Pope Francis: A friend to Atheists, an Enemy of Truth

11/01/2014 , 268 Comments

First, Pope Francis said atheists will go to heaven even without believing in God. In contrast, the Bible says that those who refuse to acknowledge or believe in God are not welcome to heaven!
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Now, he declares that Big Bang and Evolution are real, and doesn't contradict the account of creation in Genesis! That is a lie – a blatant lie!
Evolution is absolutely in contradiction with the account in Genesis. The idea that man evolved from primates is contrary to biblical truth.
 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.

The word 'âdâm translated in the English Bible 'âdâm should be understood not mentioning the person of Adam but the human race or humankind or species. From Strong's Hebrew Dictionary -


From H119; ruddy, that is, a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.): - X another, + hypocrite, + common sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.

The proof is:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

"Let them have dominion" would involve mankind or a human species that will dominion. The pronoun "them" refers to the ‘âdâm as the entire human race and not to only one man. Adam, the man, could not himself establish control over fish, fowl, cattle, creeping things upon the earth. That is not the sense of this verse. Man is to have dominion over beasts, implying a higher level of existence of the first over the second.
It must be understood that humankind was made by God after His own image and likeness, thereby rejecting the notion that mankind started from the image of a beast or a primate before becoming a man, like what the highest authority of the Catholic Church is trying to imply. In fact, even before Pope Francis started his babel about accepting evolution, Pope John Paul II came ahead.
When St. John Paul II addressed the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 1996 he took it one step further, saying evolution is “more than a hypothesis,” and accepting the evolution of the human body.

source: slate.com

This belief of the Popes is a gargantuan lie according to the Bible! The human body since its creation did not evolve to be another form of being as the definition of the word "evolution" implies.
(plural ev·o·lu·tions)

Biology theory of development from earlier forms: the theoretical process by which all species develop from earlier forms of life. According to this theory, natural variation in the genetic material of a population favors reproduction by some individuals more than others, so that over the generations all members of the population come to possess the favorable traits.

The Bible declares that when the human body was made, it was made directly out of the dust of the ground.
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Notice that man was made with nostrils wherein the breath of life was introduced by God, implying that since its creation, man has nose, nostrils, the nasal cavity, the trachea, where air passes to the lungs. Many millennia have passed and yet we have the same bodily constitution! Was there any evolution that intervened? It's silly to think that man’s body has changed!
The present Pope declared - 
God created beings and let them develop in accordance with the internal laws that He has given to each one, so that they could arrive at their fulfillment.
This is blatantly unbiblical and erroneous! If we have to accept this perverted idea of the Pope, it will mean that our present condition as humans, as "fulfilled,” is a product of evolution and not as an image of the Creator that is present in the human since he was created!
Man was created upright at the time of his creation. He did not have to change biologically from unfavorable to favorable.
Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

His condition is "very good" immediately after creation and doesn't need evolution to be fulfilled!
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

In this narrative of creation where will evolution take place? It's imaginary to think it can. It is stupidity!  It is delusion!
Take note that after creation God brought unto Adam animals to be named under his dominion.
And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

For this task to be accomplished it needs perfect intellect and understanding which Adam had at the time he was created. Adam will not call a tiger as "liger" or a lion as "tigon.”  A clear mind and a good memory was in the being of Adam, otherwise, he might be calling a lion, "lion" this day, and tomorrow or some days after, he would call it "elephant"!
Adam had a perfect understanding and awareness about his being because he was made in the likeness of God. Not having the opportunity to see actually the reality in his being, he knew that he had flesh and bones, which is impossible for an ape to understand!
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Why? Because he was informed by his Creator and he believed in it. Adam was not an atheist!
Humans have been given dominion over animals because they did not come from animals!
For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:

This dominion is God-given and not the product of evolution. The Bible correctly and scientifically uses the term "species" or "kind" to separate humanity from the animal kingdom.

GENESIS 1:20-25
20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

From Strong's #4327 -

From an unused root meaning to portion out; a sort, that is, species: - kind.
If humanity or the human species evolved from animals, it will contradict the truth that in the beginning God created only one man!
 And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

If evolution were true, there should be many men and many women at the start of the human race. If evolution were true, it will contradict the very recent findings in science about the Mitochondrial DNA which gives us the assurance of the Biblical truth that all men descended from only one woman.

 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

And if evolution were true, won’t it mean that of all the apes existing before the start of the human race, only one ape succeeded to be a man and only one ape evolved to be a woman to allow the scientific findings about mitochondrial DNA?
Part of the guesses of the theory of evolution which the Pope believes is the following:
..."As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as, consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected. From the strong principle of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate its new and modified form."...

[Ref: Darwin, Charles (1859), On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, (London: John Murray) 5 (121): 502]

We will wait for the answers of the Pope and his fans club, the atheists.
The foolish idea of evolution as believed by its proponents is random. Can atheists give us the percentage of the random possibility of the success of producing only one woman and only one man from all the apes that exist before the start of the human species?
The possibility of an asteroid hitting with damaging impact on earth is one every 100,000 years. The possibility of being hit by a lightning is one in 3,000,000 people. The possibility of being struck by a falling meteorite is one occurrence every 9,300 years... The possibility of an earth-like planet is one in one thousand quintillion quintillion quintillion quintillion quintillion quintillion quintillion... The possibility of a man in our time reaching the age of 120 and above is one among 2 billion.
If we talk about the probability that a planet capable of sustaining life might exist somewhere in the universe, according to research, computing is not yet anything like an exact science. There is enough information though that the probability is extremely low. Below is Dr. Hugh Ross’ (1998) “Estimate on the Probability of Attaining the Necessary Parameters for Life support.” (Ref: Design Evidences in the Cosmos, www. reasons.org).   Ross is an astrophysicist.

If evolution were true, is the possibility of evolving from an ape, only one man against all the apes that existed? 

The reality is that evolution is not "planned!" And no one is in control.
Here’s an excerpt on “Whale Evolution” written by Tom Mueller for National Geographic, November 2014.
The common ancestor of whales and of all other land animals was a flat headed, salamander-shaped tetrapod that hauled itself out of the sea onto some muddy bank about 360 million years ago. Its descendants gradually improved the function of their primitive lungs, morphed their lobe fins into legs, and jury-rigged their jaw joints to hear in the air instead of water. Mammals turned out to be among the most successful of these land lovers; by 60 million years ago they dominated the Earth. Whales were among a tiny handful of mammals to make an evolutionary U-turn, retrofitting their terrestrial body plan to sense, eat, move, and mate underwater.(Ref: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2010/08/whale-evolution/mueller-text/3)
According to atheists, evolution happened because of intervening circumstances in the natural world. For example, as discussed above, the ancestor of the whale was a four-footed animal like a salamander that hauled itself out of the sea. As it evolved, it improved its lungs and turned its fins into legs. As mammal from the sea it became land-oriented.
And many more similar stories.

Richard Dawkins in his book, The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution (2010) wrote,  “I must go back to the sea again.”  This hints on the atheists’ idea that land animals have evolved from fish.

How laughable!


  1. Thank you for sharing this Blog Mr Controversy. I hope that many catholic will read this and realize the truth.! To God be the Glory!
    God bless you always Mr. Controversy!!!

    1. Caleb Boerner:

      When STUPID individuals like you cannot distinguish between the metaphorical and literal intention of the bible, then, there will always be FOOLISH comments here like yours!

    2. According to this article.

      Premise #1 Genesis 3:20 Eve was the mother of all living
      Premise #2 Science discovered a mitochondrial EVe who lived 200,000 years ago

      Here are the conclusions deriving from premise 1&2 above.

      Conclusion #1 The biblical creation of Eve is compatible to Science
      Conclusion #2 The biblical Eve also lived 200,000 years ago or (maybe) beyond.

      But what does the fairy tale book(bible) say about the Mythical biblical Eve? When did Imaginary God actually create Eve?

      Let's consult the book of fairy tale!

      Time Span#1 Creation of Adam/Eve to End of Flood (1657 years)
      Genesis 5:1-32, Genesis 8:13-16

      Time Span#2 From Flood to Covenant with Abram (367 years)
      Genesis 11:10-32, Genesis 12:1-4

      Time Span#3 Covenant with Abraham to Exodus (430 years)
      Exodus 12:41

      TIME span #4 The Length of Exodus (40 years)
      Exodus 16:35

      TIME span #5 End of Exodus to reign of Solomon (480 years)
      I Kings 6:1

      TIME SPAN#6 Jesus and Reign of Solomon (approximately 950 years)
      2 Kings 16:, 2 Kings 16.10,11. The assyrian Rule World History

      6,000 years versus 200,000 years??? Whoaa!!!


    3. Jeremy Lucban, is it mentioned in the Bible how long Eve came to existence after the creation of Adam? Did you know that before Eve was taken out of the rib of Adam God brought first every beast of the field and every fowl of the air to him and commanded him to name them.?
      Genesis 19:
      19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
      20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

      After Adam was able to name all those animals that was brought him there was not found an help meet for him. And so God created Eve out of the rib of Adam.

      Genesis 21:22
      21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
      22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

      How long do you think would it take for Adam to name all the beasts of the field and fowl of the air before God gave the woman meet for him? Is it mentioned in the Bible? No. But If you are logical person you would say that the existence of humans would be 6000 years plus the number of yours between Adam and Eve. In fact, the oldest human fossil identified by science is about 160,000 years old.

    4. How misled Jeremy is. He concluded it that Eve lived 200,000 years contrary to what he gave statement that "Premise #2 Science discovered a mitochondrial EVe who lived 200,000 years ago". It says science discovered a mitochondrial eve, and he make it appear that eve lived 200,000 years! He concluded it "Conclusion #2 The biblical Eve also lived 200,000 years ago or (maybe) beyond."

      The bible never mentioned that eve lived 200,000 years; it is only the perception of this atheist who believes that the bible is a fairy tale.

    5. Jeremy Lucban gave these premises:

      Premise #1 Genesis 3:20 Eve was the mother of all living
      Premise #2 Science discovered a mitochondrial EVe who lived 200,000 years ago

      And these are my conclusions:
      C1: Evolution is not true, we came from one mother (Eve) and not from bacteria.
      C2: Atheists belief is debunked by Bible and Science.

      Jeremy's conclusions were out of context base on the article. He is just infusing his imaginary thought that humanity exist for only 6000 years, again and again by citing the Bible figures that he do not understand and do not believe.

      Genesis is not written to reconcile years of human existence but its mere existence because he was created by God.

  2. For so many times, I really have proven that atheists are idiot products of their own comic fairy tale of evolution. How laughable!

    1. I think you are IDIOT. Your bible says that the SPAN of TIME between ADAM/EVE and Jesus Christ is only 4,000 years and now you believe it's 200,000 years citing Science?

    2. You haven't shown anything except your lack of understanding the scriptures. You literalist evangelicals make yourselves look so dumb. Not everything in the Bible is meant literally. When Paul asks Jesus how many times his brother should sin against him and be forgiven, and Paul asks "seven times?", when Jesus replies I say to you not 7 but 70 multiplied by 7 times you shall forgive him, do you really think Jesus meant forgive him 490 times, but not once more? If your brother sins against you 491 times you don't forgive him anymore? That's just stupid! Obviously Jesus meant you forgive him an infinite number of times. See what happens when stupid people like you run wild with scriptural literalism and Sola Scriptura? You could learn a lot from the person sitting in Peter' seat, they are after all the most direct line to the Apostles. But I guess you know more than Jesus and the Apostles huh?

    3. Jeremy Lucban, is it mentioned in the Bible how long Eve came to existence after the creation of Adam? Did you know that before Eve was taken out of the rib of Adam God brought first every beast of the field and every fowl of the air to him and commanded him to name them.?
      Genesis 19:20
      19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
      20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

      After Adam was able to name all those animals that was brought him there was not found an help meet for him. And so God created Eve out of the rib of Adam.

      Genesis 21:22
      21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
      22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

      How long do you think would it take for Adam to name all the beasts of the field and fowl of the air before God gave the woman meet for him? Is it mentioned in the Bible? No. But If you are logical person you would say that the existence of humans would be 6000 years plus the number of years between Adam and Eve. In fact, the oldest human fossil identified by science is about 160,000 years old.

    4. Jeremy Lucban

      The author of your blog link if you notice is willing to acknowledge that there are “missing genealogies (except that he is not convinced on the discrepancy of about 194,000 years as compared to his computation of 6,000 years genealogy time frame. His computation therefore becomes debatable considering his admission of such missing genealogies which he will not be able to accurately quantify.

      Today many Bible scholars believe the Genesis genealogies were written primarily to provide only highlights and not necessarily a complete record of every actual generation. The 6,000 year time frame is founded upon the supposition that the genealogies of Scripture are intended to be complete, but a careful study of these genealogies clearly shows they are not intended to be complete, that they oftentimes contain only some outstanding names. There are gaps in the genealogies.

      Closer inspection of the parallel lists of names in Scripture will show that Scripture itself indicates the fact that the genealogies list only those names the biblical writers thought it important to record for their purposes. In fact, some genealogies include names that are left out by other genealogies in Scripture itself.
      As evidence the genealogies are compressed or abbreviated, scholars point to examples such as the genealogy of Moses, which appears four separate times in Scripture (Exodus 6:16-20, Numbers 26:57-59, 1 Chronicles 6:1-3, 23:6-13). Moses’ genealogy is given as Levi to Kohath to Amran to Moses. As straightforward as this seems, related Bible passages suggest that several generations were likely skipped between Amram and Moses. 1 Chronicles 7:20-27 provides a parallel genealogy of Ephraim, son of Joseph (brother of Levi), from the same period of history as the Mosaic genealogies. While only 4 generations are listed from Levi to Moses, 12 generations listed from Joseph to Joshua during the same time period.
      Levi Joseph
      Kohath Ephraim
      Amran Beriah
      Moses Joshua

      Experts in Old Testament genealogy note there is wide-spread consensus regarding dates and chronology from the time of Abraham. However, prior to Abraham, there is little available Biblical or historical information on which to build a solid chronology.
      In addition, genealogical words such as “son” (Hebrew ben), “father” (ab), and “begat” or “fathered” (yalad) are central to this issue. “Son” (ben) has many literal meanings: son, grandson, great-grandson, great-great-grandson, or descendent. “Father” (ab) can literally mean father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather and ancestor. “Begat” or “fathered” (yalad) is not limited to just the immediate generation, but can also apply to distant generations. The word translated ‘begat’ is sometimes used not of an immediate descendent, but of succeeding generations.” Further, “son” may be a literal son or a distant descendant many centuries removed. A good example can be found in Genesis 46:15, which enumerates the offspring of Jacob and Leah: “altogether his sons and his daughters numbered thirty-three.” A careful look at this genealogy reveals that the “sons” (ben) included multiple generations of sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons.

      Your reference link therefore is highly suspect considering his willingness to admit that there are missing genealogies in the first place. Come to think of it stupid!

    5. @Caleb Boerner, you're statement doesn't contain any good argument against what's already proven by this blog. Furthermore, argumentum hominem is the main main theme of your statement.

    6. Toto Onato,

      Missing genealogies will not affect the computation of dating back biblical chronology and it is widely accepted even by mainstream scholars that there are missing. However, the argument of missing genealogies should not be used to DISCREDIT the numbers in the bible. If you discredit numbers in the bible, what's the sense of believing from it anyway?

      I need you to UNDERSTAND THIS very carefully.

      For example in Genesis 5:18 it says

      When Jared had lived 162 years, he became the father of Enoch.

      You can argue by simply looking at that old age (162) that Jared might not be the DIRECT FATHER of Enoch rather a great grandfather or a great great great great grandfather. That is an ACCEPTABLE ASSUMPTION and nobody could disprove that assumption. With that assumption, we MAY conclude that there may be MISSING names between Jared and Enoch.

      However, you cannot DENY what is written in the BIBLE that when JARED had lived 162 years (in plain english, when Jared was 162 years of age) Enoch was born regardless if Enoch is a son or a great great great grandson of Jared. Did you get it??

      This is the structure of your reasoning because you are trying to DESTROY premise#1 as shown.

      Premise #1 Jared was 162 years when Enoch was born
      Premise #2 (ASSUMPTION) Jared can be a great great great grandfather of Enoch because there are missing genealogies.

      Conclusion: Because there are missing genealogies, PREMISE #1 is INCORRECT.

      Don't you find it ILLOGICAL? Your Conclusion is INCORRECT.

      Premise#1 is a statement from the Bible that you all believe therefore you must AGREE on its statement especially the numerical portion which states that Jared was 162 years old when Enoch was born and that is the basis how the 1657 years was calculated from the time of ADAM to the the end of the FLOOD.

      The missing names in between are just useful BUT the NUMBERS are VITAL to compute TIME SPAN from ADAM to FLOOD.

      Did I make myself clear?

    7. @Mervin Vargas

      The SPAN of TIME between ADAM and EVE SHOULD not EXCEED 130 years because this is what is WRITTEN in the BIBLE..

      Genesis 5:3
      When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth.

      Because if it exceeds 130 years, how come Seth was born without Eve?

      Try again, Mervin! It's just 4000 BC, accept it. It's a dead end, Story of Adam & Eve is a myth. The Bible is a fairy tale book.


    8. Jeremy Lucban:

      You cannot make yourself clear owing to the fact that you refuse to understand the reality and logic behind the use of some words in the bible. Read this again:

      For instance: genealogical words such as “son” (Hebrew ben), “father” (ab), and “begat” or “fathered” (yalad) are central to this issue. “Son” (ben) has many literal meanings: son, grandson, great-grandson, great-great-grandson, or descendent. “Father” (ab) can literally mean father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather and ancestor. “Begat” or “fathered” (yalad) is not limited to just the immediate generation, but can also apply to distant generations. The word translated ‘begat’ is sometimes used not of an immediate descendent, but of succeeding generations.”

      Further, “son” may be a literal son or a distant descendant many centuries removed. A good example can be found in Genesis 46:15, which enumerates the offspring of Jacob and Leah: “altogether his sons and his daughters numbered thirty-three.” A careful look at this genealogy reveals that the “sons” (ben) included MULTIPLE GENERATIONS of sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons.

      Relatedly therefore, Genesis genealogies were written primarily to provide only highlights and not necessarily a complete record of every actual generation. The 6,000 year time frame is founded upon the supposition that the genealogies of Scripture are intended to be complete, but a careful study of these genealogies clearly shows they are not intended to be complete, that they oftentimes contain only some outstanding names. Hence, the gaps in the genealogies.

      If you cannot see through the above simple explanation and still insist on your 6,000 time frame computation, then, you are indeed a hopeless case. I feel sorry for you!

    9. "And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son.." True, I have no contention with that because it is written. But when did the literal counting of his years started, before he ate the forbidden fruit or after he had eaten it? Don't you know that Adam, and even Eve were meant to live forever in the garden of Eden had only they followed God's commandment?

      Genesis 2:15-17
      15And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
      16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
      17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

      How many span of years do you think had elapsed before Adam had eaten the forbidden fruit? That span of life had allowed him to have named all the beast of the earth and all the fowl of the air. Now, can you refute this logic?

    10. I would like to point out a few things.
      1) nobody knows how long a year was for those people back then. That information has been lost a long time ago.
      2) The people mentioned in the Bible are the direct descendants to the Israelites. They have no meaning to the rest of the world.
      3) The ancestral names are those at the dawn of civilization which is now about 12,000 years ago. Therefore one cannot use them to judge the age of humanity.

    11. @ Caleb,

      You wrote and I quote "You could learn a lot from the person sitting in Peter' seat, they are after all the most direct line to the Apostles. But I guess you know more than Jesus and the Apostles huh?"

      I guess you did not understand the article or you have not read it fully. You maybe blinded by your faith with pope but you believe not in Christ. Try to check if your pope is really the direct line of peter's seat or advocate of the devil? Catholic church is mighty and great but look at your doctrines: purgatory, rosary, dead saints, mass, xmas, fiesta, ett whic are unbiblical. Investigate whether doctrine is of God or of men if you really want eternal life in heaven. You may start reading on this blog www.esoriano.wordpress.com

      You will learn many things about your religion and other things that will affect your salvation.

      And for this blog of Mr. Controversy, you will not read this kind of article in the internet as bold and Biblical.

    12. Toto Onato

      See my reply below. I thought it was posted here. November 4, 2014 at 6:23 AM

    13. Jeremy lucban

      The author clearly states that he didnt live that explanation of your of 6000year old mand kind. That was computed by those false religion which propagate the bible. The author believe the earth reign billions of years ago based on scientific proof which the bible do not contradict with it. You should listen to this man. Hes not your typical "pastor" who believes that the world is only 6000 years old

  3. nice! and interesting! :smile :cool

  4. A scientific exposition on how the BIBLE is scientific.

  5. A scientific exposition on how the bible is scientific.

  6. If the bible teaches us anything, it is that God was created in our image, not the other way around. He would be incompetent at best. Sorry children.

    1. Where did you get that notion? Have you seen God to prove He is created after mans image?

    2. Where did you get the notion of human coming from apes? Have you seen your ape link friend?

    3. @Matt Leschyson,

      I think you have not read the Bible yet cause you have no idea what it had taught to us. Grab a copy and read please.

  7. This article is utterly absurd. It cites the Bible as truth, and uses it as proof. It's ludicrous.

    1. Eric, not at all. In times when the so-called Christian churches need biblical guidance on the issue of theistic evolution ONLY Bro. Eli stands clear on this issue. A lot of churches are divided on this, a characteristic that must not be seen in the true church. Furthermore, this only proves that they are not united in their faith.

    2. So what is your proof that the bible is not true? What is your proof of evolution which until now is a theory?

    3. You can deny but you can't disprove. ^_^

    4. Citing the Word of God as truth is not absurd. Citing a lie as truth is absurd. That's what atheistic scientists do. To prove the theory of evolution, they devised what they call "missing link" which was later proven to be a HOAX.

    5. No Eric Mitochondrial DNA is a scientific proof to prove God's creation of human. Modern science is there to back up the Bible.

    6. Eric Malette, of course! We cite the bible as the truth and not Darwin's fairy tales! If we think Darwin's theory is the truth and we claim the bible is not, then aren't you absurd enough to think about it? Of course we cite the bible as the truth! Please use your common sense! The fact is your premise is the bible is fake and a myth so you can't use it to prove the truth. But your problem is you can't prove that it's fake or a myth.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. @Eric Malette - Your comment is utterly absurd. You believe that you know the truth and have proof. It's ludicrous.

    9. @Eric Mallete,

      The Bible is true. The word of God is truth. What proof in science, history and morality that you know that it is not true? Science findings proven the authenticity of the Bible. Only atheists who denied God existence cannot accept that.

  8. This has to be the stupidest thing I've read in quite some time

    1. @SinFulSoul: Your name is justified by your arrogant, irrelevant and senseless comment! Try to develop some brains!

    2. And you're only proving atheist is good at argumentum hominem.

    3. @SinFulSoul - your comment has to be the stupidest thing I've read in quite some time.

    4. @Sinfulsoul,

      I think its the other way around, you are just denying. Back up your comment with reasons, be a man dude!

  9. The popes are ridiculous like their belief!!!

  10. The things around you and inside you proves that there is that intelligent and GOD Almighty that created these things.TO GOD BE THE GLORY...

    1. @Jeremy Lucban

      That's it, Jeremy have said it, HE's VERY OWN STANDARDS/ CREDENTIALS of a GOD! No wonder you are an atheist. Your standards are shallow ("ampaw").

      Have you ask yourself "WHY" those things you had mentioned above happened to them (to us)?

      You and readers of this blog may visit this site I followed to weigh your accusation to our GOD.


    2. @jeremylucban
      Why blame God? Is He the one doing all the things you mentioned?

      And your last paragraph proves that you believe in the exixtense of God.

      How can you comment, neg or pos, on something that does not exist?

      Think, and think again, pls.

  11. The declaration of their most holy "father" only shows his ignorance in the bible and his ignorance in the power of God... Of course God is not a magician bec God never do tricks, but his works are REAL... The vastness of the universe shows his POWER.

  12. WOW! WOW and WOW! nice Blog for the POPE :D Happy Reading human race!

  13. I cant find any absurdity in the Bible. To those who said that;have you tried reading the Bible? You misjudged the Bible without reading and UNDERSTANDING its contents.More power to MrControversy for sharing this article! May this article serves as an enlightenment to those who are non-believers.

  14. the article is not absurd maybe its your mental intelligence!

  15. Eric, not at all. In times when the so-called Christian churches need biblical guidance on the issue of theistic evolution ONLY Bro. Eli stands clear on this issue. A lot of churches are divided on this, a characteristic that must not be seen in the true church. Furthermore, this only proves that they are not united in their faith.

  16. Bill Rosen didn't know why it is called Mitochondrial Eve and trying to imply that it has no connection with Biblical Eve.

    "Do you understand the difference between Mitochondrial Eve and the Biblical Eve?"- Bill Rosen

    "I hope you are not expecting anyone here to take this seriously. As someone that has studied Biology, the premise of young earth creation is laughable." - Bill Rosen

  17. Eli Soriano uses the article from livescience.com confirming the age of MITOCHONDRIAL EVE about 200,000 years ago. This simply means according to Eli Soriano that the EVE of the bible might have walked on earth during this time, 200,000 years ago!

    If you are a SCIENCE advocate and at the same time a BIBLE believer then you have to start abandoning your faith because according to biblical chronology, the span of time that God created ADAM and EVE and the time of Jesus Christ is approximately 4,000 years.

    Can't you see the problem with that? 200,000-6,000= 194,000 years is such a HUGE margin!

    1. Jeremy Lucban,
      You said "the span of time that God created ADAM and EVE and the time of Jesus Christ is approximately 4,000 years. "

      where did you get this info? Bro Eli never said that. If you can prove that Br Eli said that i will be with you.
      I am a proud member of MCGI with Bro Eli Soriano...

    2. Hahaha that was the computation of those false religion! Mr soriano never preach nor meantion that. However, he has a very scientific answer to that. Ask him! You'll be surprise. :)

  18. I dare Mr/Ms 'The Absurdity of Theism' to disprove Mr. Controversy's write-ups!

    "Evolution is not a random process. The genetic variation on which natural selection acts may occur randomly, but natural selection itself is not random at all. The survival and reproductive success of an individual is directly related to the ways its inherited traits function in the context of its local environment." - The Absurdity of Theism.

    1. Does your author have credibility or a credibility of producing a hoax by exchanging the bones of human and a ten year old orangutan jaw bone making it look like an ape man. For what? Just to insert the hardness of his pride for being wrong and taking the lime light of fame. Evolution is a theory and the link doesn't exist nor missing.

  19. I would rather say it is absurd not to believe in facts written on the Bible wherein new scientific discoveries shows the authenticity of it.

  20. I totally agree with you Mr. Controversy! Thank God i am not an atheist..:)

  21. How laughable, indeed.
    Thank you Mr. Controversy!

  22. The author believes that Eve likely lived 200,000 years ago. How laughable!

    There are so many stupid Christians who don't understand their Bible. God created Eve in 4000 years BC and NOT 200,000 years ago.

    Here's the article.


    1. Don' t be stupid Jeremy Lucban.Even diamonds exist because of accumulated pressure from the Earth's crust Millions of years ago..Review your science!!!!!

    2. Again, it is you Jeremy Lucban believes that Eve lives 4000 years, as per your very OWN understanding and calculation. Who contradicts the 200,000 years now?

    3. @Mateo, The calculation that the biblical God created ADAM/EVE 6000 years ago was derived from BIBLICAL figures.

      Read it!


    4. @Toto Onato,

      It seems that you don't fully understand my response dated November 3, 2014 at 3:38 AM.

      Let me use a more layman example.


      When Toto Onato was 30 years of age, he begat Jonathan
      When Jonathan was 35 years of age, he begat eduardo
      When Eduardo was 25 years of age, he begat Mervin
      When Mervin was 40 years of age, he begat Jeffrey.

      One day, Jeremy found Toto carrying a baby named Jeffrey.
      Jeremy thought that Jeffrey is Toto's son.

      he then wrote Toto's genealogy and his first sentence was

      "When Toto was 130 years of age, he begat Jeffrey."

      That statement omitted the names of JOnathan, Eduardo and Mervin in Toto's genealogy. However, that missing GENEALOGY cannot DENY the FACT that TOTO was 130 years of AGE when Jeffrey was BORN.

      The important element here to form the basis of the calculation is 130 years NOT the 3 missing genealogies, not the gaps.

      If you think that the YEARS in Genesis 5: are WRONG then there's no sense for me arguing with you.

    5. @Mervin

      "But when did the literal counting of his years started, before he ate the forbidden fruit or after he had eaten it? "

      From the very moment he magically became human, voila! tadan!

      " "Don't you know that Adam, and even Eve were meant to live forever in the garden of Eden had only they followed God's commandment"

      Very UNSCIENTIFIC Bible.

      This will disobey the second law of THERMODYNAMICS (ENTROPY)

    6. Just what do you know about entropy? Don't you know that this law seem to contradict the first law which states that the total quantity of energy in the universe remains constant. The first principle says that heat and energy are two dimensions of the same nature; the second principle says they are not, How will you now resolve these two intriguing laws?

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. @ Jeremy Lucban

      If we, who are believers and have faith in GOD are, you said, "idiot". Then, why are you still reading Our Bible? Is that make sense, that any words, articles or whatsoever that you might tell to us against the Bible would change OUR FAITH? Yeah! You're really great and intelligent but how did you come up with that conclusion that you don't even bother to believe in GOD? I wonder how or what kind of family you grew up .. your intelligent eat up your faith. Sayang talino, hanggang dito lang yan e :) God bless you, bro!

  23. An intelligent explanation. It's biblical and scientific. Absurd are those who doesn't believe in bible and in God.

    1. I understand the bible and it says that God created Eve in 4,000 BC and cannot be compatible with Mitochondrial Eve who lived 200,000 years ago.


    2. Anyone can read the Bible but none can understand it only if God allows cause God gives the understanding. And God will not give understanding to one who do not acknowledge Him.

      God had something to say to those who hate to acknowledge Him:

      Proverbs 1:22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

      Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

  24. You are wrong Eric Malette. The argument from the pope is the point here, so it is just wise to use the Bible as reference, considering that the catholics claim that they are using the Bible as reference of their faith, although it is obviously not a fact. The article shows how the highest authority of the catholic church is contradicting himself and displaying ignorance in public.

    In the lines showing counter-arguments for Richard Dawkins and other self-proclaimed atheists, logic was used with references from real-life scientists, like an astrophysicist. I didn't see here an argument like "The Bible is true, therefore evolution is false." Only an overexcited, close-minded, fanatic will see that at an initial glance. Careful reading will open our eyes.

    Use science even in analyzing compositions like this. I'd rather conclude that many people don't know real science. Anyway, I'm not a licensed or registered scientist. Because I don't need to be one.

    Others even think they understand science, therefore they can understand the Bible better than others. How stupid. How crazy.

  25. Mr. Controversy is definitely CORRECT.I agree with him.What is utterly absurd is believing in " evolution and Big Bang Theory.Humans never came from apes.Apes NEVER evolved into humans.Until now,apes remain to be apes.Humans are far more superior than any of the animals because we are endowed with God- given intellect and understanding.

    1. Stupid Comment. We did not evolve from Apes that we see today. Learn Evolution and you will be fascinated! Forget about your Fairy Tale Bible!

    2. So what are you saying now Jeremy, that we are apes? The alleged fusion between two ape-like chromosomes (2A and 2B) to form human chromosomes (Chr2) has already been debunked by modern geneticists. Atheist-geneticists did a lot of magic to make it appear that fusion model is factual.where in fact where in fact the purported fusion site was highly degenerate and that within the 20- to 30-kb window of DNA sequence surrounding the hypothetical fusion site, there is a glaring paucity of telomeric repeats, and those that are present are mostly independent monomers, not tandem repeats?

    3. The author of evolution has no credibility. Exchanging the jaw bone of a human to a ten year old orangutan was the stupidest trick I've seen. It is to force pride for being wrong and pushing lime light to his name for thinking something that has no link at all. Evolution is a fairytale to but extinction of your brain cells is a reality.

    4. Author of Evolution??? He he he

    5. @Mervin, I said we did not evolve from Apes that you see today. Our closest relatives are the chimpanzees and the common ancestors between humans and chimpanzees lived around 7 to 10 Million years ago according to genetics and fossil records. 6 Million years ago, fossil records show evidence of bipedalism and the 3.2 Million year-old bipedal found was named LUCY.

      Read Introduction to Human Evolution


    6. LOL! chimpanzees... If the the hoaxer only knew that imaginary people would have this conclusion they would've used the jaw bone of a chimpanzee instead. It will make it look like more realistic somehow but still imaginary. Lol... I think my gases will come out laughing this one out. Lol! Lucy? Is that the name of your mother? Lol! :D Sorry man. This is silly but I think apes came up to be bitter and chimpanzees are more sweeter. Lol!

    7. @Jeffrey relatives is different from ancestor. Humans and Chimpanzees share COMMON ancestor some 7 to 10 Million years ago. Evolutionists never claimed that HUMANS evolved from Chimps.

      The hoaxer that you mentioned was never approved by the scientific community. In science, before something must be accepted by mainstream, any claim should undergo a peer review and must be approved by a consensus of scientists. The hoaxer never had a consensus.

      So at least now you know how a scientific community works.

    8. @Jeremy "relatives is different from ancestor" Is this scientific? How can they be linked if they are different? I think the scientific calculator... ooops.... community (to whom it may concern) will disown this stupid statement.

      @Jeremy "Evolutionists never claimed that HUMANS evolved from Chimps" It is because they can never claim it did, there is no link. Are you blind? Can't you see how you're being fooled by evolutionist? They let you see the wall that is blocking the view beyond it. Make a whole Jeremy and take a pip what is beyond the wall. Humans and chimps if you look at the outside will have a resemblance because of the same engineer who designed it but if you will just look beyond it.

      1 Cor 15:39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.

  26. Eli Soriano wants to prove that ALL MEN CAME FROM ONE BLOOD and uses the article of LIVESCIENCE.COM as a BASIS to PROVE THE existence of Biblical EVE. In Short, Eli Soriano and his idiot followers believe that EVE lived 200,000 years ago! HA HA HA.

    I'm an atheist and this is article is quite laughable and idiotic at the very least to prove that the biblical Eve is TRUE using the article from LIVESCIENCE.

    I think Eli Soriano is also an ATHEIST just like me because he doesn't believe in the Bible that God created EVE in 4,000 BC and uses 200,000 years ago instead! That's a HUGE margin! As in HUGE!

    For ADD Cult followers, the article below will shake your faith in Imaginary God.


    1. I think your conclusion is misleading. "ALL MEN CAME FROM ONE BLOOD" is the bible conclusion and that is before the article "LIVESCIENCE.COM" found out that it is. Basis is never LIVESCIENCE.COM it is still the Bible through the words of God.

      I'm never an athiest and your conclusion is quite laughable and idiotic twisting the truth and with illogical thinking.

      I think you know you're belief is hoax/imaginary and the HUGE gap/ margin you have is thinking and convincing your heart that there is no God which from the start you deny the reality of the article.

      For the Imaginary athiest people this article shake your faith that your mother is a chimpanzee.

      "And that's how the cookie crumble" Lol :D

    2. Jeremy Lucban,

      You said and I quote "Eli Soriano wants to prove that ALL MEN CAME FROM ONE BLOOD and uses the article of LIVESCIENCE.COM as a BASIS to PROVE THE existence of Biblical EVE. In Short, Eli Soriano and his idiot followers believe that EVE lived 200,000 years ago! HA HA HA."

      I believe you do not grasp the article you were commenting with, simply because you failed to compare two ideas or concepts that were not meant to contradict each other. Again, none in the article says or implies that the author is believing that Eve lives 200,000 years - what the author trying to say that you failed to comprehend is the contradiction between your evolution and the mtDNA that scientists latest findings.

      Here's the contradiction I noticed about your comment Jeremy, the science and your own computation with the Bible account is contradicting each other and not Bro. Eli Soriano nor the author of this blog.

      What is true is that the article in livescience you are mentioning DISPROVING your Evolution that human came from bacteria or chimpanzees.

    3. Jeremy,

      Bro. Eli Soriano believes in the Bible and he is not an atheist. What he do not believes is your own calculation which is the 4000-6000 years of Eve. And anyway since you do not believe in the Bible, how come we believe in your calculation. That's foolishness.

      Actually that is an atheist symptom, they do not believe in something yet they use that something to prove their claim. What did you say? The Bible is a fairytale book? So that means your calculation is also a fairytale.

      And by the way, the link you gave is also a fairytale discussion and calculation. None can shake the Christian's faith, not the evolution nor the bigbang theory.

    4. You're obviously an atheist. A typical atheist who only knows argumentum ad hominem.

    5. @Jeffrey Where is your argument? NONE

    6. @Mateo

      "Bro. Eli Soriano believes in the Bible and he is not an atheist. What he do not believes is your own calculation which is the 4000-6000 years of Eve."

      - I never said 4000-6000 years of Eve. I said 4000BC or 6000 years ago.

      "And anyway since you do not believe in the Bible, how come we believe in your calculation. That's foolishness. "

      - What kind of mind do you have? My calculation is BASED on the figures found in your BIBLE.

      "Actually that is an atheist symptom, they do not believe in something yet they use that something to prove their claim. What did you say? The Bible is a fairytale book? So that means your calculation is also a fairytale.

      And by the way, the link you gave is also a fairytale discussion and calculation. None can shake the Christian's faith, not the evolution nor the bigbang theory."

      - You show NO ARGUMENT. In tagalog your comment is "AMPAW"

      "Actually that is an atheist symptom, they do not believe in something yet they use that something to prove their claim. What did you say? The Bible is a fairytale book? So that means your calculation is also a fairytale. "

      - WRONG again. Based on the bible, God created Adam/Eve in ~4000BC or 6000years and the bible claims that Adam/Eve are the first HUMAN. That alone is INCOMPATIBLE with SCIENCE because there are humans who lived on earth as early as 200,000 years ago (IN FACT, Eli Soriano just posted an article from LIVESCIENCE)

      The problem with Christians especially with ADD Cult followers, they do not have any counter-argument every time an atheist raised an ISSUE about the bible and instead use an INSULT. That's how you defend a FAIRY TALE book.

      Try Again Mateo! Call Eli and ask for help.

    7. @Mateo

      "I believe you do not grasp the article you were commenting with, simply because you failed to compare two ideas or concepts that were not meant to contradict each other. Again, none in the article says or implies that the author is believing that Eve lives 200,000 years"

      -- OH MY GOODNESS!! read the article again. That is absurd citing an excerpt (actually a statement from an article) "Age confirmed(200,000 years ago) for Eve, Mother of all humans"

      Don't you get my point? Don't you have any knowledge on HOW to CONSTRUCT a conclusion based on premises?

      You cannot derive a CONCLUSION if you don't accept one of the premises.

      Premise#1 Genesis 3:20 Eve Mother of all living
      Premise #2 Age confirmed(200,000 years ago) for Eve, Mother of all humans

      Conclusion: Eve was the mother of all living as confirmed by SCIENCE and BIBLE.

      This conclusion is wrong because premises are assertions that, when joined together, will lead to CONCLUSION. The most important part of any premise is that you ACCEPT it as TRUE. If you REJECT EVEN ONE of your premises, you are likely rejecting your CONCLUSION and your ARGUMENT will fall apart.

      There is NO ARGUMENT at ALL.

      Now if you just pick "Mitochondrial Eve" to form your argument, that is what you called a FALLACY of CHERRY PICKING.

      No ARGUMENT Again.

    8. @Jeremy you're great as a comedian you never fail to make me laugh. You're looking for argument and you argue your own conclusions and statements. Lol! :D Just tell me you don't have an answer and I'll understand. You're tying a lot of knots now you're tangled.

    9. Jeremy,

      You are the one who made the premises above and concluded it then inserted your belief based on your own calculation, base on the Bible that you do not believe in the very first place. How come you will understand the Bible when you do not believe to? That's really disturbing!

      You are showing an evidence while you yourself do not believe on such evidence. Whose comment now is "ampaw"?

    10. Jeremy,

      Mr. Controversy wrote: "If evolution were true, there should be many men and many women at the start of the human race. If evolution were true, it will contradict the very recent findings in science about the Mitochondrial DNA which gives us the assurance of the Biblical truth that all men descended from only one woman."

      Now, Is the author believes in the years (200,000 years) or in "all men came from one woman only"?

      Again the latest finding in science DISPROVES your evolution -and that's the argument the author want to show to the world. Not the argument you are injecting.

    11. @jeffrey you believed in the authors conclusion from a premise that you partially believed. I can't believe that you guys are way more idiots than what I was expecting by not seeing the author's fallacy of Cherry Picking. There were humans who lived on earth 200,000 years ago. Can you reconcile that against the account of Genesis creation?

    12. The author proves that evolution is not true. And yet you are inserting again and again your 6000 years of recon based on your own analysis on the book you do not believe. Mr. Controversy did not attempt to reconcile the years written in Genesis, cause Genesis is written to let us know that GOD created all things and not from Bigbang! That human was created by Him from dust and not evolved from bacteria! You can only deny but you cannot disprove the Bible and existence of God.

    13. Jeremy Lucban:

      First of all let me tell you that you are being misled by your use of limited arithmetic and logic. You are very insistent in trying to use a single genealogy (lineage) from Adam to Noah (Genesis 5), from Shem to Abram (Genesis 11) and from Abram to Jesus Christ as basis of your 6,000 year time frame.

      You must understand that the above cited genealogy or lineage that culminated to the birth of Jesus Christ is just one of THE MULTIPLE GENEALOGIES THAT WERE NOT BIBLICALLY RECORDED for obvious reason. Why can’t you understand the fact that ADAM had many sons and daughters? Each of Adam’s siblings (which may not be less than 100) naturally had respective GENEALOGY and you can just imagine how one could trace and record the consequent multiple genealogies.

      To use the biblical genealogy from Adam’s son Seth down to Jesus Christ as the age of mankind is tantamount to presuming that those successively mentioned hierarchy of Adam’s descendants from Seth all the way to Jesus were each the title holder of longevity (which should not be your presumption and the bible did not say that) so that skeptics like you try to use the recorded father’s age when a son was begotten as reference to compute the age of humanity.

      As regards to your layman’s example that runs this way:

      “One day, Jeremy found Toto carrying a baby named Jeffrey.
      Jeremy thought that Jeffrey is Toto's son.

      he then wrote Toto's genealogy and his first sentence was

      "When Toto was 130 years of age, he begat Jeffrey."

      That statement omitted the names of Jonathan, Eduardo and Mervin in Toto's genealogy. However, that missing GENEALOGY cannot DENY the FACT that TOTO was 130 years of AGE when Jeffrey was BORN.

      The important element here to form the basis of the calculation is 130 years NOT the 3 missing genealogies, not the gaps.

      My answer:

      If I have at least 10 sons and daughter (by the way, I have actually 6 sons and 3 daughters) and if Jeremy would come out as an addition when I turn 130 then chances are that 2, 3 or 4 of my other sons and daughters (and their respective descendants) could OUTLIVE the life span of Jeremy (and his direct descendants). Therefore, the separate GENEALOGY of each of my other direct siblings could very well be much longer (if you take Jeremy’s genealogy as compared to that of the others especially when Jeremy will not have a son or daughter for whatever reason).

      That being the case, your way of thinking is misplaced. What you are trying to evaluate as the mankind’s age is not what it is. It is just about the measure of the most significant genealogy among the many other genealogies of Adam’s many sons and daughters. Biblical record captured only the linage from Adam’s son SETH and vertically all the way down to Jesus birth. That’s all there is to it and the same is not meant to calculate the age of humanity.

  27. This blog is not created out of illusory belief. This blog is created for the authenticity of the Bible and Science. The author of this blog carefully analyzes before posting such blog as this. Besides, this article is mainly designed for the Pope in Rome to read.

  28. Standing with Bible as source of Truth will contest every theories that contradict the Scpritures like evolution and bigbang. When one is true and the other one is not = it is impossible to believe that both will work hand-in-hand.

    In the case of the current Pope of the Catholics, he believes that the Bible which discredits evolution and bigbang is working hand-in-hand. And that is absurd!

    The pope as this blog link http://www.elisoriano.com/blog/pope-told-to-be-more-biblical-in-pronouncements/ says must be Biblical and not playing safe for both believers and non-believers.

    Atheists denied God existence, how come the pope is kinda sharing to their belief these past days? Maybe the members of Catholicism must think where their spiritual leader, the pope, will lead them...in paradise or in damnation?

    1. See @Jeremy this is how stupid you are. For your reference try this link so you'll have an idea how Bro Eli see things. Don't be lazy read and understand.


  29. I wish to correct the verse I cited from my first comments.

    Genesis 19:20 (incorrect)
    It should be:
    Genesis 2:19-20
    19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
    20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

    Genesis 21:22 (incorrect)
    It should be:
    Genesis 2: 21-22
    21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
    22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

  30. If evolution as atheists believe is true, why it stop suddenly?

    1. I could flying then if its true, right Jeremy?

    2. @Jeremy let me return the question. How did you know? I remember this statement "Extinction is real but Evolution is not" Dodo bird became extinct and they did not evolve. Many humans wants to fly but we never grew wings to fly. We created a mechanical bird instead based on the engineering of how birds flies. We can create as we are created by a Creator, but there is one thing we cannot create and that is life. You don't hold your life Jeremy you can't even stop aging. What stage are you now Jeremy? Soon you'll see. Reality is inevitable you just have to accept it.

    3. Jeremy, do human are still changing?

    4. Glen

      Evolution is a process not a magic from a magical sky daddy

    5. Mateo, you can wish it from your magical sky daddy who can turn water into wine and who can make a snake talk.

    6. @Jeff Mateo asked why evolution stopped and I asked him how did he know?
      Anyway, Can you define what an evolution from your own understanding so I may know if we're on the same page? Because you said that evolution is not true

    7. Jeremy, now that's the least you can ask? Why should I exert effort to discuss it to you which I believe not on it.

      This is the fact about atheists, make proof from the evidence they do not believe. How laughable is that?

    8. @jeremy you keep on disputing and yet you can not prove your claims beyond reasonable doubt

  31. Is it possible to believe in two contradicting concepts at a time? Biblically speaking, you must stand only on the side - the TRUTH. But the Pope of Catholics do believes in two different and contradicting concepts, he believes in God and then he believes in evolution and Bigbang Theory.

    I conclude then, the pope is anti-God.

  32. To thinking Catholics, this is something to investigate and put their pope to test whether he is of God or not. Actually this blog is just another proof that pope is not of God, Mr. Controversy is helping the Catholics before they run out of time. It is not too late to turn your back to the religion that full of man-made doctrines that contradicts the Bible, seek and you will find the true religion the Bible is stating.

  33. I would like to point out to you a few details. 1) Since God is a spiritual being and cannot be tempted nor can he tempted anybody, how can man be in God's image since man was tempted and he fell.
    2) Man was formed from the dust of the ground. Are you implying God was formed the same way?
    3) when it comes to "the dust of the ground," could that not entail using bones from another creature that has come and gone?

    1. @Squeeky,

      Mind to visit this blog I love to read and little by little with God's help you will be enlighten. Thanks.


  34. Thank you for this blog. I hope many people will understand this. May God bless you!

  35. To Jeremy Lucban - do your homework first (research); ask first. We do not believe about your computation that from the creation up to now is only about 6,000years; we do not believe that. There are physical evidences that there were humans who lived way back thousands and thousand of years ago. One example is the Mayan civilization. So about your computation of 6,000 years, you are very wrong to think that we believe that 6,000years; nope we do not.

    1. Rbolisay

      Correct there are evidences proving the existence of humans 200000 years ago and that findings directly destroys genesis.

    2. NOPE that destroys your computation but not the BIBLE. Trying to be wise in the Bible Mister Jeremy. How can you understand the Bible when you do not believe on it. That's pathetic.

    3. The evidences of human existence 200,000 years ago do not destroys Genesis. There is nowhere in Genesis that contradicts that 200,000 or that says humans are only 6,000years.

  36. Jeremy Lucban - where do you get that 6,000years computation? There is nowhere in the Bible you can find that it is only 6,000years. Your source of information is wrong. Do not think that we have the same belief as those of other religious groups.

    1. http://biblefairytale.wordpress.com

      Read my discussion with toto onato also

    2. @ Jeremy Lucban

      The Bible is warning us about the upcoming Great Tribulation and the good book even tells us how to survive this Great Tribulation.

      You atheist. what have you got to offer...another "large quantity of nothing decided to pack tightly together,—and then explode" to whatever they want to?

    3. Jeremy that 6,000years computation of other religious groups is very wrong. You are using a wrong basis to disprove the Bible. Do not believe those who say that it is only 6,000years that you use to refute the Bible.

    4. If Lucban really understands the Bible (as what he claims on his previous comments), he wouldn't call it a fairytale. What a laughable belief of the atheists!

  37. All your beliefs are all hoax, not a logical one, but Mr. Controversy make a sound explanation.

    1. you said "All your beliefs are all hoax, not a logical one"
      you better elaborate this statement...

  38. Bro. Eli champions the truth. He clearly explains how real science actually supports the truth in the bible. To atheists who are really thinking, stop being know-it-alls and start asking sincere questions. I once heard this: an inquisitive person beats an intelligent man.

  39. @Jeremy Lucban

    "And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son.." True, I have no contention with that because it is written. But when did the literal counting of his years started, before he ate the forbidden fruit or after he had eaten it? Don't you know that Adam (and even Eve) were meant to live forever in the garden of Eden had he only followed God's commandment?

    Genesis 2:16-17
    16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
    17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    ".. for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." , implying he was presently enjoying eternal life.

    Was there any verse in the Bible that in the garden of Eden Adam and Eve could live forever?

    Genesis 3:22
    22Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—”

    Did he die? Of course! Adam's literal body started to wax old the moment he was expelled out the garden of Eden.

    Genesis 3:17-19
    17And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
    18Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
    19In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

    "Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;"
    The word 'field' in Hebrew term is śâdeh śâday which means wild (implying outside the garden of Eden.)
    שׂדי שׂדה
    śâdeh śâday
    saw-deh', saw-dah'ee
    From an unused root meaning to spread out; a field (as flat): - country, field, ground, land, soil, X wild.

    And, from out of the garden of Eden, Adam died.

    Genesis 5:5
    5And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

    God didn't want Adam and Eve to live forever after their transgression, so they were sent out of the garden to dwell in the wild.

    Genesis 3:23
    23therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken.

    How long in years do you think have elapsed before Adam ate the forbidden fruit? That span of years had allowed him to have named every beast of the earth and every fowl of the air that was brought by God for him to name.

    Genesis 2:19
    19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

    Now use your sound imagination if you have - Did God bring all beasts of the field and fowl of the air in one instance? It will be too hard for Adam to name them all at the same time. And you can just imagine how topsy–turvy the garden of Eden could get if all these animals were brought to Adam in one instance. See the logic?

  40. A very sensible blog! I really admire you Mr. Controversy. You have an intimate knowledge of the Bible.

  41. Mr. Controversy more blogs please!
    Keep them going, the most sensible blogs i'd ever read!

  42. The atheist Jeremy Lucban had proven nothing but to inject his mere computation which also same computation made by JW and SDA about humanity age. The latest findings about mtDNA debunked Evolution- and that's fact.

    But lest we forgot, this blog is not only for atheists like Jeremy but mostly to Catholics who believe in their pope as Peter's successor and will lead them to eternal life following his teachings. Again, a timely call to all Catholics, to investigate the pope's pronouncements rather than following him with blinded eyes. Bible contradicted Evolution and Bigbang Theory -yet the pope believes in two ideas.

  43. Hi Mr. Controversy, your explanations were very striking! This was the first time I heard such superb explanation :)

  44. Very glaring Truth from the Bible and Facts from Science as well as simple logic. Try to understand, use some imagination and reasoning it's a gift from God to you friends of Pope Francis. It is not from bible alone you Protestants, try to read it again for you not to always protesting the realities and truth around you.

  45. Very glaring Truth from the Bible and Facts from Science as well as simple logic. Try to understand, use some imagination and reasoning it's a gift from God to you friends of Pope Francis. It is not from bible alone you Protestants, try to read it again for you not to always protesting the realities and truth around you.

  46. But if we just pay attention, there are small pieces of knowledge that will make us realize a sense of great wisdom and design in how things are in nature and in science.

    Move the earth just a bit far(1-10% its distance from the sun) and we'll all freeze. Move it a bit closer and we'll start falling towards the sun's gravity scorched in heat. There's the Van Allen Belt protecting us from Solar Flares and extreme solar radiation, Atmosphere layers protecting us from meteor showers. The Moon keeping a safe distance from the earth.. Big masses of planets come after earth keeping the gravitational balance.. The sun's light come in different frequencies, it comes in a spectrum making it helpful in so many ways not only to humans but to plants and animals...If we look back to the star we see nebulae and clusters of stars that contain different kinds of elements, some stars have a lot of magnesium, some have so much carbon, copper.. etc. But on earth these elements are here put together.. and as a matter of fact we can find these elements in the dust of the earth's ground...which are elements that can also be found in our own cells, blood, and our entire bodies. There's so many things.. that if we just try to have a closer look will give us a hint.. that all of these didn't happen because of a BIG BANG.. but because a Great GOD created and designed everything to make us humans keep wondering and remain in awe, even up to this very generation of information overload and new discoveries to remind us that He's just smarter than all of us.

    Isaiah 55:8-9
    For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
    declares the Lord.
    9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    Iba ang pagiisip ng Dios sa pagiisip ng tao, lalu na pag span of time ang pinaguusapan. Di tayo pede maginterpret pero dapat alam din natin na di hahayaan ng Dios na walang traces of truth at scientific facts na pede nating pagbatayan.

  47. An interesting way to explain the fact of Pope Francis, being a friend to the Atheist. :) I hope t read more blogs from you, Mr. Controversy:D

  48. @ Jeremy Lucban

    The Bible is warning us about the upcoming Great Tribulation and the good book even tells us how to survive this Great Tribulation.

    You atheist. what have you got to offer...another "large quantity of nothing decided to pack tightly together,—and then explode" to whatever they want to?

  49. Any atheist will be a MAN enough to debate with Mr Controversy to be broadcast live around the world at our expense just to prove how FOOLISH THE THINKING OF ATHEISTS ARE.

    FORWARD your best debater and let see.

    Have guts?

  50. Adamant to the claim of the author who seems to argue that evolution is not real, what then is the possible explanation for the physical difference of people based on their race if evolution is in fact a blatant lie?

    Based on his argument, there is an empirical evidence that proves that humans from a single female mother. Then if we consider genetics, how could it be that one offspring of this single mother created a completely different race, of different color, built, proportions? How did it happen? It's preposterous to consider that she reproduced say, 7 sons and they all had different colors and features?

    The only possible reason is well, evolution.

    To say simply that in a nutshell evolution says people are from apes is very very elementary. There is more to this theory than that theoretical assumption. The evidence of evolution is staring at you right in the eyeball (your eyeballs actually, they have a different hue from another person who actually exist like you do). Your features, built, skin color, teeth, hair, body hair, anatomy is a perfect by-product of evolution, a combination of natural selection (how your ancestors picked their mate) and evolution based on where you are, what you eat and what you do.

    Evolution is not a testament against God. It is a testament that God created humans as perfect creatures that can be perfect in every scenario. He gave us an ability to live and survive and grow perfectly in everywhere we choose to be in, isn't that supposed to be a good news?

    Plus, it would be perfectly crazy to argue that it's wrong to be an atheist. Atheists are people who believed in God,studied the bible and got confused, as a Christian you should evangelize them, not condemn them to burning hell.


    1. @Colorful Life,

      Biblically speaking, human came from one woman (Eve), on the other hand, per evolution, the last common ancestor (LUCA) of all living organisms on earth (incuding human) is a bacteria. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_descent

      Are you implying to believe that we came from bacteria? Yet, atheists do. And you still believe that it is not against God of the Bible. God created the first man Adam (as man not bacteria then evolve to a man) with complete faculties.

      Atheists are people who deny the existence of God. I think you are confuse in your comment. Christians do not condemn atheists to burning hell, but the Bible do if they continue to deny God's existence.

      Cheers after you realize that denying God is not good.

      Suggestion to read:


  51. Jeremy Lucban:

    First of all let me tell you that you are being misled by your use of limited arithmetic and logic. You are very insistent in trying to use a single genealogy (lineage) from Adam to Noah (Genesis 5), from Shem to Abram (Genesis 11) and from Abram to Jesus Christ as basis of your 6,000 year time frame.

    You must understand that the above cited genealogy or lineage that culminated to the birth of Jesus Christ is just one of THE MULTIPLE GENEALOGIES THAT WERE NOT BIBLICALLY RECORDED for obvious reason. Why can’t you understand the fact that ADAM had many sons and daughters? Each of Adam’s siblings (which may not be less than 100) naturally had respective GENEALOGY and you can just imagine how one could trace and record the consequent multiple genealogies.

    To use the biblical genealogy from Adam’s son Seth down to Jesus Christ as the age of mankind is tantamount to presuming that those successively mentioned hierarchy of Adam’s descendants from Seth all the way to Jesus were each the title holder of longevity (which should not be your presumption and the bible did not say that) so that skeptics like you try to use the recorded father’s age when a son was begotten as reference to compute the age of humanity.

    As regards to your layman’s example that runs this way:

    “One day, Jeremy found Toto carrying a baby named Jeffrey.
    Jeremy thought that Jeffrey is Toto's son.

    he then wrote Toto's genealogy and his first sentence was

    "When Toto was 130 years of age, he begat Jeffrey."

    That statement omitted the names of Jonathan, Eduardo and Mervin in Toto's genealogy. However, that missing GENEALOGY cannot DENY the FACT that TOTO was 130 years of AGE when Jeffrey was BORN.

    The important element here to form the basis of the calculation is 130 years NOT the 3 missing genealogies, not the gaps.

    My answer:

    If I have at least 10 sons and daughter (by the way, I have actually 6 sons and 3 daughters) and if Jeremy would come out as an addition when I turn 130 then chances are that 2, 3 or 4 of my other sons and daughters (and their respective descendants) could OUTLIVE the life span of Jeremy (and his direct descendants). Therefore, the separate GENEALOGY of each of my other direct siblings could very well be much longer (if you take Jeremy’s genealogy as compared to that of the others especially when Jeremy will not have a son or daughter for whatever reason).

    That being the case, your way of thinking is misplaced. What you are trying to evaluate as the mankind’s age is not what it is. It is just about the measure of the most significant genealogy among the many other genealogies of Adam’s many sons and daughters. Biblical record captured only the linage from Adam’s son SETH and vertically all the way down to Jesus birth. That’s all there is to it and the same is not meant to calculate the age of humanity.

  52. Thanks be to God for publishing this kind of blog! :)

  53. Firstly,
    as with regards to your confused questions:
    "Then if we consider genetics, how could it be that one offspring of this single mother created a completely different race, of different color, built, proportions? How did it happen? It's preposterous to consider that she reproduced say, 7 sons and they all had different colors and features?"

    A sexual intercourse of a man and a woman of a specific race will not by any means beget offsprings with different colors and features . Climate and environment play a vital role in changes of skin color and physiques. And while it is true that our human body is an adaptable organism that can adapt even to the extremes in the environment, it doesn't erase the fact that we came from one single mother. If evolution is true, why is it that MtDNA was singled out and not affected by the evolution?

    your new definition of atheist, as "people who believe in God", is the exact opposite of what atheism means which states that:
    - in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities
    - In a narrower sense, is specifically the position that there are no deities.
    - Absence of belief that any deities exist.
    - Originated from the Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god(s)"
    On which side are you? This is confusing to us.

    I didn't see anyone from this thread condemning atheists to burning hell.

  54. Very informative blog, thanks be to God

  55. Truly is, Our God, Our Creator, is The Almighty One! To God be the Glory!

    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

  57. people who might not get this clear has a narrow mind.
    simply because, the fact that you were born and live is the fact that there is someone who created you. why there are still monkeys if there is an evolution?
    it was clear that God created man separated from the animals.
    get out of the box that there is an evolution.
    People who don't believed that there is God, are worse than evil.

  58. its really ilogical thinking that man evolve form apes

  59. How pitiful. I felt very pity to the people who believes in that pope who much agrees on what the atheist says rather than the truth written in the Bible. People that are not believed in the existence of GOD nowadays are more evil than the Evil spirits rooming around. Because those bad spirits knows and believes that there is GOD and they’re just waiting for their punishments, but these atheists? A Pathetic belief. I suggest you guys to continue reading all the blogs that Mr. Controversy will post. Good Day! Sorry for words, but it is true.

  60. I agree that the Pope is the enemy of truth. There is no evolution. There is Almighty God that created this all thing. Thanks be to God! This article is very informative, thanks Mr.Controversy. May God Bless you, More Power!!!

  61. I agree that the Pope is the enemy of truth. There is no evolution. There is Almighty God that created this all thing. Thanks be to God! This article is very informative, thanks Mr.Controversy. May God Bless you, More Power!!!

  62. See what happens if the basis of our belief is not the bible!!!

  63. Infomartive especially for those catholic.curiosity came up. Pope Francis is an Atheist friend,no doubt. I can't believe that a Pope like him believe about that. oh c'mon ! wake up. Pope Francis, Bro. Elie exposed what is true. I can't believe a highest authority of the Catholic Church-Pope Francis easily accept about evolution. He didn't observe and analyze things. WAKE UP !

  64. When I was in grade four, that is the first time I heard about the Big Bang theory and the Evolution of human by Charles Darwin. Eventhough it’s just my first time and my mind isn’t fully developed, I perfectly knew that it’s all lies. Not that I am boasting at, I am just telling the truth that I know. The first thing that I asked in my mind about the said “Evolution”, if it is true, then why does my mother gave birth to me as a cute baby and not as a cute monkey? And about Big Bang, my question there is how can it happen if something exploded as of what this theory states? I tried to watch my grandfather setting up a fireworks display, when the lusis was gone, it only leave out ashes and it didn’t made a beautiful tangible things. I think, to believe in those theories is just a great stupidity. We are made by God and not by nothingness and not most especially by Evolution! I truly believe that we are made special by God that is why He gave us the looks that is similar to Him as of what he said in Bible.

  65. There are many things around us to prove that there is God Almighty Who created wondrous things. It is a very informative and helpful nowadays most especially there are many blind prophet that exist. There are wise reasons to believe in God.

  66. I am a Catholic and after reading this blog... I've realize a lot especially about the so much respect that we give as Catholic,but in the end.He was still unfaithful to everyone who believes in him. Thanks be to God!

  67. how come that youre a POPE and yet youre the first one to say to your followers that there is no GOD?! truly an idiot ! Catholic must read this blog! this blog is an eye opener! thanks be to God because Mr. Controversy is all knowing when it comes to the truth based on the bible :)

  68. thanks be to God because Mr. Controversy is all knowing when it comes to the truth based on the bible :)

  69. “Atheist will go to heaven even without believing in God” which is very wrong. I don’t believe on what Pope Francis told, because Atheist doesn’t believe in God, they don’t know why are they existing is because they created by God and now they are all refusing Him! They are not thinking very well especially to Pope Francis, if he is a real servant of God he knows what does the Bible said. That for those who refuse in God is not welcome to heaven, and then he will proclaim that even you do not believe in God you can go to heaven! I think he is not a real servant of God.
    In fact, Pope Francis believed in Evolution which is wrong. I believed that man created by God, if we think very well mans body didn’t changed. It is ironic that mans comes in apes? I don’t accept that information. I accept on what Mr. Controversy said, a very well said about the creation on his prove that there is God. And for Pope Francis he is a real friend of Atheists!

  70. “Atheist will go to heaven even without believing in God” which is very wrong. I don’t believe on what Pope Francis told, because Atheist doesn’t believe in God, they don’t know why are they existing is because they created by God and now they are all refusing Him! They are not thinking very well especially to Pope Francis, if he is a real servant of God he knows what does the Bible said. That for those who refuse in God is not welcome to heaven, and then he will proclaim that even you do not believe in God you can go to heaven! I think he is not a real servant of God.
    In fact, Pope Francis believed in Evolution which is wrong. I believed that man created by God, if we think very well mans body didn’t changed. It is ironic that mans comes in apes? I don’t accept that information. I accept on what Mr. Controversy said, a very well said about the creation on his prove that there is God. And for Pope Francis he is a real friend of Atheists!

  71. they are confusing many people.. they lost their minds, but still.. the Bible can prove anything! :)

  72. God is the creator of all this things... No doubt that Pope Francis is the enemy of truth as well as the enemy of God because of his statement about the atheist which people who do not believe in God...

  73. This astonishing to know that Pope Francis really declares that the Big Bang theory and Evolution is true without any hesitation that maybe it is not true. This two theory doesn't have an slight concrete facts that will prove it is true. WAKE UP! Catholics this is a proof that your Pope is nothing but blasphemer! Thanks be to God for giving enlightenment to those people who are blind in the truths.

  74. thanks be to God! this is a must read blog! :) hope that this blog will open POPE's followers!!

  75. I'd rather believe that there is an existing GOD (which is really true and irrevocable) than believe that there is none and consider the theory of evolution. I wouldn't want nor dream to be one of the monkeys out there! HUH! GOD EXISTS! And HE made those monkeys to be animals not to be humans; and humans to be humans made by HIS power and intelligence not evolution! Now this Pope will be visiting the Philippines this 2015? Then what? He will make more Filipinos blinded? NO WAY! >.<

  76. This is a very good start to be awake especially to the Pope to change his idea of being friend of atheist. It is a big punch for the Roman Catholic that their Pope is being favor with the atheists which is I think it's not totally good. But thanks be to God that there is one who explained it to everyone.

  77. its a big shame to them!!! it only shows that Pope Francis really don't understand the gospel.He even don't think logically. He contradicts what is written on the holy scriptures. He contradicts what God says and believe in evolution. Foolishness!!!

  78. This blog proves that Pope Francis is empty-headed when it comes to the Bible. Very sad to think that a lot of people is believing to this man who declares that Big-bang and Evolution are real which contradicts the account of Genesis. Yeah, Pope Francis is not just a real friend to Atheist but I think he also influence a lot of people in the planet earth to be an Atheist. Thanks be to God Mr. Controversy for this facts!!!

  79. The facts that his given by Mr.Controversy concludes, that Pope Francis is definitely an ATHEISTS or one of the leaders mislead by his teaching of billions of people believing him. According to him (Pope Francis)
    "atheists will go to heaven even without believing in God.
    He is illogical and foolish person I've ever know in this world!

    Because according to the bible:
    In contrast, the Bible says that those who refuse to acknowledge or believe in God are not welcome to heaven!

    And the scriptures tells that.....

    8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
    9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    I therefore conclude that POPE FRANCIS IS AN ATHEISTS!!! He is untruthful leader by christian.

  80. There are many reasons to believe in God. And being an atheist is not a good thing. thanks be to God for an eye opener essay. more power Mr. Controversy!>.

  81. Wake up dear catholics!! This is a very good blog to read if you are confused in your faith. :3 How fool you will be if you'll stay in the group that was proven wrong!! Thanks be to God for this very good article. I love reading your write ups Mr. Controversy <3 :)

  82. "You cannot please everybody," as the old adage has said. This is what the Pope is trying to do. He was trying to befriend those people who are refusing the existence of a Creator. And worst, he now believes that Big Bang and Evolution is true. This is a proof that the Pope doesn't know what comes out in his mouth. Thanks be to God there is someone who frankly speaks the truth no matter what. More power to you Mr. controversy!

  83. What does a person can deduce from this ironic notion? The highest authority of the Catholic Church, take the side of the atheists? Pope Francis had only showed his support on the arguments held by those atheists. Claiming that the theory of evolution are true and doesn't contradict to the bible is really a big big big MISTAKE. With this, we can say that the Catholics are really misleading in terms of their faith from the very start after revealing that even Pope John Paul II supported the claims of Darwin. And however, Catholics are easily shaped by the teachings of their Pope, as we all know that they dominate a vast number of members. The truth behind here is that the Church doesn't make its duty in propagating the God's words in real terms but they are promoting the arguments and theories of the atheists. Doesn't it funny, that the Pope, for being WHOLESOME, became friends to atheists? If you love someone, you will criticize his doings, because you do not want him to be off track. You have understanding, and that understanding will lead you to create constructive criticisms, that however become a BIG HELP to him. The Pope condones those atheists to continue in their evilness, instead of bragging them close to God. What a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!
    To the fact, that the Popes are hesitant in accepting the truth only implies that, as the authority of the Catholic Church, they doesn't use a bible as the basis for everything, the core of being into God.
    The world has a lot of danger. In order to maintain peace and harmony, we have to abide rules and be guided by these rules, which are the rules of God. Thanks to Bro. Eli Soriano, for correcting those illogical arguments. It only implies that he wants all people to be informed of the truth. Thanks be to God. To God be the Glory!

  84. Mr. Controversy has the courage to speak the truth unlike this so-called head of Roman Catholics(Pope) who obviously tell lies just to avoid arguments with those atheists. This Pope is a leader who misleads his followers. Ironic isn't it? Mr. Controversy, thanks be to God!

  85. Evolution is non biblical. Idea of men. A fact that is easy to understand but Popes and atheists don't. Perhaps they believe some things of their own fantasies! Good that Bro. Eli stands the Biblical manner of truth!

  86. When I read this, the first thing comes into my mind is if Pope Francis is their mediator or representative of God to preach and spread the words of God, I feel pity on the catholic members. Why? because Pope Francis taught their members that without believing the existence of God is foolest things I've ever encountered. The most non-sense things I've ever heard because for me, to be able to come up the salvation of God, we need to believe wholeheartedly to his existence.

  87. Atheist are those who are refuse to acknowledge the power of God so they are not welcome to heaven! As the bible says. Pope Francis is not a Man of God because what he is talking about is very contrast to the bible. He is not a mediator of God he is a Fake! Wake up Catholics.

  88. yes I agree to bro Eli because he support some biblical proof to oppose the belief of pope francis. I truly believe with what bro Eli says that believing GOD is our assurance for us to go to heaven! Thanks be to GOD.

  89. The truth came from the bible there is no Evolution.God created us perfectly dont believe on fantasies.

  90. "Now, he declares that Big Bang and Evolution are real, and doesn't contradict the account of creation in Genesis! That is a lie – a blatant lie!" -bro. eli

    come on mr. pope please watch this:

    a monkey to a man, NO WAY MR. POPE! THERE IS NO BIBLICAL EXPLANATION ABOUT THAT. I THOUGHT YOU STUDY THE BIBLE VERY WELL. ATHEIST BELIEVE AND YOU BELIEVE. Hows your many followers? they are deceived by your own intellect.

    God created as good as He base on Genesis, not in monkey and by accident. think first!

  91. thanks for having Bro Eli who wrote this article to realize how foolish the believes of the atheist are as well as their pope francis. I hope many people will read this and realize that the Pope they considered as their "papa" is an absolutely false prophet.

  92. They have their bible displayed, and raised it during their mass,, but I guess that is the only function of it for them. They don’t really read it! They don’t really understand it.

  93. They have their bible displayed, and raised it during their mass,, but I guess that is the only function of it for them. They don’t really read it! They don’t really understand it.

  94. Pope Francis and Athiest is the same because they did not know further about the bible and Pope Francis said that JESUS CHRIST is a human that this is fallacies to all you need to study further about the true meaning of the bible we must be smart.THANKS BE TO GOD.

  95. Very Informative.. Thanks be to God.

  96. Is pope Francis is really a prophet of God as what catholic members believe of? After reading this blog I understand that the highest leader of the catholic church is not a prophet but instead a friend to atheist. Imagine that he teach that atheists can go to heaven without believing in God but that's contradict God's teachings. And now he believe on big band theory and evolution, how come that a pope that is said who believe in God contradicts its teaching? I was also a catholic before and i highly recognize a pope :his works and his teachings. But thanks be to God that I was already cast a way on their false beliefs. I hope that many Catholic members can also read this blog and will be enlightened. This really a must read blog!

  97. The Bible says it all! How come that the Catholic's leader is the one who convincing his followers that even though that you didn't believe in God as long as you do good you're going to be saved? Is that how you learned? It's like violating your own rule Mr. Pope.

    And regarding in evolution of man into apes. Even though I'm not that good looking I won't never agree that I came from Apes! Duh! And that's how the Bible proved that we're created by our Powerful God cause there is GOD! There is! Thanks be to God for this article I hope that many catholics (not just catholic but also other religion) will read this because this article will surely enlighten their minds

  98. Im very grateful and lucky that Ive found A.D.D. that teaches the Bible NO MORE NO LESS ! SALAMAT SA DIOS !!

  99. well, first of all Pope Francis said "atheists will go to heaven even without believing in God." and it contrast in the bible. IT REALLY SHOWS THAT THEIR FALSE PROPHET REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT'S WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE. Therefore, i am very thankful of having Bro.Eli in our life. And we must believed our GOD! To God Be The Glory! <3

  100. Maybe Pope is not actually reading the Bible. He is making his own statement that actually don't have any basis in the Bible. Pope makes people become idiot. How pity they are. I wish that many people can read this very sensible blog. To God be the Glory!

  101. well,the first thing is Pope Francis said "atheists will go to heaven even without believing in God." but it's contrast to the bible.It really shows that he really don't understand the bible.So, we should be thankful because we have Bro.Eli<3 and i would like to say that we should be wise in in everything, be intelligent! because of the false prophets like Pope Francis. THANKS BE TO GOD! and TO GOD BE THE GLORY! POPE FRANCIS.

  102. As a Catholic,I do not agree what the POPE said regards of the atheist that they will go to heaven even without believing in God because the TRUTH is came in the bible and GOD os really exist in our world.TO GOD BE THE GLORY :)
