The Bible as Source of Knowledge for the Wise

12/13/2014 , 172 Comments

When the Bible says that "knowledge shall be increased in the end times," it cannot mean that people in the past like Charles Darwin and other scientist have more advanced knowledge than those in our time, as the Bible contains all these knowledge.


In the extremely misinformed, hellish book entitled "God Delusion,” the author Richard Dawkins, with his poison wrote –

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." (God Delusion. Chapter 2 p.31)

The author, devoid of human decency and filled with satanic blasphemy, charged the God of the Old Testament to be "the most unpleasant character in all fiction!" This stupid and false accusation against someone whom he does not believe to exist can be considered the height of insanity and delusion!

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

It is not hard to see that to disgrace somebody who does not exist can only be caused by hallucinations of a person buried deep in delusion.

The fool hath said in his heart,There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

To tag the God of the Old Testament worse than Dracula, Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Frankenstein, and the like, is the grandest form of lie that an author could invent in the history of fiction making! Apparently, Dawkins is on the side of these fiction characters, being their campaign manager!

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

Here are things we should consider:

1. The God of the Bible is Omnipotent

And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

He desires perfection for humanity.

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Being perfect, an injunction to a believer, means to learn how to love and care for enemies.

MATTHEW 5:44-48
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

2. The God of the Bible is jealous.

That the Lord may become jealous is a deterrent. Divine jealousy is caring for His beloved not to be persuaded by lies.

7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,

For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

With the accusations of Dawkins against God, it will imply that even if he sees his wife flirting with another atheist, it will still be something morally acceptable to him! But God's jealousy is kindled against any man that would intentionally worship false gods. It is falsehood. God wants to protect His people from idolatry.

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

To frankly declare, "I am a jealous God" does not mean that He is proud of being jealous. He says exactly what He feels, treating His servants honestly with compassion and concern.

The thinking of Richard Dawkins against God is not a thing to marvel about. There are people who, according to the Bible, are walking with their head and thinking with their feet!

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

3. Richard Dawkins is "petty unjust,” and not the God of the Bible.

To charge somebody who does not exist to be "petty unjust" is most certainly unjust! The God of the Bible is the executor of everything that is just.

But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.

The highest standards of human justice are reflected in the Constitution of the United States of America! (The land of the free and the home of the brave). It is clear that the Bible is the basis of the justice system in the constitution of the United States. Here’s an excerpt from an article titled, “The Supreme Court vs. Faith and the Bible” (Ref: ) -

In V. Watkins v. Torso, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Secular Humanism is a religion.

Observations by the Legislative Branch

“Religion must be considered as the foundation on which the whole structure rests. In this age there can be no substitute for Christianity; the great conservative element on which we must rely for the purity and permanence of free institutions.”House Judiciary Committee, 1854

“The great vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of gospel of Jesus Christ.” House Judiciary Committee, 1854

"Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation of people. Whereas Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are contained in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of The United States ... Whereas that renewing our knowledge of, and faith in God through Holy Scriptures can strengthen us as a nation and a people. Now therefore be it resolved ... that the President is authorized and requested to designate 1983 as a national "Year of the Bible" in recognition of both the formative influence the Bible has been for our nation, and our national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures."1983 - Oct. 4, 1982, Joint Resolution of Congress.

We now turn to the leaders of the world as written in Wake Up America! Almost all the presidents of the greatest nation on earth now, the United States of America, believed in the Bible. It is the book upon which they laid their hands in swearing their oath of office with the concluding phrase in their oath "So help me God." Here are some of them (Ref:

President of the United States

1st President / George Washington
“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”

6th President / John Quincy Adams
The first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible. I speak as a man of the world. . . and I say to you, Search the Scriptures.”

16th President / Abraham Lincoln
In regard for this Great Book, I have this to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this Book”

7th President / Andrew Jackson
“That Book, Sir, is the rock on which our Republic rests.”

28th President / Woodrow Wilson
The Bible is the one supreme source of revelation of the meaning of life, the nature of God, and spiritual nature and needs of men. It is the only guide of life which really leads the spirit in the way of peace and salvation. America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of Holy Scripture.”

30th President / Calvin Coolidge
The strength of our country is the strength of its religious convictions. The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teaching of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teaching would cease to be practically universal in our country.”

32nd President / Franklin Roosevelt
We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a nation without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic. Where we have been the truest and most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity.”

33rd President / Harry Truman
The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and Saint Matthew, from Isaiah and Saint Paul . . . If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State!

18th President / Ulysses S. Grant
Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties. Write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this Book are we indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future.”

23rd President / Benjamin Harrison
If you take out of your statutes, your constitution, your family life all that is taken from the Sacred Book, what would there be left to bind society together?”

40th president / Ronald Reagan
Inside the Bible pages lie all the answers to all of the problems man has ever known . . . It is my firm belief that the enduring values presented in its pages have a great meaning for each of us and for our nation. The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds, and refresh our souls.”

In contrast, we notice the noise of new atheists. The New Atheists are authors of early twenty-first century books promoting atheism. These authors include Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens, as named by the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. These modern atheist writers advocate the view that "religion should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever its influence arises,” according to Simon Hooper (The rise of the 'New Atheists,’ November 9, 2006 CNN.Com).
Hooper said the tone of these new atheists is overtly confrontational rather than gently persuasive. In one of the interviews for CNN, Darwin is said to boast that atheists are like the gays; they only need to come out. When they do come out, the public can find that they are more numerous than believed. That is the kind of victory they see for themselves. But these pretentious intellectuals are no match to the great and intelligent men who shaped the USA as a nation!
PSALMS 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD

God bless America and the world!

This is Part 6 of Possibilities and Impossibilities in the Bible. More to come.

Sincerely yours,

Brother Eli


  1. Notice these words used by Richard Dawkins in describing the God of the Old Testament >> Arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochis, capriciously malevolent bully." << Am wondering if Dawkins even respects himself for using such filthy description. If your enemy doesn't exist, why even curse him at all?

    1. Because people believe he exists. Surely that fact alone opens one up to criticism. Nor is it 'delusional' to criticise a fictitious character. Especially when that character forms the beliefs and moral values of millions of people.

    2. Dawkins is lost and basically contradicting his belief.

  2. This blogs proves Atheists' ignorance of the Bible. Thanks be to God for this blog Bro. Eli! may it open the minds of our fellowmen.

  3. Res ipsa loquitor. The thing really speaks for itself. Richard Dawkins is the exact opposite of all truth. His belief will certainly endanger many innocent souls.

    Thanks GOD, here is Mr. Controversy who is really aware and expeditely counters to be able to save many from being fooled.

    People should take heed of this and be cautious in everything that the atheists are doing maneuvering people to believe them.

    Please....if you want to know the truth read the articles of Mr. Controversy and the Bible.

  4. im glad that i am not on the state of delusion like an atheist.
    to God be The Glory!

  5. United States of America have sound justice system as a result their consulting the Bible and use it as basis in founding their constitution.

  6. there is God , whether the atheist believed it or not...

  7. We cannot escape from the POWER of GOD! Thank you Mr. Controversy for sharing the wisdom from above. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

  8. Amen ;)
    To GOD be all the glory forever

  9. Thanks Be To God for the sensible knowledge we get to learn every day that inspires us and enlightens us every day!!!

  10. A person who hates someone he believes doesn't exist is simply delusional.

  11. Thanks be to God for knowing this knowledge which strenghten the faith of this christian era. More power bro. Eli Soriano

  12. it is indeed a worth reading blog :))) thanks be to God!!

  13. Another wonderful thing... TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

  14. Another wonderful thing... TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

  15. The final conflict is between spirits. GOD's against EVIL. Richard Dawkins' is obviously the opposite of GOD's truth. GOD's truth is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. GOD will prevail.

  16. another crystal clear point of view

  17. Thanks be to God for sending us a preacher like bro.Eli

  18. God bless America and the world!

  19. I somehow feel sorry for the atheists. Their faith was being covered with anger. Anger because what they heard and understood about God doesn't make sense. No one has ever gave them clarity. Their current state is being triggered because of the teachings of the false prophets, priests and pastors who don't completely understand the Bible, driven with their selfish desire thus; preaching incorrect doctrines. This form of scheme is being designed by no other than Satan himself. If only the leaders of the big religious groups will come out and face Bro. Eli in a public or televised discussion or debate about the truth in the Bible more atheists would have been able to listen the only sensible preacher of our time and be awaken from their anger. Frankness, clarity, and no nonsense way of teaching by reading the exact verses of the Bible to answer every question will give atheists the chance to redeem themselves. I remember Bro. Eli saying if only he and Dr. Jose Rizal met they would have easily agreed with one another because aside from the many good traits they have in common they both spent meticulous time reading and studying the Bible tirelessly with devotion. They both have very deep understanding about the Holy Scriptures. The essential character and gift of a preacher which are missing in our times. Most preachers right now just read one or two verses, some just selectively read which are comfortable for them then they teach their own stories or doctrines created by man. That's why atheists resorted to abhor God because the God they heard of was being preached in contrast to the God in the Bible. How would they believe in God that doesn't make sense to them? This is very discreetly schemed by evil in order to mislead many people. He's making all forms of chaos. He's probably smiling with full mockery having witnessed the malicious result of his deception. But the brethren inside the Church of God are blessed to know that evil will never win no matter how clever he is. The truth is, he's in panic mode right now and he's realizing that we are now at the times of the end and he's disparately looking for companions to suffer with him at the time of punishment. Thanks be to GOD!!!

    1. Without offense and with respect about your faith, i think you have absolutely no idea of what is an atheist.
      We don't have much anger as any other human.
      Atheist are non believer, most of them don't even know about the bible and don't care about, this is not a faith.
      Personally i'm an atheist, i have read the bible (old and new testament, part of the tora and coran, and some apocryphal text for personal culture, and i still don't believe in your god, i have read about others religions too, as the god of jude/christian/mulsim is not the only one on earth, all civilisation have their own religion, some have disappear with time, others still exist.
      For me faith is personal matter, i have nothing about believer, they can have faith in anything they desire.
      what annoy me, this is when they try to impose me their idea and view.

      some atheist make lot of joke about your god, because we think that we can laugh of about anything, sadly not with every one...

      Never forget tolerance work both way,

  20. I somehow feel sorry for the atheists. Their faith was being covered with anger. Anger because what they heard and understood about God doesn't make sense. No one has ever gave them clarity. Their current state is being triggered because of the teachings of the false prophets, priests and pastors who don't completely understand the Bible, driven with their selfish desire thus; preaching incorrect doctrines. This form of scheme is being designed by no other than Satan himself. If only the leaders of the big religious groups will come out and face Bro. Eli in a public or televised discussion or debate about the truth in the Bible more atheists would have been able to listen the only sensible preacher of our time and be awaken from their anger. Frankness, clarity, and no nonsense way of teaching by reading the exact verses of the Bible to answer every question will give atheists the chance to redeem themselves. I remember Bro. Eli saying if only he and Dr. Jose Rizal met they would have easily agreed with one another because aside from the many good traits they have in common they both spent meticulous time reading and studying the Bible tirelessly with devotion. They both have very deep understanding about the Holy Scriptures. The essential character and gift of a preacher which are missing in our times. Most preachers right now just read one or two verses, some just selectively read which are comfortable for them then they teach their own stories or doctrines created by man. That's why atheists resorted to abhor God because the God they heard of was being preached in contrast to the God in the Bible. How would they believe in God that doesn't make sense to them? This is very discreetly schemed by evil in order to mislead many people. He's making all forms of chaos. He's probably smiling with full mockery having witnessed the malicious result of his deception. But the brethren inside the Church of God are blessed to know that evil will never win no matter how clever he is. The truth is, he's in panic mode right now and he's realizing that we are now at the times of the end and he's disparately looking for companions to suffer with him at the time of punishment. Thanks be to GOD!!!

  21. Another wonderful blog Mr Controversy. Thanks be to GOD and to GOD be all the glory forever and ever. God bless America and the world!

  22. Those Atheist are impertinent!!!! get wake by the truth in the bible. Help yourself, you need also salvation.. Please do listen to Brother Eliseo Soriano. Thanks be to God

    1. Amen!

      Listen to Bro.Eli Soriano to know the real Doctrines of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


      Listen to Bro.Eli Soriano to know the real Doctrines of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


  23. Please do listen to Brother Eliseo Sorianoi, and follow him.. Thanks be to God

  24. "Walking with their head and thinking with their feet!" Absolutely, atheists think upside down. It is really a big, big delusion! "There is more to come." Thanks be to God forever and ever.

  25. Charles Darwin=delusion=richar dawkins

  26. Woe unto them who does not believe. They will only realize it when it's too late. tGbtg!

  27. Woe unto them who does not believe. They will only realize it when it's too late. tGbtg!

  28. Laughable lies of an atheist cannot stand against the truth. The Knowledge and Understanding that is being given by God to His people is Immeasurable indeed. To the Knowledge of God I say Amen and still more to come.

    To God be the Glory!!!

  29. Weekly Wisdom? More in this Blog! :D thanks be to God!

  30. here is an intelligent reply to the claim of a pseudo-intellectual ignoramus a.k.a. Richard Dawkins who heaps ignominy "against someone whom he does not believe to exist."

    Brother Eli draws on his mastery of the Holy Scripture "destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God..."

    to God be the glory!!!

  31. Atheirs are living in a world of delusions

  32. Blaspheming a non-existed being to the highest level is the highest delusion that a blasphemer can be. Now, whose mind believe in fiction?

  33. "Richard Dawkins is "petty unjust,” and not the God of the Bible."

    Here's the report from

    @RichardDawkins @AidanMcCourt I honestly don't know what I would do if I were pregnant with a kid with Down Syndrome. Real ethical dilemma.

    @InYourFaceNYer Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice.

    With this, I thank GOD, the men who shape the nation of America is not an atheist, not a Richard Dawkins.

  34. Amen ;)
    To GOD be all the glory forever!!!


    1. Oops I've just realised you won't publish the comment

  35. Now i can imagine a nation full of atheists, it is like a nation of hell on earth. Truth coming from Mr. Controversy with the help of our Lord is making my heart jump with joy as always. Thanks be to God in the name of Christ!

  36. LOL.... Its cool for an atheist to share his wife with another atheist...., hahahaaha., these series of exposes against these clowns is really cool...To God be the Glory

  37. Very sensible indeed! Thanks be to God! :-)

  38. Darwin is said to boast that atheists are like the gays.

  39. very informative & sensible as well, thanks be to God, bro. Eli Soriano

  40. Talking about the despicable evils going on around the world, I heard someone ask, " is there anything or anybody in this world worse than the devil?" A few answers came in, some accompanied with jokes. But who really would exceed the devil in deed. The question remains.

    Reading through the pages of the Bible, one will see that the mountains and hills, the sea, the sun and the moon and even the creatures of the deep and the beast of the land praise God. What's more amazing is, even demons believe in God and they tremble. Enter the atheist... Could they be the possible answer to the question.

  41. So much hate in the blog and reponses, its that what your god mandate? pitty

  42. Dr. Dawkins' description of the god of the Old Testament is accurate based on the Bible as written. However Dr. Dawkins has stated many times that he does not hate God because one does not hate a fictional character.

    I too grew up in a religious family but as I became educated I realized that the Judeo-Christian God is a product of evolution from earlier forms of Gods and was created by social conditions just like the finches of the Galápagos Islands are the product of evolution and were created by natural selection.

  43. "Many reject God not for intellectual reasons, nor for lack of evidence, but for a moral resistance and a refusal to admit their need for God" - Andy Bannister

    They also purposely and deliberately misconstrue and misrepresent the timeless wisdom, guidance and teachings, Holy Scripture has commanded throughout human history.

    Vanity is their god and greatest sin, egotists each and everyone of them, self worshipping their own self importance and arrogance.

    Mr Dawkins, for all the knowledge which you possess, how sad it is that you lack the most important understanding of all - humility.

  44. 1 The fool says in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good....... thanks be to God :) have a true leader.. teacher in our time.. Bro Eli and Bro, Daniel.....

  45. Really appreciated reading this. I'm sure more atheists will hang around and wait for the next BLOG of Bro. Eli :-)

  46. Crystal clear! Thank God for the "Bible" and the man who always reading it to us, "Brother Eli" a.k.a. "Mr. Controversy" To God be the Glory

  47. Nowadays, People criticize depends on what they've seen or what they have now in their life that's why it is very difficult to convince people specifically the Atheist. Attheists was molded by bitterness, pride and anger. They're trying to believe themselves that all things in our world or everything happens was made by science which the knowledge in science was also came from our powerful God. It really proves the Ignorance of Atheist. They are all delusional.

  48. I am seeking the attention of atheist Mr.Richard Dawkins to take action on this and face Br. Eli on a debate. Prove your point and show the people that you are not deceiving them ...

  49. Whatever the atheist said, I still have faith in God .To God be The Glory

  50. Informative ! I hope atheist will wake up one day and realize things,not too late. Accept the fact that there is God. Everything should be connected. Why people like Richard Dawkins and some atheist writers waste their time writing non-sense things against God. If they have nothing to do much better if they'll stop accusing to those people who believe in God. Yeah I'm not an MCGI member,but I believe there is God who always there for us.

    I salute USA !

  51. It is clear that the bible is accurate,true,credible and reliable. It provides us a real scientific information.
    I believed that America became the most successful and leading nation among the world is that because this nation aknowledged the Lord as their God which is obviously seen in their constitution which shows that the Bible is the basis of their justice system. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"(Psalms 32:12)
    There are people,who according to the Bible, are walking with their head and thinking with their feet and

  52. It is clear that the bible is accurate,true,credible and reliable. It provides us a real scientific information.
    I believed that America became the most successful and leading nation among the world is that because this nation aknowledged the Lord as their God which is obviously seen in their constitution which shows that the bible serves as the basis of their justice system."Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"(Psalms 32:12)
    It is true that there are people,who according to the bible,are walking with their head and thinking with their feet and one of the best example of this is the delusions of Mr. Richard Dawkins.Dawkins convinced himself of all the lies that would never ever become a reality,and worse, he was capable to convince other souls to believe on his assumptions and turned their lives into danger!
    I thanked the Lord because he gave us a Bro. Eli Soriano,a man full of wisdom about the Bible and makes him as an instrument to lead us to the right path of truth.
    Dawkins should withdraw his allegations about God and replaced his beliefs before it was too late for him.

  53. Maybe Mr. "D" can't explain or give the meaning of the word faith. But i know and i believe that he believes that he has a brain and heart although he never saw or touched it.

  54. Everything in this world are beautifully and perfectly created. The saddest thing is that many of those well educated people (especially the atheist) doesn’t believe in the power of God because they rely more with science and this blog is another proof of that. As the world grows older, and as the times passed by, people on earth are becoming more sinful because those people who are looked up by youngsters, who should spread out the love and words of God, are disseminating false information against God.

  55. If I am atheist..
    in this blog.. I will change my mind..
    kelan kaya magigising ang mga atheist sa kanilang lapastangang pag-uugale??
    I hope its not too late to confess sa inyong mga atheist..
    be humble.. hindi nakakamatay yan kapag tinanggap nyo ang kababan nyo..
    sabi nga sa bible..
    "ang nagmamataas ay ibababa, ang nag papakababa ay itataas.."
    if gusto nyo talaga na superior kayo sa iba..
    kunin nyo ang pwesto ng pinakamababa..
    kapag nasa baba kayo.. wala kayong ibang titingnan kundi ang kaitaasan..
    but kung nasa kaitaasan kayo.. wala kayong makikita kundi ang kalaliman..
    isang matinding lagim ang dadating sa inyong pagbagsak!!

  56. Bible, The Best Seller Book which it contains an information which is absolutely true and proven.
    About the book that was written by Richard Dawnkins entitled “God Delusion” is very weak, for me to believe. Why? It just simply because He doesn’t believe in God, so he doesn’t have enough evidence that told in the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction, jealous petty, unjust etcetera according on his book. He didn’t believe on God, so he had no any background about the Bible. So how he can accuse to someone else if you don’t know well about Him? For me, for those saying that Bible is the greatest book there are all wise and there knowledge come from Bible which is saying that Bible can help us to love and care other, which God intended for us to have these. To God Be the Glory!

  57. I am now thinking that those douchebags atheists walks inversely although they walk normally. But, anyway thanks be to God for this eye and mind opener article, and thanks be to God to you Bro. Eli.

  58. Questions about religions,creations,and other things that regards to your beliefs in life t will never be unanswered.Because of Brod. Eli Soriano and his basis which is the Bible will now turn your curious minds into an spiritually/mentally educated one...

  59. PSALMS 33:12
    Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD
    it is simply that if you don't have God, you are worse that demon.
    I don't know where these atheist carry to say that Bible is fiction.Can atheist do ocean? if you just realized what you are saying atheist. if you just realized!

  60. it is very clear that we have God . it is such an evil idea if you don't believe that God is existing . like wat richard dawkins believe.
    if they believe in "to see is to believe" well, i can't see their brain so how can i believe that they have brain ??
    all i can say is i believe that God is existing . thanks be to God for all the things that he have done . such as my brain and knowledge on his words

  61. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! for this another knowledge! :)

  62. God is just and all His judgement is just. There are many evidences that can prove that... And I believe that the Bible is reliable source to prove that our God is just...

  63. Reading this article makes me think about the atheist leaving a question on my mind that what kind of thinking does they have for them to say that God is unrighteous? Dawkins’ statement about God is what we can call pointless and nonsense. How can he say that God is the most unpleasant character in all fiction if the bible itself is the proof of every things existence. Their faith was being covered by anger which made them believe that God is not real. God created all things even atheist. How come they don’t realize their existence in these world if God is not around. Another thing is that The Bible is a great book which is accurate, real and reliable. No wonder why United States is a successful country because they do believe in God which made The Bible part of their justice system. Thanks be to God for this kind of blog which inspires me a lot to read more about The Bible.

  64. Thank you so much for this very informative article! hating someone you don`t believe exist is simply delusional..The fool hath said in his heart,There is no God (PSALMS 53:1). I hope that everyone believe and accept the fact that GOD EXIST!

  65. It is indeed true that the Bible is the most reliable book existing on Earth. And with the help of science it proves that what was written in the Bible is true. But the Bible can stand alone with the science. This blog emphasize that fact.

  66. Delusional? None other than.. Mr. Dawkins!
    To say that God is a delusion is the biggest delusion a man could ever think of! Everything we see and exists are perfect evidences that only A Powerful and Almighty GOD can ever create them all! Stop that nonsense teachings of yours whil its not too late. Or else you'll regret it.
    Thanks be to GOD for another sensible scholarly work Mr. Controversy!

  67. For thing is first I want to say thanks to God for the author of this blog Bro. Eli Soriano for giving us the right information about this,

    How dare are they? That they pointing out that God is a fake. Bible is true and accurate and Mr. Richard Dawkins should be just in every statements that he will do.

  68. have pity on yourself Richard Dawkins. May your foolishness awakened you!

    "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."

    a big..big LIE..

  69. I am very grateful that my God wants me to be perfect. Perfect as in, a law to the believers to give love and care to enemies. My God is jealous because He loves me so much. That's why He don't want me to persuade by lies like to those people who call themselves intelligent atheist. Who are these people compared to the Presidents of greatest nation who believes in the Holy Scriptures?

    I am very, very Thankful because we have the most sensible preacher in our time no other than Bro Eli, . He doesn't just talk by himself but by the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Amen, the Bible as the real Source of Knowledge for the Wise. Thanks be to God!!!

  70. I am very grateful that my God wants me to be perfect. Perfect as in, a law to the believers to give love and care to enemies. My God is jealous because He loves me so much. That's why He don't want me to persuade by lies like to those people who call themselves intelligent atheist. Who are these people compared to the Presidents of greatest nation who believes in the Holy Scriptures?

    I am very, very Thankful because we have the most sensible preacher in our time no other than Bro Eli, . He doesn't just talk by himself but by the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Amen, the Bible as the real Source of Knowledge for the Wise. Thanks be to God!!!

  71. Thanks be to GOD for having an author of this blog, Bro. Eli.
    Unjust-this is one word to describe Mr.RD, who has no basis in what he is saying/writing.

  72. Richard Dawkins is worthless! He is trying to be a preacher but he is not!
    All of his teaching is coming from his empty mind so that he misleading billion of souls.
    Thank God that I am not one of them who believes his foolish teachings! Because their is Brother Eli Soriano ( The most sensible preacher of our time ) given by God to correct the mistakes of some illogical and petty preachers all over the world.

    No wonder, that some people become atheists because of such stupid preachers teaching that God is not really exist! I know deep in their hearts that God is real because of his kindness to his children.

    Bible is a source of knowledge for everyone :)

  73. thanks be to God I didn't become an aetheist, didnt become delusional . Thanks be to God for all the knowledge and all the truth that should've been known of all. truly Bible speaks all of the things in life. Saying God and Bible isnt true is like asking a question when you already know the answer its pointless.

  74. I thank God for giving me the chance to read this article. I feel pity for those who believe that God doesn't exist. They've just wasted their time studying for those kind of foolishness. I'm just hoping that atheist will be able to accept the teachings of bro Eliseo Soriano which were also stated in this article. :)

  75. Before man was created, all the knowledge of the world was already in the Bible. Even the rising of the false prophets was written in the Bible. So I'm not so much surprised that Richard Dawkins is one of them. How can you say that God is the most unpleasant character in all fiction? How are you? You are just a mist that appear for a little time and then vanishes.

  76. Only on this article that I found out that many American Presidents believe in God. And it is amazing to find out the reason behind their belief. Indeed, it is wise to believe in God. Many great persons and scientists are God-believer. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday to name a few. Reading this article my faith and belief in God. Thanks be to God!

  77. There truly is a man stating false crap. Thanks be unto the Creator, the God Almighty that I am not one of those non-believers. I couldn't believe there are people confident for such accusations. Thanks be to God for this blog that makes me realize how lucky I am that I know God,more than they do.

  78. Very educational. To GOD be the Glory.

  79. Another wake up call for those atheist! What a fool they were?! Thanks to this well written article by our Mr. Controversy. It informed me a lot about these presidents of America that even them, they believe in God. I would like to end my comment with this line quoted from the above article: "knowledge shall be increased in the end times". Bible is the great source of knowledge! Thanks be to God!

  80. thanks be to God! I'm glad to read this article and to know how petty unjust those who not believe in the existing of God.

  81. Bible teaches us all the history and the truths about the past time. That’s why we don’t have the rights to just set some evidences and knowledge even if it says that we have more advanced knowledge than those in our time. Because Bible contains all these knowledge.

  82. In our school we study different academically subjects, Math, Science, History, and etc.. but in Bible, It is a complete package and source of knowledge and facts. That's why Atheists who didn't believe to the Words of God, are the foolish people in our world I hope that someday the Atheists will realize their tomfoolery and will accept to their heart the love and care of God to all the people.

  83. Thanks be to GOD for giving us Bro. ELI who is very reliable in The Bible and Bible is accurate in our time although we study all books that makes us become a good person but still The Bible is the most important of all .THANKS BE TO GOD

  84. Very interesting topic i love is a vewry informative blog.

  85. We this i can say I'm PROUD TO BE A CHRISTIAN .. To God be the Glory

  86. atheist doesnt know what they are talking about. they are leaning into false hope and false source of wisdom perhaps one of the reason why many atheist does not want to submit themslves to God as source of good things on earth its because of the failed prophecies of the many prophets trying hard to know the nearer end of the world, thats one thing and another thing, WHICH IS THE TRUTH, THEY ARE NOT THE READER OF THE SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE, WHICH IS THE BIBLE, FOR THE BLESSED READER,

  87. atheist doesnt know what they are talking about. they are leaning into false hope and false source of wisdom perhaps one of the reason why many atheist does not want to submit themslves to God as source of good things on earth its because of the failed prophecies of the many prophets trying hard to know the nearer end of the world, thats one thing and another thing, WHICH IS THE TRUTH, THEY ARE NOT THE READER OF THE SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE, WHICH IS THE BIBLE, FOR THE BLESSED READER,

  88. Bible was really a source of knowledge because it is the basis of our christian lifes and this is the proof that it has an existing God who created everything in this world including Mr.Dawkins so if I were you delusional mr.Dawkins after reading this blog i'll change my philosophy immediately and i'll believe that it has an existing God cause if God was not existing who created you and who was the one that giving you life.

  89. Richard Dawkins and his poisonous wrote is such a big ignorance as I can read in his statement you really don't understand what was in the bible written, what was the meaning of this jealous of the Lord that it is also for us to be saved,he first judged God that create on me,otherwise he is unwise person,because he can't believed what the bible says,because I believed that only the bible can be source for the wise.

  90. thanks be to God for this inspiring article. So blessed for having a preacher like Bro. Eli Soriano! :)

  91. Truly the Bible is the source of knowledge! Because what was written inside on it came from God which is the real source of information. In the Bible, it teaches people to believe on God and laying facts that serves as the proof for us to believe on the Bible. Is it not wise to not believe in God, or being an Fooltheist.

  92. If you just open your, unless you are an atheist fanatic. All the things written in the bible is for the betterment of mankind. All of God's commandments benefits us. You can see how God loves us so much, that is not a single one of his commandments can harm us. Even those who do bad things against us, God want us to pay them with kindness and love. If only Dawkins who'd open his eyes (I hope he does), that God wants even him to receive salvation.

  93. The Bible is the most important of all books in this world because it answer our life and the proof of the GODS WILL FOR US we must be thankful for this wonderful works of GOD we need to become thankful GOD'S PEOPLE.TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

  94. Thsnks be to God cause we have Mr.Controversy

  95. What a great explanation, THANKS BE TO GOD ! :D

  96. Well expalined Mr. Controversy! To God be the Glory!

  97. Thanks be to God for writing such an informative blog. as written in "PSALMS 53:1
    The fool hath said in his heart,There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good." Richard Dawkins shows ignorance with his thoughts.

  98. It’s normal for us humans to judge negatively something that we don’t understand. But when it comes to the things in the bible, it really needs faith, light and appearing of God for us to understand it. In my experience the bible is just wonderfully true, and its speaking is up to date, and according to the need for it is the word of God which is the very God himself as the essence and the living person in the bible.

  99. We always need to remember that Bible is God's word and The most advanced book in all of the books. Bible is really amazing!
    Thanks be to God!

  100. Thanks be to God that I grew up knowing Him and being guided by His scriptures which gave me meaning to this world, the Bible is the only book which we can rely on to improve our morality to create peace with others; hell would I be if I were an atheist.

  101. Bible is the only book that will make people know everything in this world !

    This blog was well explained ;)
    This be to God !

  102. One of the wonderful God's law for me is Love your enemy. Of course atheist don't do that! Because they don't believe in Him. What I'm trying to say is believing to God do you so may good things, you didn't lost a thing, but you have a BIG GOOD GAIN. Sorry to say but being an ATHEIST is a BIG LOST.

  103. We can use the Bible for everything here on earth as we goon living. Thanks be to God for this blog. It enlightened my mind.

  104. God really exist and the bible proves it. The Bible does not only fills our mind with knowledge about the truth but also the words inside it serves as food for our souls. the words of God is very powerful that it can change ones perception and even gives everything to once nothing. An atheist will never understand nor appreciate its significant unless he opens his mind, heart and eyes and look at the people holding it, reading it and applying the lessons they have learned on it like Americans they consider the bible as their guidance towards God.

  105. A convincing facts and evidence that we have God thatv wil lead us to know the TRUTH and to be able to have FAITH

  106. A convincing facts and and evidence that we have God that will lead us to know the TRUTH and to have FAITH :)

  107. believing to God do you so many things but you have a big good gain.

    thanks for this informative blog

  108. thanks be to God! I'm glad to read this article and to know more in thus blog :)

  109. Indeed, that the bible is source of knowledge for wise. Because it is wise to believe the words of God, for us to became a better person. If you are an atheist don't tell me that you have a greater knowledge to the past or even the present President of the most powerful country on earth which is the United States of America. Most of them are believing on the bible in fact they laid there hands on top of it while swearing the oath of office and concluding oath "So help me God" like Bro.Eli said.

  110. Thanks be to God for this wonderful article.

  111. that's true god create us wonderful and perfect, so that we are very blessed... thaks be to god

  112. salamat sa pagkakataong ito,,more knowledge,,salamat sa dios.

  113. Bible is the most informative source of information and knowledge because there is no books other than the bible tells the truth and all information and guess on the bible happens in our times.....thanks be to God for this wonderful blog,I hope many readers read this article.

  114. Amen! its so overwhelming that i found out this blog, were you can learn a lot of things, knowledge and wisdom that was written in the bible. hope those atheist open their mind and found out the truth.

  115. TO GOD BE THE GLORY ,Thanks be to GOD!:)

  116. Thanks be to God for this very informative and educatioanl article.

  117. Amazing Artcle!!! To God be the Glory ^_^
    i am so happy reading this

  118. Awesome ! This blog is something that atheists need to seriously consider. Think it over atheists! Truly, belief in God and in the Bible will put you in the right direction.

    To God be the glory !

  119. I am so blessed for I was given a chance, reading this very informative blog and sharing it to my dear students. Bible must be my students first source of knowledge.
    Thanks be to God

  120. TO some who have not read the bible at all..... they thought that the bible is a book with only words of GOD. Actually, it's a compilation of books written by authors we regard to as evangelists, who upon the help of the holy spirit was commanded by GOD to put into writing everything his children need to know from the beginning to the end. No it is not a fictional book as atheists so believes.It's more of a diary of events. And the one who can decode this is a man chosen by GOD . I have been to many churches and congregations and fellowships but I have never met anyone who answered every inhibitions and question I had about GOD , until I met Bro.Eli Soriano. And I believe that he has the wisdom to understand and teach what GOD wants us to know, through this holy book - The Bible. To GOD be the Glory!

  121. thanks be to god for another knowledge that we've learned. More blog from mr.controversy more kowledge :)

  122. Dawkins don't really understand how God loves us. That He only wants us all to be saved at the end. But because of Dawkin's stupidity, he don't feel God's love for everybody simply because he doesn't open his find for all his wrpngdoings and false accusations to our God.

    Thanks be unto God and to our Lord Jesus Christ for explaining this topic in detailed.

  123. Amen.... Thanks be to God....

  124. This can be used as reference for those beginner to bible. Nice ONE!!!

  125. Oddly blasphemus DAWKINS... The GOD of the BIBLE is the true the whole cosmos should worship... TO GOD BE THE GLORY...

  126. Wow! I didn't even know that many of the early presidents of the United States used the Bible as their strong basis in constructing the constitution! Indeed! The Bible is the source of knowledge for the wise!

    These atheists are foolish and delusional! Accusing the Creator of "being the most unpleasant character in all fiction" and many other lies is pure blasphemy! Clearly, they don't have understanding and I pity them. May God Bless them!

  127. Hello! I'm Arvin. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I believe it because that's what the Catholic Church says so. No other man made religion can claim that. Can we show that the Bible is the Word of God without the Catholic Church? Okay, to show that, please answer the question why is the Bible the Word of God without having the Catholic Church as its explanation. Let's not commit unreasonableness here by going to other topic like idolatry because that can be refute in a reasonable way. Now, we cannot quote from the Bible to prove that it is the Word of God because that is proving from a claim only. Even an atheist can write a book and mischievously put the phrase in that book "this is the Word of God" and it's obvious that that will not make his book a Word of God. Don't even be confuse by labeling me as an atheist because I'm Catholic and a Catholic is not an atheist. Let's follow Jesus and the evidences and we'll be Catholics.

  128. Hello! I'm Arvin. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I believe it because that's what the Catholic Church says so. No other man made religion can claim that. Can we show that the Bible is the Word of God without the Catholic Church? Okay, to show that, please answer the question why is the Bible the Word of God without having the Catholic Church as its explanation. Let's not commit unreasonableness here by going to other topic like idolatry because that can be refute in a reasonable way. Now, we cannot quote from the Bible to prove that it is the Word of God because that is proving from a claim only. Even an atheist can write a book and mischievously put the phrase in that book "this is the Word of God" and it's obvious that that will not make his book a Word of God. Don't even be confuse by labeling me as an atheist because I'm Catholic and a Catholic is not an atheist. Let's follow Jesus and the evidences and we'll be Catholics.
