By God's Design: Woman is Weaker Vessel, Man Her Protector

1/10/2015 , 112 Comments

God was accused by the aborticidal Dawkins as misogynistic and homophobic displaying his unparalleled disregard for justice, fairness, and ignorance of the book he hated most like most of his peers, the atheists!

The Bible is a book that contains pronouncements, information, and directives coming from the mind of a being it calls "God". This God according to Dawkins does not exist. But despite his belief that God doesn't exist, God is the only person he hates most and hates everything connected to Him like the Bible. He accused God of being:

1. Unforgiving control-freak
2. Vindictive
3. Bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser
4. Misogynistic
5. Homophobic
6. Racist
7. Infanticidal
8. Genocidal
9. Filicidal
10. Pestilential
11. Megalomaniacal
12. Sadomasochistic
13. Capriciously malevolent bully

So, God is misogynistic?

Misogynistic is defined in the dictionary as a hater of woman. How can a Creator who created the first woman be misogynistic?

GENESIS 2:18, 21-24
18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

God's intention in creating the woman is surely to be the mate of the man for the perpetuation of the species.

GENESIS 1:27-28
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

It is not God's intention in creating the woman to be the leader or someone dominating the male above her but a helpmate, and to satisfy the desires of the man He created.

PSALMS 145:16
Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

In creating the woman, God wants to satisfy the desire of a man and symbiotically the woman also. See how wise the Creator is?

To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.

But to maintain order and prevent strife that may lead to evil, God placed the woman under the authority of the man.

I TIMOTHY 2:11-14
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Placing the woman under the authority of the man is not being misogynistic, but being compassionate, loving, and with utmost concern for the woman. God knows the physical constitution of the woman He created. He knows that the woman is inferior in strength. This further proves the scientific authenticity of the book that atheists like Dawkins hate most!

PSALMS 103:14
For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

The woman is a priceless possession that a man can have!

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the LORD.

Being a treasured creation, the woman was placed by God under the dominion and care of the man. This doesn't mean that God is a hater of woman! Scientifically women are really weaker vessels.

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

In an article written by Lowri Turner in dated April 28, 2008, comparisons were made with the organs of men and women and how they generally cope with illness. The article is titled “Are women really the weaker sex? The intriguing medical facts that settle the oldest argument of all.” It suggested that although male and female genders do not outdo the other when it comes to eye and ear problems, there are distinct differences in other parts of the body in coping with health problems.

For instance, men are weaker in their organs that have to do with cancer and heart. On the other hand, women are weaker when it comes to bones, muscles, brain, and the immune system. The conclusion of the author is that woman is really the weaker gender. For space considerations we only produce an excerpt on the brain -

Mental health is an area where men appear not to fare well. For a start, men are more than twice as likely to be affected by schizophrenia. 'Up to 40 per cent more men are diagnosed with schizophrenia than women - and their symptoms tend to be more severe and treatment less effective,' explains Jane Harris of the charity Rethink….

Boys are also more likely to be diagnosed with the developmental conditions autism and Asperger's syndrome. The Autism Society says boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than girls.

This may be because they are exposed to higher levels of testosterone before birth, affecting their brain development, according to research by Professor Simon Baron-Cohen from the Autism Research Centre at the University of Cambridge.

But not all conditions affecting the brain are more concentrated in the male section of the population. 'Women get postnatal depression, and the menopause can be a trigger for depression,' says Marjorie Wallace, founder of mental health charity Sane. Depression is more common in women - one in four (three million) women will require treatment for depression at some time, compared with one in ten men.

This higher rate of depression means that, when it comes to mental health, more women are affected overall.

On the immune system, the difference between the genders lies in immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and hypothyroidism.

'Women are three times as likely to get rheumatoid arthritis as men,' says Dr Annabel Bentley, Bupa's assistant medical director (around 375,000 women have the disease, compared with 125,000 men).

Adding up the number of individuals affected by all these conditions, the conclusion of the article is that women are the weaker sex.

The loving Creator admonished the man He created to love and to protect his mate that He gave.

EPHESIANS 5:23, 25
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

For the husband to love and protect his wife is an injunction from a loving God. It shows the Maker’s concern for the weaker gender. It does not say anything about giving up one’s liberty to be ruled by another.

But displaying his utmost ignorance and injustice, Richard Dawkins charged God of being misogynistic.

God making the woman a weaker vessel shows the wisest thinking that no atheist will ever appreciate! A husband and a wife must have the best harmonious relationship.

In human society, it known for a fact that there is strife, power grabbing, and pride. This results into war and other criminal activities. This is true even within a family. The man and the woman after the sweet years of being together may turn the years into one of bitterness and strife. An unwise woman maybe the cause.

PROVERBS 21:19, 9
19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.
9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.

This problem was solved by God beforehand by putting the woman under the authority of the man - certainly not because of being misogynistic.

I am sure that Richard Dawkins knows this problem about women who do not acknowledge God's existence. A believing woman is God's wonderful gift for a man.

I PETER 3:5-6 (RSV)
5 So once the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves and were submissive to their husbands,
6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are now her children if you do right and let nothing terrify you.

Placing woman under the dominion and care of a man is not being misogynistic but being caring and protective of the very creation that He intended to bear the SEED of salvation for all humanity!

How about being homophobic?

More to come.
God bless you.
Sincerely yours,
Brother Eli 


  1. Yes! a women of God have to accept that they are under the Dominion of a man of God, if not, what do you think will happen? can you imagine a family or couple that have a wife that dont want to accept this God's law? many of them becomes a broken family.
    So if a women accept this God's Law, it doesn't necessarilly mean that they hate women, it is a sign of His being wise,compasionate,and love..
    Just remember, sometimes the result of being weak is humility, and remember that God love's a person that have this attitude.
    Thank's Mr. Controversy!
    Thank's be to God for all of this!

    1. Thanks be to GOD


  2. It is normal to a person before judging the subject must understand first the matter about the accuse. Ignoring to find the stand of the accuse is definitely want to destroy the truth.

  3. I cant believe how ignorant this Richard Dawkins is!

  4. Richard Dawkins knows nothing about the God he desecrates. This shows that having Ph.D.'s is no guarantee for knowing everything. That includes knowledge about the Creator. More blessed are those who didn't go to school but respond to what was written in their hearts.

  5. WOW! Very Informative!
    People should read this, so they won't end up being ignorant of God's existence as atheists are.

  6. One of the questions I regard as a mystery was answered: Why does God commanded the woman to keep herself in all silence? Yeah. I think this blog will silence that judgemental Dawkins.

  7. It's another informations From Mr. controversy that can give us Idea how mr. Dawkins ideas are useless.

  8. Very informative, proves that God is not hater of woman but the opposite of it. Praise unto Him!

  9. Dawkins must learn to accept that there is God, a real loving God.
    Thanks be to God

  10. There are discipline imposed by God to create order and Dawkins as being ignorant in Bible accusing God as a woman hater.As Mr. Controversy said it is an act of loving Creator.

  11. May God's light shine upon @RichardDawkins obscured, lost, and misguided soul. He is a fan and follower of Darwin, a human being. That is unfortunate.

  12. Denying the existence of GOD is the most FOOLISH thing a person can do. All of your works will turn foolish.Your thoughts like Dawkins will spoil.This is actually an excuse for Dawkins to do all evil works he wants to.Thanks GOD there is Mr. Controversy diligently exposing the atheists foolishness.

  13. What the hell? Dawkins has nothing to do with this essay, and it's your shocking sexist rant lol. You couldn't even quote him or a passage from one of his books for this? Shockingly poor writing. But then again, people obviously aren't here for critical thinking.

  14. Another informative and wonderful blog from Mr. Controversy !

  15. Thanks be to God. Thank you Bro. Eli.

  16. Atheists don't know what they are doing.

  17. Thanks Be to God for this wonderful blog
    showing the importance of women
    you must understand Dawkins.....

  18. This blog is very informative.This must be read.God is amazing and very loving. I hope Mr. Dawkins learns not to hate God.

  19. thanks to God for this wonderful article..dawkins and other atheists, whats ur excuse?

  20. Very Informative!! People must read this.. To make them believe that God is real.. And He's Powerful.. Thanks be to God

  21. I just pity Pope Francis and those atheist after reading this blog. Why would they spread such wrong teachings? Why can’t they just believe the truth about God’s Creation? I think that is the reason why they are called an Atheist. They read the bible but they do not believe in it. They just believe that there is a scientific explanation for everything that happens. Some of them are spreading wrong teachings to make people go with the wrong path. Now I realize how lucky I am knowing and believing the truth But I hope that they are also able to read this for them to know more about the Pope that they are believing and almost giving praise for. I’m pretty sure that it will be an “Eye-Opener” for them.

  22. Thanks be to GOD for another wonderful blog.
    It is wrong to think that GOD is misogynistic because by GOD ordering women to submit to their husbands, is not misogynistic but showing love and care to many people.
    Thanks be to GOD and TO GOD BE THE GLORY

  23. Thanks be to God for giving us Bro. Eli wherein, through him, the essence of the Word of God has become vivid to the believers of truth!

  24. This is something new. I find it interesting though.

  25. Women is created to be the helpmate of a man, and its wrong for Dawkins to say that God is misogynistic because how can a Creator who created the first woman be misogynistic? Thank God for our Mr. Controversy for explaining this informative article.

  26. Dawkins only knows how to accused but doesn't knows how to proved, worst than a child. Atheist are coward to face Bro. Eli in a debate.

  27. very clear. completely understand why God created a woman like me. thanks be to GOD...

  28. God doesn't hates woman, that is why together with the man He created a woman. It is illogical to think that if you hate something then you will create it? Try to think of what you are claiming Dawkins, you must be thankful even if you hate God, still He created your mother. But, anyway thanks be to God for this new blog of you Mr. Controversy!

  29. Mr controversy proved dawkins nincompoop and atheists imbeciles!

  30. Dawkins should debate with Bro. Eli to prove that his theories are just Fantasies!

  31. Dawkins must learn to accept that there is God, a real loving God.
    Thanks be to God

  32. Dawkins must learn to accept that there is God, a real loving God.
    Thanks be to God

  33. Very informative, proves that God is not hater of woman but the opposite of it. Thanks be To God

  34. My wife must read this. Hehe.

    Very informative article, Thanks a lot Mr Controversy! Excited much for the next blog. To atheist, give yourself a little time to reflect, open your minds you are always welcome in God's kingdom. Learn to have mercy on yourselves as well as to your relatives and love ones.

  35. Mr. Richard Dawkins is speaking out of utmost ignorance. Thank God for having answered this misguided man's unfounded claims with His words found in the Holy Bible. "Praise and all glory be to God."

  36. Richard Dawkins knew nothing about God that he hates most.
    Woman, Scientifically and Biblically speaking is weaker than Man, but it does not mean God hates the woman why He created her so. It is only Richard Dawkins' demonic mind think of that way. With this, we only hope atheists further read and follow Mr. Controversy that reveals all these knowledge that Dawkins failed to understand.

  37. By experience I say Amen! For I received a wonderful gift from God. A wife who fears God. Isaiah 1:19

  38. Thanks be to God for this very knowledgeable article, regards the reason why God has placed the woman under the dominion and care of the man. To God be the glory!

  39. Well said Mr. Controversy x, I was enlightened on your explanation why God made the woman weaker than man. Mr Dawkins accusations on God being sexist are baseless.

  40. God created woman for man to have a partner.

    A believing woman is God's wonderful gift for a man.

    I've really learned from this blog. I'm glad to be a woman, a weaker vessel that a believing man will take good care of me, with the help and mercy of God.

    To God be the Glory!

  41. This spiritually enlightening blog is another blow to Richard Dawkins' deceptions and propaganda lies to propagate atheism. His extreme hostility towards God and religion characterize his attitude and behavior as a proponent of MILITANT ATHEISM.

    Militant atheism is an extreme form of atheism. Its two main characteristics are hostility to religion and its aim to destroy any vestiges of God and religion.

    The following quote by Julian Baggini, a committed atheist author, summarizes militant atheism eloquently.

    "Although …atheism Is not necessarily hostile to religion, there are, of course some atheists who are hostile to religion, and not just fundamentalist religions….Atheism which is actively hostile to religion I would call militant. To be hostile in this sense requires more than just strong disagreement with religion—it requires something verging on hatred and is characterized by a desire to wipe out all forms of religious beliefs. Militant atheists tend to make one or both of two claims that atheists do not. The first is that religion is demonstrably false or nonsense, and the second is that it is usually or always harmful."

    Thus, militant atheism is driven by a hatred and hostility toward any kind of Religion -- without distinction. This high level of hostility blinds them to the good Religion has done, or is doing, and fails to acknowledge that there is a wide variety of religion expressions ranging from extremist groups, on one side of the belief continuum, to very sincere, loving and service-oriented groups on the other side. Unfortunately, it is this kind of rage that has led to extreme forms of militant atheism in the past that led to the persecution of religions and the killing of a great many, as it has occurred in Communist countries.


  42. Indeed, very informative! Thanks be to God for having you bro. Eli!

  43. I PETER 3:7
    Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
    It is written in the Bible dawkins! you must read Bible to cure your ignorance!

  44. Another irrefutable wisdom of God .. To God be the glory

  45. Im so thankful to God for given us someone like Mr Controversy that knows how to interpret the Bible as what God really wants. To God be the Glory.

  46. Glory be unto God forever ! salamat po sa Dios !

  47. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo! I believe in this

  48. Very welled explained...even dawkins cant say "no" to that explanation!!

  49. For centuries, it has been proven that nations who deprived women because of their weakness physically (due to man's logic) did not do any good, but with the bible which exist before many nations came to be, put the woman under the PROTECTION of man, not deprived them! Learn from it Mr. Dawkins. Thanks be to God to Mr. Controversy's blog

  50. Woman is under GOD's compassion, love, and utmost concern. Very blessed! Thanks be to GOD :) ^_^ ♥

  51. God is good. To God be the glory.

  52. man needs woman, biblically, i believed on that....

  53. Ape-Brained Dawkins, Where do you stand?
    just like UFO --- remains unidentified
    missing link--remains missing


  55. That's what you call in "ORDER" in biblical way!

  56. Dawkins' foolishness revealed by his evil beliefs! Thanks be to GOD for sending his faithful preacher in this dispensation☺♥!!!

  57. A very interesting blog ! Thanks be to God !

  58. Poor Dawkins, he didn't know what he's up to in his anomalous belief, based on the scriptures, Woman is the glory of Man.

  59. Bible is the ONLY COMPLETE book we can find in this world, complete in the sense of there will be a MEDIUM that GOD will use so we can fully understand what is written literally and most of all spiritually, and thanks be to GOD for giving us HIS medium in our time Bro. Eli who keep teaching us the truth with the help of our Lord JESUS. Man like Dawkins only relies his understanding from the false preacher of the gospel, and from the literal meaning of the bible. To GOD be the glory!!

  60. a very intelligent analysis according to the bible.

  61. Women is created to be helpmate of a man. no one could says that God is a misogynistic. How can a Creator who created the first woman be misogynistic? Right? So, thanks be to God Mr.Controversy!

  62. thanks be to GOD for this article...

  63. Very wonderful article :)
    Thanks be to God

  64. Thanks be to GOD for your blog brother Eli. Very enlightening.. Dawkins followers should make up their mind and try to believe and admit the existence of GOD. How can you hate something that do not exist? Proving that they believe that there is GOD but do not want to admit it.

  65. Gracias a DIOS, DIOS es un DIOS de amor que cuida a las mujeres!!!!

  66. Gracias a DIOS, DIOS es un DIOS de amor que nos cuida!!!

  67. thanks be to God for this article, realizing His loving-kindness..God is truly a loving Father!

  68. Once again, Mr. Controversy pushed a button to expose the faulty reasoning of this self-proclaimed scientific philosopher, Richard Dawkins. You have no idea, Mr. Dawkins, how women would be grateful if their spouse would love and care for them the manner the Biblical God commanded of them. Poor you, Mr. Dawkins. Perhaps, the best advice for women is to never marry a person with a thinking like yours.

  69. A different kind of helpmate: a priceless possession, a treasured creation, that is a woman to his man.

  70. Amen! Indeed..holy woman is a gift from man..thanks God!

  71. a Great wisdom.. Thanks be to GOD

  72. thanks be to GOD for this blog.

  73. Thanks be to GOD for this Blog

  74. Beautiful blog! Thanks be to God...please keep it coming Mr. Controversy

  75. thanks be to God and to mr controversy

  76. Napakabuti ng Dios ! Marapat lang Syang papurihan sa Kanyang mga pambihihirang gawa!😊

  77. Great!!! Thanks be to GOD!

  78. GRACIAS A DIOS porque tiene cuidado de cada ser humano aún del mas fragil

  79. Thank's God Father for Your Love!

  80. Thanks be to God for this wonderful article!
    To God be the Glory!

  81. "A believing woman is God's wonderful gift for a man" <3
    Salamat po sa Dios sa mga karunungan!

  82. A wife should be loved by her husband,he should take care of her feelings so that she will love him back.Don't treat your wives as your slaves. She is just like a vessle that will easily be broken. Husband's take care of your wives. God created woman for u not to be alone.Love her just like the way u love yourself.Thank u Mr.Controversy for a very nice topic.

  83. Thanks be to God that we have leaders like Bro. Eli Soriano and Kuya Daniel Razon. To God Be The Glory.
