo really doesn't exist!

  16. So they themselves know that baptism is by immersion and there there is danger in immersing infants in water.
    But instead of obeying the teachings of Christ, they twisted it.
    Now granting without accepting, if for example an adult born-protestant would convert into catholicism, will they then institute baptism by immersion for it is no longer a dangerous for him? Or will they keep what they have invented manner of sprinkling water to the recipient? I haven't seen anyone in the catholic church baptized the way Christ and the rest of the early Christians were baptized. My 2nd cousin was baptized in the catholic church when he was 14, and the priest just sprinkled water on his head.
    "Where can you show me the apostles forbid infant baptism?" Of course there is no such verse!!! BECAUSE DURING THE TIME OF THE APOSTLES, THERE WAS NO INFANT BAPTISM!!! Had ANY OF THE EARLY CHRISTIAN during the time of the apostles baptized infants, then prohibitions by the apostles will surely come! KING JAMES VERSION
    GALATIANS 3:19
    Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
    Evidences of the errors of the catholic church in this blog is overwhelming. I was baptized a catholic when I was a baby. I could not even remember a bit of it. I THANK GOD AND CHRIST JESUS, I was brought out of this satanic church of the priests and popes!
    Was I coerced to join MCGI? NEVER! Facts where laid down in front of me, I DECIDED IN MY CLEAR MIND THAT I SHOULD BE BAPTIZED IN THE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS!
    I am with Mr.Controversy in his cause of spreading the Gospel of God and Christ. For all nations to hear and be baptized in God's way. May God help me.

    1. Very nice and logical answer tito paz, I strongly agree with you that baptism was not meant for infants. Again Thanks be to God for another wonderful blog.

  17. People's should read this kind of blogs to enlightened the hidden lies of RCC..

  18. I JOHN 1:3
    That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. --- Clearly with this declaration, the Apostles have not seen nor heard Christ teach about Child Baptism. It's just a part of the Catholic Church's inventions.

  19. Very nice Blog again, hope catholic members realize limbo does not exist

  20. This blog will surely give light if you will read the bible

  21. Baptism for infant is just one of many make-believe that the RCC has formulated. Now that one of your own chief head confess about the fictitious LIMBO, why continue to carry out such erroneous practice. I hope this blog will open up hearts and minds of those in pursuance of truthfulness. To God be the Glory.

  22. Baptism for infant is just one of many make-believe that the RCC has formulated. Now that one of your own chief head confess about the fictitious LIMBO, why continue to carry out such erroneous practice. I hope this blog will open up hearts and minds of those in pursuance of truthfulness. To God be the Glory.

  23. i agreed that:
    Definitely explains the truth. Limbo really doesn't exist!
    also practice of pouring of water in baptism was invented by RCC

    Thanks be to God!

  24. If LIMBO DOES NOT EXIST, why need of infant baptism? It's a clear sign of money-making doctrine! How can a baby have such "ORIGINAL SIN"? The truth is, "SIN IS NOT INHERITED" The iniquity of the father shall not be borne by the son. Adam, the original man, who committed the "ORIGINAL SIN", did not pass it to Abel. Once again, thanks be unto for sending Bro. Eli Soriano, who preaches the word of God without guile and deceit! Hoping that our fellowmen, especially Roman Catholics read this very enlightening and wonderful blog. To Bro. Eli Soriano, may God bless and keep you always! :)

  25. limbo- is a divisive act of merchandising babies to be enclosed the doctrine of baptism that cannot be found in the bible.

  26. There is no Limbo. It is just a folk story. No basis at all.

    This blog post is another eye-opener for the Roman Catholic Church members.

  27. Thanks be to God for another full of wisdom blog. We must never believe in Limbo because our Lord Jesus Christ did not teach this doctrine.
    This is against the teachings in the Gospel.

  28. Thanks be to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ! Another eye - opener blog to an invented doctrine that blinded men for the sake of money.

  29. Thanks be to God for another full of wisdom blog. We must never believe in Limbo because our Lord Jesus Christ did not teach this doctrine.
    This is against the teachings in the Gospel.

  30. Until now the Catholic church is continue to baptized infant even they have declaration of pope because it is obiously merchandizing the word of GOD and ignorance of the bible because they are false prophet

  31. Thanks be to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ! Another eye - opener blog to an invented doctrine that blinded men for the sake of money.

  32. Thanks be to God for another blog which captures the mind and heart of those who like to serve God in the truth

  33. It is necessary to read a bible that is the reason why the bible is written because many false prophet are gone out in to the world.

  34. Thanks be to God for another blog.

  35. Thanks be to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ.

  36. It was well explained here the Biblical things about Baptism. It made me understand also the chain errors of the Catholic regarding their practice of Baptism (from original sin, limbo, baptism of babe and the fee that their are collecting.) All those things are useless and doesn't conform with the teachings in Bible. I ain't believe that even one of them will have the courage to face this blog and have their biblical explanation as well. Thanks be to God for posting this article and I do believe that this thing will enlighten the eyes of many.

  37. It was well explained here the Biblical things about Baptism. It made me understand also the chain errors of the Catholic regarding their practice of Baptism (from original sin, limbo, baptism of babe and the fee that their are collecting.) All those things are useless and doesn't conform with the teachings in Bible. I ain't believe that even one of them will have the courage to face this blog and have their biblical explanation as well. Thanks be to God for posting this article and I do believe that this thing will enlighten the eyes of many.

  38. Can't wait for the continuation of this expose!

  39. I hope my friends in RCC will take time to read this blog. if they are going to investigate, there is no such verse in the bible siting that baptism is pouring or sprinkling water on the forehead of the baby. therefore, they are violating what the bible said in I Cor. 4:6. truly a man-made doctrine. looking forward for more blogs Mr. Controversy. May God bless you and keep you safe always. :)

  40. It was well explained here the Biblical things about Baptism. It made me understand also the chain errors of the Catholic regarding their practice of Baptism (from original sin, limbo, baptism of babe and the fee that their are collecting.) All those things are useless and doesn't conform with the teachings in Bible. I ain't believe that even one of them will have the courage to face this blog and have their biblical explanation as well. Thanks be to God for posting this article and I do believe that this thing will enlighten the eyes of many.

  41. thanks be tp god .. This concept of Limbo affirms that admittance to Heaven is only possible through the intervention of Jesus Christ, but does not portray Moses, etc. as being punished eternally in Hell. Like other religious terms, such as "Trinity" or even the very name "Bible", the term "Limbo" does not appear in the Bible to propose different theories, which Catholics are free to accept or reject. Limbo is one such theory. thanks be to god

  42. It was well explained here the Biblical things about Baptism. It made me understand also the chain errors of the Catholic regarding their practice of Baptism (from original sin, limbo, baptism of babe and the fee that their are collecting.) All those things are useless and doesn't conform with the teachings in Bible. I ain't believe that even one of them will have the courage to face this blog and have their biblical explanation as well. Thanks be to God for posting this article and I do believe that this thing will enlighten the eyes of many.

  43. RCC just want to gain profits by teaching limbo....shott should accept that limbo is not a reality. even his "pope"admit it.
    More power Bro Eli may God Bless and keep you safe always.
    Thanks be to God for another enlightening blog!

  44. Thanks be to God for another wonderful blog. Its eye opener for rcc. I hope my love ones and friends will open their eyes and their hearts and may they find the true Church that teach the rightful doctrines. Thanks be to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ we have Br. Eli Soriano in this despensation.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Majority of the Catholic leaders are arrogant, stubborn and blind. No wonder then that they have produced equally arrogant, stubborn and blind members. Open up and ask for God's help and mercy, that you may see salvation resting in God's words. Our only hope to salvation. Salamat sa Dios at namulat na ang aking mga mata, labas ng Iglesia Katolica.

  47. The Catholic doctrines about limbo, original sin, & infant baptism are all inventions and against the teachings of Christ in the Bible. Even the Catholics' Pope Benedict XVI has opposed the idea of limbo. According to the book of Ezekiel 18:20, sin is not inherited. This proves that the doctrine of original sin in the Catholic church is so wrong. Mat. 28:19-20 proves that the baptism is for those who are believers that can understand & accept the teachings of Christ.

  48. This topic is very enlightening, I hope our Catholic friends will understand this. Thanks be to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ. To GOD be the Glory forever!

  49. Bakit kaya itong tinagurian na Paring ito e kahirap naman umintindi talaga, papa na nga nila ang may sabi na wala naman talagang limbo, e bakit kailangan pa nilang binyagan ung mga bata? para saan pa? tsk tsk. . . . sawayin ka nawa

  50. Bakit kaya itong tinagurian na Paring ito e kahirap naman umintindi talaga, papa na nga nila ang may sabi na wala naman talagang limbo, e bakit kailangan pa nilang binyagan ung mga bata? para saan pa? tsk tsk. . . . sawayin ka nawa

  51. Hopefully this blog will be the eye opener of the catholic people. Thanks to God!

  52. A must read blog! Another wisdom unveiled from Mr. ControversyX. Baptism is not for infants. It is rendered on the believers. Very clear indeed! Thanks be to God and to Lord Jesus Christ. May you continue to be a blessing to all of us Bro. Eli.

  53. I hope that this news will be headlined by the media in our country

  54. A must to know, a must to read, a must to follow Bro. Eli's blogs. Thanks be to God.

  55. Limbo is out of the Bible it is a big lie, Shamed into all leaders in roman catholic. Thanks be to GOD there is Brother Eli and Brother Daniel being use by GOD for the salvation of our souls. To GOD be the Glory

  56. ToGodBeTheGlory...this blog is very clear...

  57. We're obliged to read this blog, for the enlightenment of our heart. Babies are going to heaven for sure! In contrast, IDOLATERS don't! Thanks be to God for Mr. Controversy X.

  58. I really hope many RCC members can read this blog.
    It is very clear, well explained and so true.
    Shott and his cohorts, upon seeing this blog, showered the twitter world by their catholic references, books trying to defend their BUSINESS. INFANT BAPTISM is just a fraction of RCC's for sale sacraments.
    They always referred MCGI members to be fundamentalist, instead of using the bible as the sole reference of Christ Doctrines/Teaching about salvation and all matters of faith, they chose to believe that they need to use the history and traditions written in their antic books.
    Bro Eli, used just few verses to explain that INFANT BAPTISM is not biblical. Few verses but enough to give biblical explanation that no RCC priest had ever comprehended before, because if they do, there should no more INFANT BAPTISM now.

  59. As an infant, we have no choice when our parents decided to have us baptized in the Catholic invented Baptism. As we grow old we were raised bearing the name Catholic, in which we don't fully understood. Educated under a Catholic University, and engulfed with Catholic traditions. Thats why we are living in a Fantasy World. Thank God for this Blog and Thank God Brother Eli Soriano is around to expose all these invented Doctrines of the Catholic Church. We were fooled for a long time, and many have died a victim of the merchandising machine of the Roman Catholic Church, believing that they are of God. Money can be earned once more if lost, but we must be SURE that our salvation will never be lost. I hope and pray millions of Catholics will read this blog, because RCC brags about and claims to be Universal --- but now we know why they became big, it became a dynasty of false belief, victimizes both the parents and the infants and deception repeats itself for centuries bringing us to damnation. Mark these words--- THANK GOD I AM OUT OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CULT!!! To God be the Glory!!

  60. I am truly blessed that Brother Eli Soriano lives during my lifetime to enlighten the minds of people looking for the truth. Otherwise, I will still be existing under the darkness of the Catholic teachings.

  61. I hope more people, especially our catholic friends, will read this to turn them from their dumb doctrine unto a fully logical and biblical faith which is taught to us through Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel. Thanks to God for teaching us continually!

  62. Magnifiko! Much like the knockout punch of Pacquiao vs Hutton...Mr. Controversy X knocks out Steve Shott to the bones!

  63. Again bro Eli proved that the catholic doctrines is wrong through this blog,thanks be to God!

  64. Again,bro Eli proves that catholic doctrines through this blog, thanks be to God!

  65. There is no reason for the RCC to continue the baptism of babe coz one of their popes already admitted there is no limbo, whilst the original sin that they are teaching is also wrong.
    Iol with regards to the answer of frshott. He should have explained his faith concerning baptism, but what he did was a dope. He had studied many years to be on that position then that thing that the priest is always doing (baptism of babe) he was not able to explain well. What can we expect? there is none in RCC can teach it because they rejected the teachings of God in the Bible and they hold the teachings of man. An open minded and Biblical person will never be offended by this article. Thanks be to God for the courage that God has given to Bro. Eli. This blog is really something.

  66. Great blog once again by Mr. Controversy X

  67. EZEKIEL 18:20
    The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him

    God is a Just God. The inherent sin is merely an invention for convenience.
    Thanks be to God for righteous and truthful men who untiringly exposing cruel creations of people pretending to be men of God but obey not God´s manner and will

  68. Another great blog from Mr. Controversy X

  69. I wholeheartedly support Mrcontroversy X in his campaign to disprove the man made teachings of the RCC. It’s a manifestation of Godly love and compassion to enlighten those who are misled. Our support is with you Bro Eli, we’re hopeful as well that there are members of this RC church who are open minded unlike this priest who ignorantly advocates infant baptism despite the Vatican's pronouncement against limbo. May God have mercy to those who love to obey the indisputable teachings of the bible. God loves the little children. They don’t need baptism. Thanks be to God for this blog of Mr controversy X.

  70. As much as this priest wanted to answer and defend the faith of his CULT, he is only showing how ignorant is he of the truth in the Bible. They don't have the understanding of the Scriptures, no wonder beacuase it has been prophesied in the Bible
    DANIEL 12:10
    Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

    Steeve Shott is showing his ignorance even of his faith. He really doesn't know what he is believing in to. That is why in every conversation that he is into, he is just claiming and claiming things but doesn't proving anything.

    Thanks be to God for, He sent His instruments in this dispensation to clarify this matter of faith for the benefit not only of His servants but of those who's under the deceits of false preachers like Steve Shott.. GRACIAS A DIOS!! A DIOS SEA LA GLORIA y LA HONRA!!!

  71. May God help Catholics to understand the real doctrine of God. Thanks be to God!

  72. What Brother Eli said was all true! How can a child be baptized if it is beyond his limit of understanding? Whatever sin a father does should not be passed unto his child because the child is not the one who committed it! and whom parents wants their children to suffer because of their sins?. Even the pope Benedict XVI believes that limbo does not exist out of all the popes of catholic church, Even an adult one don't get baptized easily if he doesn't understand the doctrine and if he don't have faith. What more a child or infant who really does not understand? The Lord Jesus Christ was the one who said that for children is the kingdom of God so why does the RCC keep on doing that wrong doctrine?
    Thanks be to God for this blog. I hope that many Catholics can read this to help them open up their minds about the wrong teachings of catholic church. And I also hope that pope Benedict XVI is not the only brave one to disbelieve this doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. Thanks be to God.To God be the Glory!

  73. The explanation of Bro. Eli & his example tweet from a priest showing that RCC are ignorance of Bible. Even the priest can't explain where in the Bible is the infant baptism. Thanks God for sending us Bro. Eli in our time to exposed false teaching of false religions. This blog explained well all the doubts of many about infant baptism. We hope that those catholics out there may read this!

  74. Thanks be to GOD for giving us Bro. Eli who are always there to defend our faith.

  75. Why persist? It's one of the money-making schemes of the RCC. To think how many babies born everyday. That's why...

  76. RCC authorities are so scared of the reality that this blog may open the minds of the Catholics and find their priests don’t understand what is written in the Bible. They don’t even bother to answer questions for the sake of their faithful. It is better that the Pope will answer this blog and defend their faith for the sake of all Catholics around the world.

  77. RCC authorities are so scared of the reality that this blog may open the minds of the Catholics and find their priests don’t understand what is written in the Bible. They don’t even bother to answer questions for the sake of their faithful. It is better that the Pope will answer this blog and defend their faith for the sake of all Catholics around the world.

  78. The priest is very lack of understanding in the Bible. Thanks be to God in exposing the truth of Mr. Controversy.

  79. Infant baptism is a catholic money-making scheme. It comes with a fee. The catholic church makes money even out of babies! putrid!

  80. Thanks be to God for the truth that reveals to us now a days by Mr controversy...

  81. Its high time for the Roman Catholic believers to wake up 'bout baptism of infants. Its truly illogical and not biblical.

  82. makes sense! Thanks be to God for the most sensible preacher!

  83. If LIMBO DOES NOT EXIST, why need of infant baptism? It's a clear sign of money-making doctrine! How can a baby have such "ORIGINAL SIN"? The truth is, "SIN IS NOT INHERITED" The iniquity of the father shall not be borne by the son. Adam, the original man, who committed the "ORIGINAL SIN", did not pass it to Abel. Once again, thanks be unto God for sending us Bro. Eli Soriano, who preaches the word of God without guile and deceit! Hoping that our fellowmen, especially Roman Catholics read this very enlightening and wonderful blog. To Bro. Eli Soriano, may God bless and keep you always! :)

  84. LIMBO - another invention from the RCC to mislead the innocent and get away with the poor’s money. Thanks be to God, bro. Eli exposes this false doctrine by the RCC.

  85. another expose' of the false teachings and manmade doctrines of the RCC!

  86. The doctrine of infant baptism is shameful! Thanks be to God Brother Eli undauntedly opens this topic. I hope this blog could reach my friend & classmates....

  87. Even though Pope Benedict XVI told them that Limbo does not exist and infants will go to heaven unbaptized. Yet they still baptized infants!? Thanks be to God for another blog full of wisdom and truth! I hope RCC members think about the doctrines being taught to them. They are not in the Bible!

  88. The RCC despite their own Pope Benedict XVI pronouncement that LIMBO does not exists, a sardonic priest from North Carolina USA (Steve Shott) insinuates that baptism of infants is not an exemption when the bible spoke of baptizing all nations. This elicited derision of Steve towards Bro.Eli’s explication of the verses in the bible only proves that Steve’s education and masters in European theology has no furtherance because there is no holy spirit in it. Steve argues and agrees to believe that there is nothing in the bible that says an infant cannot be baptized. This comment only manifests Steve’s unsurpassable ignorance when it comes to the bible. Thank GOD there is a Bro.Eli Soriano who made our confusions as vivid as a crystal.

    Firstly, you see Steve, the bible does not specifically say that smoking cigarette or doing drugs are bad – be it in a sinful sense or as a habit. But the bible said that our body is the temple of Christ so we should in essence not indulge ourselves with anything that would harm the body. Of course that verse where this was derived from meant both spiritual and literal meaning. That is the problem. Your POPE does not teach you to read the bible. Not that you would really understand it, but apparently neither your pope read it anyway I think. Incidentally the bible spoke of people like you and of the POPE. If I wasn’t mistaken, you guys were mentioned a lot in REVELATION. Secondly Steve, baptism is supposed to be voluntary thing. In the true Church of GOD , you cannot be baptized until you accept the doctrines. You cannot ask an infant if he/she wants to be baptized because it’s not their prerogative and consent. Your church requires baptism to terrorize parents that their child would go to LIMBO and not go to heaven when IF they die prior to baptism. Now granting that your belief is true (which of course is not), baptism should be FREE of charge. You greedy hypocrites charge everything that GOD had given freely. We , in the CHURCH OF GOD help each other and contribute for the production of bibles to be given away free of charge. Because our church complies with GOD’s teachings. And these doctrines were shared to us by Bro.Eli Soriano. We freely give what GOD freely gave. And lastly, since you are not in the true church and that you are actually more of an imPASTOR, I am not really surprised that your reasoning has no depth at all.

    Quite honestly, YOU ARE IN A STATE OF LIMBO STEVE!!
    Not that it exists, but it defines so much about you. A state of hanging.
    But then again, GOD has HIS ways of bringing out the truth from lies you make.
    And your eminently beyond comparison stupidity would make catholics realize that Bro.Eli Soriano is telling the truth.

  89. Another contradicting teaching of RCC being exposed.
    "Limbo" is one's of those RCCs groundless self- ideas feeding to their members. To all of my friends wake up and help yourself knowing the Truth. Real life may be more remarkable than invented tales
    Instead of getting mad to The Truthcaster, I'd rather be Thankful.
    Never seen someone so dedicated as MrcontroversyX helping us knowing by exposing all this lies.

  90. Very well said and very illuminating, No one is investigating this doctrinal issues neither the catholic officials. But thank God we have Mr. Controvercy. Amen

  91. Persistence is good if it will accompany ones soul to salvation.
    Otherwise, just keep silence Steve .
    Be the best priest there is....not the best priest that you have become.

  92. Salamat po sa DIOS sa nakapa-linaw na pagtuturo ng kapatid na ELI.
    Ang nasa LIMBO kung mayroon man ay mismong si STEVE SHOTT dahil
    hanggang ngayon ay hibang pa rin sa balintunang paniniwala at pananampalataya.

  93. Another insightful and informative article on one of the Catholic church's inventions - infant baptism.
    To all the Catholic members out there, please read this article and all the other articles that preceded it in this blog, and you will find the answers you are looking for.

  94. Limbo does not exist at all! RCC members must read this!

  95. Again a very enlightening blog of bro Eli Soriano that must be read
    by all catholics who are searching for the truth.By using one's common sense & logic the presentation of facts and biblical
    evidences clearly denies the existence of place called "limbo".
    And even thier very own pope Benedict xvi refuted this kind of belief.Nevertheless there are people though they know the truth
    keep on insisting on lies as what apostle Paul say in 2 tes.2:11-12 -"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,that they should believe a lie; That they all might be damned who believed not the truth,but had pleasure in unrighteousness." Always read the blog of Mr.ControversyX for more
    biblical truth.Thanks be to God!

  96. Salamat po sa DIOS sa nakapa-linaw na pagtuturo ng kapatid na ELI.
    Ang nasa LIMBO kung mayroon man ay mismong si STEVE SHOTT dahil
    hanggang ngayon ay hibang pa rin sa balintunang paniniwala at pananampalataya.
    Sa punto pa lang na nagpapabayad ang katoliko para sa lahat ng malayang
    binigay ng DIOS sa atin gaya ng kasal at bautismo na kinakalakal para sa pagpapataba ng mga bulsa ng mga manglilinlang at impostor na mga mangangaral.
    Hindi ba panahon na para gumising ang tao sa libo libong taong panloloko ng iglesia katolika romana na sinundan naman ng sari't-saring relehiyon na may kani-kaniyang paraan ng panghuhuthot sa kanilang mga kaanib. Gising po mga pilipino. Marami na pong tao sa iba't-ibang sulok ng mundo sa iba't-ibang bansa ang ibig maunawa ang wikang tagalog para lang lubusan nilang masimsim ang pagtuturo ng kapatid na ELI. Sayang naman ang pagkakataon na makapakinig lalo na ng katotohanan na hindi natin maririnig sa iba. Ang pari na si STEVE SHOTT ay naniniwala pa rin na dapat mabautismuhan ang mga sanggol , hindi dahil sa aral , kundi dahil pagkakakitaan. Ilang sanggol po ba ang binabautismuhan ng katoliko na pinagkakakitaan ng malaking salapi? Kaya sabihin man ng isa sa mga dati nilang PAPA sa Roma na walang LIMBO ay tahasang binali-wala ito dahil kawalan sa kabang yaman ng mga ganid.

    Salamat po sa DIOS at may isang BRO.ELI SORIANO na nagmulat sa mga mata nating mga dating ligaw sa katwiran.

  97. Very informative! Thanks be to God!

  98. When I asked Steve Shott in twitter, where PURGATORY is... in reply he said, "Do you know where heaven is?" That's the answer you get from an educated man with masters degree in european theology. I'm not sure if he meant to ask me the question in sarcasm or is he just being the idiot he sounds to be when he answered me with a ridiculous question. And then he said, no one says that purgatory is a place. He added that it's in your heart? Whaaaaaaattttttt????? That must be a new catholic doctrine because I was a catholic for 37 years and we have always been taught the purgatory is the "filtering place between earth and heaven" where they filter your sins before you go to heaven. In short, a place where you get punished and cleansed before you enter heaven but is a safer place away from hell. A place for the less sinful compared to hell which is only for the sinful. To this day, I have not seen anything like that written in the bible. Perhaps Steve Shott has his own bible. Or better yet, does not read the bible at all.

    Limbos are suppose to be a place where children are taken when they die unbaptized by the catholic church. And the funny thing is, while they say that it's not good for a child to unbaptized when they die.....their members are the ones that practice abortion. Of course maybe we cannot generalize but in passing I think that is a fact. In the true CHURCH OF GOD...limbos nor purgatory does not exists.

    You see, a lot of church's has so many beliefs and doctrines that are non-biblical. In the CHURCH OF GOD, everything taught by Bro.Eli Soriano is biblical. Nothing he made up. And nothing meant to please but to divulge what we need to expect and know.

    It makes me want to believe that Steve Shott must enjoy baptizing infants for monetary purposes or even for a lavish tip or bonus. Well that is my opinion of course. An opinion I believe to be true and genuine.

  99. Thanks be to God #TheTruthCaster

  100. It is very clear,infant baptism is one of the many invented doctrine of the catholic church.Thanks be to God for this very informative blog,I hope that thru this blog,those members of the catholic church will be enlighthen...To God be the Glory!

  101. RCC authorities like Steve Shott can't remove their doctrine about infant baptism although their resigned pope had already abolished their belief about LIMBO the very reason why they perform infant baptism, maybe because it is a big way of profit for them. Steve Shott's way of reasoning definitely shows his stupidity and ignorance of the true teachings of Christ in the Bible. For him to conclude that there is no age requirement mentioned in Mathew 28:19 shows that these RCC priests even the pope knows nothing of the truth.

    Thanks be to God for using Bro Eli Soriano and Bro Daniel Razon in our dispensation to refute and to correct those lies that Steve Shott and his cohorts trying to spread even in world wide web. GRACIAS A DIOS!!!

  102. Thanks be to GOD for another wonderful blog Mr Controversy.
    It is crystal clear showing that sin is never inherited. Meaning there is no "original sin" and also infants doesn't need to be baptised "for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

    Can't wait for the next part GOD willing!!!

  103. It is narrow-minded and unloving not to accept unbaptized infants in heaven.Thanks be to God for Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon for unfolding to us God's righteousness, love, and grace!

  104. Steve Shott defends that there is no age qualification in baptism , as per his recollection of the bible's teachings. Let's use logic for a moment. If Steve did not find any verse in the bible that baptism must come in certain age.... where in the bible showed that infants were baptized? Wouldn't have Mary and Joseph taken Jesus for baptism when he was still an infant? Logic connotes that no infants were baptized in the bible because IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! So for you to persists with your pagan beliefs that infants can be baptized especially so they won't go to LIMBO (like it exists) when they die before being baptized -- is the lamest of all faith I have ever heard. Even for a fool who does not belong in any church or religion would contradict that belief. To enter the kingdom of heaven, one must be like a child. Imagine, if you will be just like a child...what more would an actual child benefit from this promise?

  105. Hopefully catholics would realize that their doctrines are just a figment of imagination from a creative bunch of comedians pretending to be knowledgeable about the Bible....wake up catholics, you're being fooled by these actors wearing dress!!!

  106. thanks be to Gof this wonderful blog of bro.Eli infant baptism is one of invented doctrines of RCC

  107. To our beloved RCC countrymen, there is nothing wrong if we are going to change our faith. Let us follow what the Bible says. There is no need to baptise infants. There is no limbo.

  108. Why should we harden our hearts to a wrong faith which will endanger us? Let us flee from false priests who are teaching lies! Thanks be to God, we have Bro. Eli!

  109. Infant baptism is not in the Bible. We should stick to what our Lord Jesus Christ taught us through the apostles, as written in the scriptures.

  110. LIMBO does not exist.Thanks be to God for this another amazing blog:)

  111. Another very encouraging blog of Bro. Eli. He is not ceasing on exposing the wrong teachings of false belief of roman catholic! Again thanks be to God for sending Bro. Eli Soriano in our time.

  112. Hope members of the RCC will read this very informative blog of mr controversyX

  113. To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory for ever. Amen.
    Thanks be to God for this blog that revealed the truth about the unbiblical Roman Catholic Church doctrine of infant baptism. There is no need for your infants to be baptized because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven according to the Lord Jesus Christ. They are free from sin, innocent, and there is no such thing as original sin. You don't have to worry, sin cannot be inherited. More information in the Blog. Please Read and Share. May God bless you!

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Long years of Catholic priests deceived by a false belief in a God.
    Thanks be to God by using Bro Eli Soriano to express their fraud.

  116. How can the RCC be a credible church? A priest cannot even submit to his POPE's realization? The Vatican cannot be consistent and transparent with it's POPE's promulgations and abdication.Then here comes Steve Shott, a priest from North Carolina who is suffering from superiority complex and identity crisis. Get it all together! You are all but a fragmented pieces of inaccuracy and sporadic inconsistency.

    Here is where arrogance comes to place. If you people would just humble yourselves and admit to yourselves that your doctrines are that of the anti-christ, you would not miss the glory and light GOD sheds upon his people. LIMBO does not exists, yet you RCC's persists. What a shame. I would rather not have any belief if there is no basis than to believe in a wrong basis just for the sake of having a belief.

    Steve Short is a good definition of limbo. A place where souls stop over before an affirmation to enter the gates of heaven. Honestly Steve, I would have second thoughts staying as a catholic if I hear you preach. Good thing, I don't need any excuse to hear you at all anymore. Because I disavowed that faith after knowing the truth. The biblical truth. Thank GOD for giving Bro.Eli Soriano the wisdom to see all these inequities.

    What is LIMBO again?
    It's a corrupt doctrine to make catholics pay every time they give a birth to a child. A sure straight to the pocket investment for a priest who just need few drops of water to make instant money.

  117. Man-made doctrines...... Clearly, that's what RCC is good at! MCGI's doctrines are Bible-based... Thanks be to God!

  118. Maraming nakakatuwang kathang isip kung hindi naman ito makakapahamak ng kaluluwa. Pero para magkatha na may LIMBO ay malaking kalapastangan sa DIOS.Malinaw na nakasulat sa bibliya.... wag nyo babawasan o daragdagan man ang nakasulat sa librong ito. Masyadong maraming imbento ang katoliko na sa bandang huli naman ay ikinakalakal lang ang mga salita ng DIOS.

  119. Due to our immeasurable love to our children and the fear that inculcated by catholic authorities in our mind that non-baptized children will suffer to hell once passed away - we follow the infant baptism doctrine of the Roman Catholics Church. Since we do not read and understand the Bible then, we have no doubts that is must be done.

    And now, God sent a preacher in our dispensation that tell us the truth about the Bible, we are so sure that our beloved children will not suffer to hell when die since the kingdom of heaven are for them. The fear hammered to us is only a deceiving device for commercialization - a scheme of profit-making.

    Thanks be to GOD, we are enlightened so much. It is now a call for our Catholic friends and relatives to hear @MrControversy. Friends, do yourself a favor - and for your children. There is no limbo.

  120. just like the title of the blog said "Why Persist When There’s No Limbo?".
    RCC members please open your mind, don't be fooled by your priests.

  121. Catholicism has many self-made ideas of salvation. Given that there is no particular age requirement written in Mat. 28, but it is clearly stated that the people to be baptized there must be able to accept, discern and practice the teachings of Christ. When i was baptized in rcc, i dont even know what happened, my parents are d one who said amen to the priest. Hayyy what a kind of reasoning shott hayyyyy

  122. sabi ni Pope Benedic wala limbo bakit tuloy pa rin ang binyagan sa bata lalo na sa Pilipinas?
    ah! alam ko na mas maraming ninong at ninang mas marami KWARTA pagpasko, ang saya diba!

  123. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. --- How can an infant obey Christ teachings, are they able to accept doctrines at their age? How about those who are called disabled and mentally retarded person which are from birth don't have the capacity to comprehend and understand? This priest are talking foolishness.

  124. I'm speculating that the scrapping of limbo is one of the reasons why Pope Benedict XVI was replaced.

  125. According to MATTHEW 19:14, the kingdom of heaven belongs to the children. Why believe in infant baptism and limbo? These are just inventions of the cardinals and priests who do not understand the Bible. Thanks Bro. Eli for teaching us doctrines based in the Bible!

  126. The catholic authorities loves money that's why instead of accepting corrections to their erronious doctrines they are unshamingly embracing their errors and blocking their ears and their hearts for not listening to the truth that is shinning to those who are open-minded and ready to accept the words of God. They know that limbo does not exist pope benedict xvi said but they are not ready to correct their false doctrine,instead of obeying pope benedict they are continually baptizing infants. We cannot expect to them that they will obey the Bible because they are not following or obeying their pope which is to them is excathedra. Poor catholic members, hoping that they will leave this pagan religion and start to read the Bible. Thanks be to God. Here in MCGI, Bro.Eli Soriano & Bro.Daniel Razon unceasingly & untiringly teaching us to read the Bible and obey the laws of God and to be Biblical so that our service will not in vain. We are the luckiest persons that are living in this world to be learned in the rightful ways of serving God. To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen!

  127. GRACIAS A DIOS for this another exposing blog.The RCC insist to implement the doctrine about Infant baptism even though LIMBO does not exist, WHY??? Because of money. Because baptism in Catholic has payment..
    Thanks be to God for this BLOG.

  128. Why believing in something without Biblical basis and against the doctrine of Christ? RCC members, I hope by reading Bro. Eli’s Blog, GOD will enlighten your heart and mind to come unto the knowledge of the truth. Thank GOD we have Bro. Eli Soriano in our time.

  129. Infant baptism is a RCC practice for centuries, yet it is not written in the Bible. Their members blindly follow making their cardinals and priests richer since it comes with a monetary payment - a payment that is too pricey in exchange of a poured water, candles and brief oration.

    Thanks to Bro. Eli who exposes these truths that RCC members should understand!

  130. Just open your hearts and minds Catholic friends, enemies and fellowmen. Open your Bible read it and read blog of MrControversyX and be enlightened. Thanks be to God and God bless always.


  131. ... hmm, why not try to look at with intention the cause or underlying drive that made RCC to continue the actuality of 'infant baptism', knowing the fact that 'limbo' is a thing that doesn't exist in reality, esp. so, not written in the Bible? Please, allow me to make an effort or attempt to enumerate some:

    . RCC is giving false or misleading Biblical information
    . RCC is on purpose leading people to eternal damnation
    . RCC is outrightly deceiving people; not just fooling around
    . RCC is not knowlegeable of the Bible
    . RCC is not of God: the God of the Bible
    . Infant baptism: one of RCC's intrumentality invented money making device
    . And many others.

    My fellow followers of Mr. Controversy, these are only some reasons which I take to be true, RCC propounds: infant baptism, which is nowhere to be found in the Christian Holy Scriptures. So, what's yours? But, let's wait Mr. Controversy to dig this matter, deeper.

  132. Gracias a Dios por este blog...impresionante! =)

  133. rcc faith is false simply because they oppose what is being taught by Christ in the Bible. they are literally doing the opposite of what God has commanded us to do. i can say this because i'm a former catholic, and now i can see clearly how wrongful my belief back then.

    Thanks be to God for this blog by bro. Eli! don't miss the next part...

  134. Definitely no limbo according to the bible. Thanks be to God that He used Brother Eli to expose the lies that have been long believed by many people even by our relatives. May God open the hearts of people living in the false doctrines of Catholicism.

  135. I also had a conversation with Mr Shott about infant baptism, and his arguments are absurd. I asked Mr Shott " if faith is requirements in baptism, then why do you have to baptize these infants, do they have the capability to believe or to have faith and to say 'Amen' to your baptism?: and he just replied "there is no age qualification in baptism". Mr Shott also said that "Limbo is not a Catholic Doctrine", but I know he is just making some excuse. But if that is the case, then why did Pope Benedict XVI oppose the idea of Limbo? I hope this blog may enlighten all people, especially in Roman Catholic Faith. Thanks be to God because our preacher is Bro Eli Soriano

  136. Thank God for very enlightening topic ! My snappiest salute to Pope Benedict XVI who has guts to say LIMBO doesn't exist. I hope and pray that God will open their heart to come in the knowledge of truth. The ultimate truth!

  137. Another proof how RCCult lead their member away from the Truth. Limbo and Baptism of Infants is not a Doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, another invention of this RCCult, "moneymaking".
    We encourage everybody to read the Blog of Bro. Eli.
    May God open your heart and mind.
    Thanks be to God!

  138. RCC was founded in LIES hence, their succeeding doctrines are all in support for the LIES they have started.Lets look how wealthy this church is--will prove that they are MONEY-DRIVEN organization, its their real motive thats why they cannot understand the TRUE DOCTRINES OF THE BIBLE. May this enlighten again some RCC members heart. THANKS BE TO GOD!

  139. Logically and sensibly written! This article clearly exposes the blatant deception of the RCC authorities to its members. Hope this blog enlightens the hearts and minds of the catholics who were deprived from the truth by their priests.

  140. How Foolish to say that Infants should be baptized! Thanks be to God for another Great Blog by Mr. Controversy!

  141. Truly a gift from God on the scriptures. I hope, many will see the truth from the scriptures shown by Mr. Controversy. I cannot deny the fact that it is from the Holy scriptures, not from his own mind. The details are like a glaring light in the dark. each comments of these priests shows their ignorance of the teachings of Christ. Because to them the Bible is just a tool, for them to say that they honor it. But the truth is, they speak and act as though their lives are tied in their Book of Catechism and many other books that are used to mislead people from the Bible. Pursue truth and you shall find it, he can see our heart.

  142. This priest Steve Shott is against his pope when Benedict XVI said that LIMBO does not exist! Suppose to be this priest will not going to baptist babies but still he is depending on his wrong belief simply because this is how he earn for his living and for his belly.

    Philippians 3:19
    Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

  143. This is true. Catholic priests are ignoring the fact that limbo does not exist and keep on baptizing innocent infants because MONEY matters for them.

  144. Thanks be to God for this blog.,
    Sana lang nagiisip yong mga magbabasa., Im sure makikita nila yong pang loloko sa kanila ng RCC.,

  145. With this clear insights from Mr. Controversy about the stupidity of the limbo belief by the RCC which was controverted by no less than their Pope, the highest authority of the RCC, only those blind followers will not be enlightened.

    But for those who will understand this very sensible scriptural works of Mr. Controversy, they would surely be thankful.

    Praise and honor to GOD Almighty!

  146. hope RCC make an open mind and accept the words in the Bible

  147. Thanks be to God ! napakaganda ng pagkakalatag ng katuwiran

  148. limbo does not exist!!! @frshott priest of the RCC are ignorant of the bible.

  149. Limbo, invented doctrines by RCC in order to earn money!

  150. The wisdom that is depicted on this page disproves the belief of 'limbo'. It also eminates the foul and foolishness the Catholic church has invented. They are delussional.
    Steve Shott is nothing but a "bad Shott", this got me laughing!

  151. Amen to this blog Bro Eli....
    Thanks be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

  152. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father and the kingdom of God is for such little children, therefore little children doesn't need to be baptized. It is just a priest profit because baptismal for them must be paid.

    - Thanks be to God for this blog by Mr. Controversy

  153. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father and the kingdom of God is for such little children, therefore little children doesn't need to be baptized. It is just a priest profit because baptismal for them must be paid.

    - Thanks be to God for this blog by Mr. Controversy

  154. This comment has been removed by the author.

  155. Shott has proven again his IGNORANCE in the bible, even inventing that Christ did not qualify age in baptism. Infants don't even know their names and yet they are accused by RCC priests that they have sins only because they inherited it from Adam! Mr. Controversy has a vast collection of references that expose the worldly teachings of RCC priests. And only now that I realize that Benedict XVI may have been forced to resign because of his statement about purgatory. There have been a lot of DARK SECRETS inside the RCC that many of us are unaware. Continue following Mr. Controversy X's blogs and you mind will be enlightened!

  156. With this info from The Truth Caster and with the help of God, hope that RCC members will be enlightened from the true doctrines of JesusChrist not from the invented doctrine s of RCC.

    Thanks be to God

  157. Thanks be to god Mr. Controversy!!

  158. Scientifically, mathematically and biblically analyzation, SIN IS NOT INHERITED! Thanks be to God for this blog.

  159. With this info from The Truth Caster and with the help of God, hope that RCC members will be enlightened from the true doctrines of JesusChrist not from the invented doctrine s of RCC.

    Thanks be to God

  160. Scientifically, mathematically and biblically analyzation, SIN IS NOT INHERITED so infant baptism is not necessary. Thanks be to God for this very informative blog of Brother Eli.

  161. Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog of bro Eli!

  162. Thanks be to GOD and i hope my relatives will read this blog.

  163. Thanks be to God for this another wonderful eye-opener blog of Bro. Eli. Hope more RCC members read this blog and opened their mind.

  164. One of the best reasons to leave this religion/business.

  165. Thanks be to God for this wonderful blog of bro Eli!

  166. The bible declares the truth, infant baptism is not necessary for a child does not understand the Word.
    Thanks be to God for the enlighttenment.

  167. Thanks be to GOD fo this , . this is eye opener ,,, lets read this Blog...

  168. The bible declares the truth, infant baptism is not necessary for a child does not understand the Word.
    Thanks be to God for the enlighttenment.

  169. This Catholic Priest is Not Believe that his Leader Pope Benedict XVI says, " Limbo does not exist " and Steve Shott are not aware with this. He cannot prove that Infant Baptism is in the Bible, and that's the prove this priest are so Fool. He cannot find in the bible what he saying! .. theres no strength Basis!

    So this Blog is so Very Nice

    Thanks Be To God 

  170. This is True there's no limbo at all, but this Fool priest! are so very Fool, He says, Infant Baptism is approved on his self only! .. but in the Bible there's no Limbo and Infant baptism are written. Steve Shott cannot prove this ! and Popo Benedict XVI also he cannot prove this, but Brother Eli, He can reject this!

    This blog is so Wonderful

    Thanks be to God 

  171. This is True there's no limbo at all, but this Fool priest! are so very Fool, He says, Infant Baptism is approved on his self only! .. but in the Bible there's no Limbo and Infant baptism are written. Steve Shott cannot prove this ! and Popo Benedict XVI also he cannot prove this, but Brother Eli, He can reject this!

    This blog is so Wonderful

    Thanks be to God 

  172. Thanks be to God for this another blog mr. Controversy...Limbo does not exist at all...Roman Catholic must read this.....

  173. False doctrines by the Catholic Church
